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LOUDANDCLEARPoetry Out Loud is a competition thatpromotes public speaking as studentsfrom across the nation memorize andrecite acclaimed poetry. This year Southhad two students in the competition,one of whom was senior ShelbyNewland. Newland won at South,which qualified her to move on to state.The state competition consisted of highschool students from different countiesin Indiana. At the event, around 14students had to read two poems,judges picked eight students to read asecond poem, and a winner andrunner up were chosen. The runner upwon $100 for personal use and $200was awarded to the school in order topurchase poetry books, while thewinner got $200 for personal use and$500 for poetry books. Newland wasthe state winner, which qualified herfor the national continuation of thecompetition, which will be inWashington, D.C. South is planning touse the $500 to buy more poetry booksfor the school library.Newland developed a practicestyle for competitions in order for herpoetry to be delivered as effectively aspossible. I read through my poems acouple times, but only once out loud,Newland explained. I do that so Iknow my voice is warmed up, but Iwant my competition delivery to seemvery natural and not over-rehearsed.While this year was the first time astudent earned a trip to nationals, itwas not the first time Newland hasStudents from Southparticipate in a poetryreciting contest calledPoetry Out Loud.taken an interest in poetry as she said,I started writing poetry near thebeginning of high school.Senior Ellie Pemberton attendedthe poetry competition in support ofNewland. Even though she did notperform in the competition, she stillenjoyed listening to the pieces thatwere recited by students whomasterfully presented them. I reallylike free verse, its probably myfavorite, Pemberton said. She alsoshared that she has written somepoetry herself, saying that it helped herexpress [her] feelings. Pembertonalso feels the Poetry Out Loudcompetition brings great opportunitiesand support to students whonormally wouldnt have anopportunity to compete in somethinglike [this competition], saying that itgives students a way to becomenoticed because of their hard work.- ELLA NEED AND BRITTANYUNDERWOODLIFE ON MARS?MAR. 1,2017In early March 2017, scientistsfound 3.7 billion year oldbacteria in hydrothermal ventsrising from the ocean floor. Thisdiscovery suggested that lifestarted evolving very soon afterthe formation of Earth. Since thebacteria lived and thrived inwater, there is a possibility thatsimilar bacteria were present onEuropa, Jupiters watery moon.Likewise, because somescientists believe that there wasliquid water on Mars during thattime period, life on Mars is alsoa possibility. PHOTOCOURTESY OF CREATIVECOMMONSI dont really think on thatsmall of a level because its kindof hard to think about thingsyou cant see.SOPHOMOREMARCOSHERNANDESI definitely believe that we camefrom something moreprimitive.FRESHMANBROOKEMCANINCHFOUND 40 LIGHT-YEARS AWAY 2/22 | AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL CRITICIZES THE RISE OF POPULIST LEADERS 2/221 Academics 1105 |
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Bloomington High School South |
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