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sGOTHICBEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF 1933We have endeavored to make good pictures for your annual and believe wehave succeeded. More pictures can beordered at any time from all pictures wehave made.CHARLES GILBERT SHAW6th Street — 1 Block East of SquareA Junior—Mama, look at that funnyboy across the street.Mother—Why its Jimmy Cathcart—whats he doing?The Junior—Sitting on the sidewalk,■calking to a banana peel!Kahn Clothing Co.Largest Line Clothingand FurnishingsPhone 3322VARNERS IDEAL!She doesnt like a shady joke,She doesnt neck, she doesnt smoke.She doesnt swear, she never flirts.She doesnt wear those lengthy skirts,She doesnt dance, she doesnt sing—And shieks in pants dont mean a thing.She doesnt use the beauty salves,But wont refuse to show her calves!You ask her name ? Well, thats a wow—Shes not a dame, shes a dairy cow!!!Ashbaucher—Will you love meiw fat?Mrsif I growMr. Ashbaucher—No, I promised forbetter or worse—not through thick andthin!(92)Taint what we have,But what we give;Taint where we are,But how we live;Taint what we do,But how we do it—That makes this lifeWorth going through it!Do unto others as they do unto you-only do it first.Blessed are the meek, for they shallinherit what is left of the earth aftereverybody else gets through!!! |
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Bloomington High School |
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