144THE NORMAL ADVANCEColumbia University, Dr. Fairbanks of theUniversity of California, Dr. John M. Coulterof Chicago University, Dr. Bailey of Cornelland&...
CALENDAR--ContinuedJan. 27--Seniors are presented with new section roomteachers.Jan. 28--Adele brings no handkerchief to school. Irenebrings double one. Result:...
El Salvador, Lebanon filled with turmoilIn February the California coastlinewas ravaged by fierce storms whichcaused more than $100 million indamage...
146THE NORMAL ADVAXCETHE ANNUAL.The various classes and organizations areurged to make their arrangements for representation in the Annual at the earl...
what isit? Well, the Equal Suffrage League heldits regular bi-monthly meeting February 8. Atthis meeting the members decided that it wouldbe ...