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Karl Kae Knecht Cartoon

Description: Odd sweet potatoes and an odd tree growth.
Image Access WideTEK 25
Send in your oddities. History places - people - photos or sketch Mrs. Maggie Lucas, Chrisney Ind. She plans to plant it next spring From Helen Day Chrisney. Found an Irish potato and sweet potato plant had combined to produce a freak Irish-sweet potato. Odd shapes of sweet potatoes as prehistoric monsters Grown by Henry Schmitz Evansville RFD. 3 Box 446 Matchsticks for legs This dinosaur raised by James Evans Vincennes Ind. From Geo McCormack Vincennes. This tree growth was found on the Kentucky Peninsula Beach across from Evansville - By Charles Musgrave of Evansville.
Origin: 2013
Created By: Karl Kae Knecht
Collection: Karl K. Knecht Collection
Copyright: Digital Image Copyright 2013 Evansville Museum of Arts, History, and Science. All rights reserved. Personnel, student records, and other personal information in the records are restricted. All other material is open to the public without restrictions. Copyright laws of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) govern the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.
Subjects: Agriculture
Evansville (Ind.) -- History -- Caricatures and cartoons
United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century -- Caricatures and cartoons
Caricatures and cartoons -- United States

Further information on this record can be found at its source.