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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1984, Page 105

Description: Reserve, frosh teamshave exciting seasonsThis years reserve basketball teamhad an exciting season, finishing 16-4.Coach Mike Riggle said the playerswere much better because theyre older,stronger, and better skilled than theywere at the beginning of the season butadded that if theyd been mentally alert,wed be undefeated now.The team set a goal to score first inevery quarter. The team was ahead everygame going into the fourth quarter, andon only four occasions did the Panthersfall apart at the end to lose.The Shelbyville game outcome was leftto fate as the opponents went to thestripe to shoot a game-winning free throwafter the buzzer, making the final score41-40. South made up for this againstConnersville. Sophomore Randy Perineput up a shot at the buzzer, giving Southa victory.Of the freshman team, Coach BobPryor said, They played very welltogether and were explosive offensively,which he felt was an asset because mostbeginning teams are stronger on defenseand more conservative on offense.The teams record belies its potentialand ability at 8-7. The season could bedescribed in two parts, the first beingbefore Christmas, when the team wentundefeated for 7-0. After Christmas, adjustments were made as threeplayers—Jim Bihlman, Marty Collier, andCurt Richardson—were moved up to thereserve team. The schedule was tougheras well.Even though we didnt win as much aswe would have liked to after Christmas,other (players) were given a chance tostep in and play more often in differentroles; but they did a good job despitedifficulties, according to Pryor.Our goal is to maintain the program tobe successful at a varsity level, said Riggle. At the freshman and reserve levels,basic fundamentals are taught; anddiscipline is established to provide a solidfoundation.Riggle tries to give the boys a goodmental concept of what they have to doto win but places greater emphasis onplaying good sound basketball.Pryor prepares the freshman playersfor the next level of competition,whether it be reserve or varsity.Both coaches agreed the teams werefun to work with. Riggle summed it up,The athletes at all three levels had superattitudes and good physical talent; theywere self-motivated, hard workers, andlikeable as people.TOP: Freshman Marty Collier puts up an easy jumpshot as defenders look on.MIDDLE: Sophomore Randy Perine dribbles downcourt.BOTTOM: FRESHMAN BASKETBALL TEAM.FRONT ROW: Brendan Smith, Curt Richardson,Mike Nelson, Colin McClary, Jay Robinson.SECOND ROW: Colin Chang, Chris Daep, SeanRidner, John Ridner, Chris Bradley, TonyRobertson. THIRD ROW: Assistant coach JohnEmkes, John Marsh, Jerry Abram, Rob Griffith, JimBihlman, Marty Collier, Denny Powers, Coach BobPryor.Boys Reserve/Freshman Basketball 105
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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