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Search Results - (( first place st...
Showing 1 - 20 of 345 results
Autobiography of Ruth Tulchinsky. Ms. Tulchinsky recounts her life in Germany and immigration to the United States before World War II, her ...
- . - •THE FOUR QUESTIONSThe Four QuestionsThe previous page shows a family Seder at a Passover festival in which themother is hiding...
Civil Rights and African American History
THE NORMAL ADVANCE49SENIORS WIN INTER-CLASS CIDERMEET.* I v HE first athletic event of the year opened■*- with the entry of seven...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
At the track : Ball State graduate student celebrates joy of racing at Anderson short track; Ball State alumna becomes 1st female ...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
198THE NORMAL ADVANCEa &ace »ttf) an Snbtan Moman(A TRUE STORY) By ORVA STINEThe west wind came a whispering, a whispering
whenever the blues or loneliness oertook one it
was there that refuge was sought. If the cup¬
boards needed replenishing the ...
in the
summer their boating. Surrounded by beauti¬
ful trees and a river the place was ideal for
rest.Another feature was the out...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
A long way from home : Edwards gets shot at proving he belongs in Football Bowl Subdivision football; Muncie resident charged with ...
Includes Family Weekend and Chirp supplements.
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
14THE NORMAL ADVANCEClas& #rgam^ation£COLLEGE COURSE.We like to tell of the splendor of the College
Course, its wonderful prowess in a...
Miss Allen,
Miss Zelpha Burkett, secretary
Mr. Mercker, treasurer
Miss Clare Goldman,
Mr. Koch, class artist
Mr. Hyndman,
athletic captain
Miss June Manor, Mr. Right-
sell and Mr. Miller, social committee
E. J.
Hemmer and Mr. Miller, representatives to the
Oratorical League.On Friday evening, October 17, about one
hundred College Course people...
Mr. Edgar Stahl
secretary, Miss Nell Glover
treasurer, Mr. Alvin Logan
Oratorical repre-
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
CONVENTION.HENRY KNAUTH.From 2:30 oclock Wednesday afternoon,...
Dr. Robert E. Speer,
the greatest missionary speaker in the world
Sherwood Eddy, who holds a record in saving
mens lives
Dr. Robert Forman Horton, of Lon¬
don, England
Dr. Samuel M. Zwemer, the first
white man to explore the inland country of the
Isthmus of Owan
William J. Bryan, the Prince
of Peace, and others.That is what it was like.Dr. John R. Mott, founder of this volunteer
movement, preside...
at the Cen¬
tral Christian church Sunday afternoon at 2 :30,
and at the Centenary Methodist church at 2:30
on Sunday afterno...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Archival digital print of original oil painting. One of edition of five.
Painting origin: I was commissioned to create the painting by friends (students) at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, to ...
Al-Mutanabbi Street Starts Here Coalition Collection
44THE NORMAL ADVANCE.for life simply intensifies it from generation togeneration.What the sacculina is in the crab family, thepauper is in the hu...
the women beg and send thechildren around to beg. They make their eyessore with vitrol. In my own time I have seenthree generations amo...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
THE NORMAL ADVANCE207Tours, filled with the enthusiasm of a righteous
cause, fight with the valor of demons incarnate,
roll back the on-rushi...
one element that exalts
their name and glory, and that is the abiding
spirit of the will to do—the spirit, Im going
to be&...
to some it is kind
and propitious, to others harsh and cruel.
Many individuals who have failed to realize
their ambitions find consola...
they forget
that they must dare and dare and dare again
if they would succeed. This is the attitude of
the man of purpose. O...
others when they have
all but finished their course. We must, how¬
ever not judge too hastily when vaulting am¬
bition totters...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
One typed page including photograph; brief history of the 1912 Corn and Coal Exposition, the classiest agricultural show ever held in Indian...
WABASH PROFILESA hometown heroes who have made a difference. A series of tributes to h f ib t t h have made a diff dVALLEYL E...
Vigo County Historical Society
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
THE NORMAL ADVANCE71is not affirmed, but His essence
He also tellsus that they who worship Him must worshipHim in spirit and in truth. The fatal errorwith some of the great scholars today,...
but through the poetry of the Bible
and thepoetry of modern literature, it has sung its wayinto the hearts of humanity. Only throughthe imagination can we get a true conception...
take away our songs
reduce our religion to acold formalism, and it will perish. Browningin his Rabbi Ben Ezra, says:Earth changes, but the soul of Godstands...
it satisfies because, asMarkham says, When a poet has said a thing,he has said it for eternity.Religion and poetry, then, go hand in ha...
to makethese spiritual visions a living, vital part ofman, and it is in this mission that poetry ismost helpful. As a writer has expres...
religion isbeauty made flesh
religion is poetry in action.All true poetry must deal with the beautifuland noble. As an artist, the poet should pointout and show us ...
teach us the greatlesson of righteousness and make our religionreal. The world about us today is calling forfacts, cold facts. But poetry gi...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Sheet music from the country genre dating from 1967 to 1972 as well as instrumental music dating from the 1950s and 1960s.
Indiana State University Library
Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,...
Indiana State University Library
McConkey encourages diversity enrichment : Student input requested to determine purpose of Multicultural Center; University Police add investigator to...
Some areas blacked out or blank.
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
Song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet, which is a part of the Historic Music Collection. These are dated from 1954 ...
Indiana State University Library
Popular song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections.
Indiana State University Library
Song Folios of popular music from 1892-1932
Indiana State University Library
Songbooks from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is apart of the Historic Music Collections. These are collections of songs&...
Indiana State University Library