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Letter from Clara Barton to May Wright Sewall.

Description: Dont take for granted anything which I may or may not do - but tell me plainly what I ought to do. Sewall has apparently approached Miss Barton to propose that the Red Cross become an ally of the National Council of Women. Barton promises to let her know and goes on to comment on various conventions.Clara Barton was nicknamed the angel of the battlefield for her work helping wounded soldiers during the Civil War. She then spent the following four years assisting with identification of prisoners who died at Andersonville. In 1881, Miss Barton founded the American Red Cross.
Origin: 1888-07-06; 1888
Created By: Barton, Clara, 1821-1912
Collection: May Wright Sewall Papers
Copyright: This item is in the public domain.
Subjects: Sewall, May Wright, 1844-1920
National Council of Women of the United States
American Red Cross

Further information on this record can be found at its source.