THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY37at home on account of illness
attendedIndiana University in 1903.Jackson, Nancy E., ha Lebanon
nr.Jennings, Josephine, nr.Kessinger, Minnie C, la Winona Lake
1898-1899 teacher in Whiting
1899-1909 teacher in Clinton
1914-1927teacher in city schools of Evansville
1927-1928 at home, not teaching.Kinert, Katherine, pa South Bend
1898-1900 teacher in- high school, Waveland
1900-1905 teacher in city schools, Indianapolis
1906-1929 teacher of physicsand sanitary living, city schools. SouthBend.Kirk, M. R., pa 1222 South GovernorSt., Evansville
taught six years incountry schools before graduation
1898-1909 principal of ward building, Vincennes
1909-1929 principal of WheelerSchool, Evansville.Larkin-Branson, Mrs. Leota, pa Farmland
taught in Monroe townshipRandolph county, Farmland, Alexandriaand Indiana State Teachers College before graduation
1898-1908 teacher ofgrades, Muncie
1908-1916 teacher ofgrades, Farmland
1916-1922 writingsupervisor, Randolph county
1922-1929married, at home, not teaching.Lewis, Ella G., nr.Long-Byrkit, Mrs. Olive, la 1403 LincolnWay East, Mishawaka
1898-1900 teacher of primary gardes, Elwood
1901-1904 teacher of intermediate grades, Anderson
1904-1905 teacher of uppergrades in Mishawaka
1906-1912 generalsupply and supervision work and publiclibrary work. Mishawaka
1912-1928married E. B. Byrkit, not teaching,homekeeper.Longman, Nellie, la 1416 North 7th St.,Terre Haute
1898-1923 teacher in publicschools, Terre Haute
1923-1928, athome, not teaching.Leaky-Waltz, Mrs. Emma, nr.Logan-Brooks, Mrs. Anna, pa Concord,Calif.: 1898-1903 taught in elementaryschools of Indiana...
1903-1905 attendedPratt Institute
graduated 1905
1905-1908 taught domestic science in privateschool in Cincinnati
1908-1909 taughtin Miss Farmers School of Cookery,Boston, Mass.
1910-1918 taught domestic science in elementary schools of Oakland, Calif.
1918-1929 married, home-keeper. Concord, Calif.
graduated fromPratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., homeeconomics department, in 1905.Lynch-Wear, Mrs. Flora M., nr.McCauley, Harriet M., la Seattle, Wash....
1898-1901 teacher of grades, Kokomo
1901-1903 teacher of grades, Indianapolis
1903-1905 teacher of grades, Kokomo
1905-1907 teacher of grades. Seattle, Wash.
1907-1909 teacher ofgrades Kokomo
1909-1916 teacher ofgrades, Seattle, Wash.
Ir 1916.McKelvey, Joseph L.
nr.Mason-McTurnan, Mrs. Lydia, la 302-31- 1st St., Hermofa Beach, Calif.
1898-1909 teacher of elementary grades, Indianapolis
1909-1928 teacher of ele-mentray grades, Los Angeles, Calif.Merry, Blanche, pa Room 227 StateHouse, Indianapolis
1898-1904 teacherof history and English in high school,Frankton
1904-1905 student, IndianaUniversity
1906-1908 teacher in Marioncity schools, Marion
1910 attendedUniversity of Chicago, received Ph. in education in 1912
1912-1914head of Normal training department,Wheeling, West Va.
1914-1915 teacherFrancis W. Parker School, Chicago, 111.
1915-1922 principal, high school, Kent-land
1922-1930 state attendance officer,Indianapolis.Mellon-Quigle, Mrs. Flora, la 3308Hunter Blvd., Seattle, Wash.
lr 1928married to Edgar A. Quigle, living inSeattle, Wash.Mendenhall-Beseler, Mrs. Ida G., laRFD 1, Box 267. Anaheim, Calif.Meyer, Marguerite, nr.Miller,...
taughtin the district schools of Blackfordcounty before graduation
1898-1911principal of high school, Hartford Cityand county superintendent, Blackfordcounty
1911-1929 not teaching, livingin Hartford City.Morris, Georgia, pa Rushville: taughtten years in rural schools of Richland.Union and Noble townships. ...
three years in grades, NewSalem, all before graduation
1898-1900teacher of grades. New Salem
1900-1927 teacher of grades, Rushville
1927-1929 resigned teaching to take care ofinvalid mother.Mitten, Ella, nr.Mutchler, Fred, pa Bowling Green, Ky.
1903-1906 instructor in biology, ClarkUniversity, Worchester, Mass.
receivedA. B. degree from Indiana Universityin 1903 and Ph. D., Clark University,Worchester, Mass.
1906-1913 head ofscience department. Teachers College,Bowling Green, Ky.
1913-1919 directorof agricultural extension, University ofKentucky, Lexington, Ky.
1919-1930with D. C. Heath and Company, Publishers, Bowling Breen, Ky.Neff, William R., la 1916 Port Blakeley,Wash.
1899-1908 taught in publicschools, Hancock county
1910-1911principal at Obrien, Wash.
1912-1914principal at Colby, Wash.
1915-1916principal McDonald School, Port Blakeley, Wash.
lr 1916.Norris, Theodore K., nr.Nuzum, Thornton M., pa 703 East Drive,Indianapolis
1879-1883 teacher inMarion county, West Va.
1883-1885teacher in Taylor county
West Va.
1885-1890 teacher in Madison county
1890-1891 teacher in Summitville
1891-1894 teacher in Alexandria
1895-1896teacher in Muncie
1896-1897 teacher inNorth Anderson: 1897-1898 attendedIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1916-1918, principal of gradeschool, Kokomo
1918-1919 teacher Indiana Boys School, Plainfield: 1919-1920 principal of schools, Fairbanks
1920-1922 teacher, Marion county
1922-1925 teacher of Madison county
1925-1929 retired
attended summer terms.Ball Teachers College, 1905-1907
summer term 1921, Butler University.ODell, Lucian B., superintendent ofschools, Thorntown, prior to death in1907.Paddle ford, Nellie, ha Tuscola
gradeteacher in public school of Indianapolisfor years preceding her death
deceasedApril 6th, 1916.Peed, Mattie, pa Rose Court Apt. 33,New Castle
taught eight years beforegraduation
1898-1918 teacher of primary grades, Henry county
1918-1929not teaching, retired.