Helen Porter Griffin, December 1934, 90th birthday

Description: Helen Porter Griffin on her 90th birthday, December 1, 1934. Helen stands in the doorway of her life-long home, the Porter-Griffin house, in Corydon, Indiana. She is wearing her high lace shoes and the Roman stripe shawl that she purchased on her wedding trip in 1871. Helen was born and raised in the 1817 Porter-Griffin House, which is located on East Walnut Street near the courthouse square in Corydon. She and her husband raised seven children in the home, some of whom also resided in the house most of their lives. Helen Porter Griffin passed away at age 96 in April 1940. Her son Daniel P. Griffin was the last to live in the home and died in 1975. The State of Indiana now owns the property and it is open to the public as an historic site. The building was renamed the Governor William A. Hendricks Headquarters to reflect its earlier history as the residence and headquarters of Indianas third governor in the 1820s.
Origin: 1934-12-01
Source: http://cdm17251.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p17251coll25/id/107
Collection: Griffin Family Photos
Rights: http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/CNE/1.0/
Copyright: This image may be printed or downloaded by individuals, schools or libraries for study, research or classroom teaching without permission. For other uses contact: genealogy@hcpl.lib.in.us
Geography: Corydon, Harrison County, Indiana
Subjects: women
historic buildings
clothing and dress--history

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