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Showing 1 - 20 of 233 results
Search Results - (( first side hot...
Showing 1 - 20 of 233 results
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,...
Indiana State University Library
In a fragment of an interview conducted by Steve Day, Kramer describes childhood memories of his life in the company town Speed, Indiana,...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
142THE NORMAL ADVANCEAaron, that same Aaron was at the foot of themountain making a false god for the people toworship. Yet Aaron got h...
then rising and puttingit in his pocket, he said quietly:Theres a little woman down at our housewould like to hear this
Ill go down and tellher.There was a social at Lincolns house inSpringfield, and Abe introduced his wife toWard Lamon, his law partner. Lamon...
if I had not thoughtso I never would have married him, for you cansee he is not pretty. But look at him, doesnt he look as...
yet he was obliged to walkseveral miles to make the call.•President Lincoln made a significant remarkto a clergyman in the early days ...
but itis my constant anxiety and prayer that I andthis nation may be on the Lords side.During the afternoon preceding his assassination the&...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Back: Memo in upper left reads, Billy Sunday Tabernacle, Winona Bible Conference, Winona Lake, Indiana. Body of message reads, Sat. Hi All...
The postcard writer says the Ralph Gade will be speaking on the recent war. Ralph Gade was the director of the American Association of&...
Grace College - Winona Lake Postcards
Interview with Mayor Bob CampbellDate: 1982Interviewer: B. J. GoodwinTranscriber: Dixie TaylorB. J. Lifetime resident. Local movie entrepreneur. Inter...
Boone County Heritage
No subjects listed
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Interview with Eden Kuhlenschmidt, retired librarian and library volunteer. Kuhlenschmidt discusses how COVID-19 changed her life, especially her activities...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
promJunior Advisory Board members spentweeks working diligently on prom setsbefore the big night. Junior NaomiBrown was an integral part of thetransfo...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Velma Dickerson was a housewife living in Clarksville, Indiana at the time of the 1937 Flood. For a short time the family sheltered at&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
The November 1982 issue of TROIS (Three Rivers One In Six), a publication of the Gay/Lesbian Organization (GLO) at Fort Wayne...
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922