Search Results - (( pre game drive...
Showing 161 - 180 of 229 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( pre game drive...
Showing 161 - 180 of 229 results

  • The February 2002 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • This is the first issue of the Logansport Real Estate Journal, a real estate periodical published in Logansport, Indiana.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • 10ANNUAL REGISTER.The student completing the work of these three terms will be
able to teach in the primary departments of the graded scho...

    to the general prin¬
ciples which should control in the management and government
of the school

    and to the relation existing between the teacher
and the parent, and between superintendent and subordinate
teachers.5. During the ninth and ...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • ANNUAL REGISTER.19their powers of thought. These differences make it pthe strictly
one class to make that preparation for teaching which the Un...

    and to this study one term is devoted.(6.) In the second term the theory of the school is presented

the principles and laws governing the organization are discovered
and stated. Through this study the student is enabled to see
more c...

    and (2) practice in teaching in these grades.The student completing the work of these three terms will be
able to teach in the&#...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.scholastic attainments, and in the development and discipline of
their powers of thought. These differences make, it pos...

    (a.) Of the study of the school in respect of its purposes, and
the methods by which the teacher seeks to realize these pur...

    and to this study one term is devoted.(6.) In the second term the theory of the school is presented

the principles and laws governing the organization are discovered
and stated. Through this study the student is enabled to see
more c...

    and (2) practice in teaching in these grades.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 2THE NORMAL ADVANCEExtracts From the Forthcoming Biennial Report ofPresident ParsonsThe two years covered by this report havebeen the most prosperous ...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 14INDIA
that are kn With the fourth term is begun the study of Psychol-
comprehr lil...

    to the general prin¬
ciples which should control in the management and government
of the school

    and to the relation existing between the teacher and
the parent, andbetween superintendent and subordinate teachers.5. During the ninth and last...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • *~^ ^Cf* S3IVAH RHYAN.Miss Rhyan was graduated from the Indiana State Normal with the Class of 1907, and from theBradley Inst...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 33school-room. The problem now is how to reduce the period of
actual experiment to the minimum. The person wh...

    (2) giving a comprehensive knowledge of mind

the study of the history and science of education, and (4) a sys¬
tem of instruction in methods, and an extended...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 34INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.the threefold preparation indicated is prepared for two phases of
work which should precede bis taking charge of ...

    (2) giving a comprehensive knowledge of mind

the study of the history and science of education, and (4) a sys¬
tem of instruction in methods, and an extended...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • (fyaAa **¥tetanyBy Mary Neal and Frank BowenIn the year of 1943 we, the class of 55, began our long years of work and&#x...

    Ellettsville High School
    No subjects listed

  • 14 INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.their actual work, by an extended study of the history and sci¬
ence of education, and by the method&#...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • First Kow. Nancy Winter,Ted Moorman, Peggy Pennington, Wiggs Wilson, ShirleyWoolery.Second Row: Jan Casner, Esther Tiemann, Nancy Holland,Bob Edwards, Walt...

    University High School
    No subjects listed

  • 34 INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.ence of education, and by the method of performing the daily
class-work in all the departments.IV. If in a&...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • This is the first issue of The Greencastle Eagle, a newspaper published in Greencastle, Indiana.


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • THE NORMAL ADVANCEThe Training School DepartmentJ. O. ENGLEMANAs the training school is an integral part ofthe Normal School, it, too, began the&...

    Miss Telulah Robinson, ofgrades five and six

    Miss Elizabeth Crawford,English and History in the high school

    MissRose Cox, German, and Mr. Engleman, Latin.The latter also has the principalship of theentire training school.During the summer vacation the school...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • Flattening the footprint : Foldable Boxed Water helps reduce emissions during shipment, encourages campus recycling; Student Government Association ex...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • One typed page including photograph; biography of Bertha Pratt King, suffragist and wife of Max Ehrmann.

    WABASHP R OFIA hometown h heroes who h difference. A seriies of ttributes tto h f ib t t h have made a diff dVALLEYL E S...

    Vigo County Historical Society