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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1983, Page 18

Description: El Salvador, Lebanon filled with turmoilIn February the California coastlinewas ravaged by fierce storms whichcaused more than $100 million indamage and claimed at least a dozenlives. Continuing into March, the stormstotaled more than $500 million indamage. Mud slides, erosions, and beachstripping were just a few of the problemscaused by the storms.Adding to these problems in California, an earthquake which registered 6.5on the Richter scale shook the state inMay. The first earthquake of this intensity since 1906, it was estimated to be only a small warning of what is to comewhen the stress of the San Andreas Faultfinally causes a major quake.In late February a scandal within theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)led to the firing of two top EPA officials, Rita Lavelle and Anne Buford.The agency was accused of makingspecial deals with dumpers instead oftaking them to court. Buford, the formerEPA chief, was replaced by WilliamRuckelshaus, who also served as chieffrom 1970-73.In early March the last episode ofMASH was shown on prime time TV.The familiar faces of Hawkeye, B.J.,Nurse Houlihan, Col. Potter, Charles,and Klinger graced the screen for the lasttime. It was a tearful parting in the two-and-a-half-hour episode, but MASHfans can find comfort in the fact thatthere are 11 years of reruns to be shown.In the sports world Herschel Walkermade big news with his decision to signwith the New Jersey Generals of the newUnited States Football League, finishingonly three years of his college educationat the University of Georgia.The Chicago mayoral election in lateMarch became more than just an election; it became an issue of racism vs. fairplay. The candidates were Bernard Ep-ton, Republican; Jane Byrne,Democratic incumbent who ran as an independent; and Harold Washington,Democrat. Washington emerged as thewinner, approximately 45,000 votesover Epton.Mid-April saw the first flight of thenew space shuttle, Challenger.Everything went smoothly for theChallenger, unlike its predecessor Columbia, whose flaws made perfection ofthe Challenger possible. The flight alsomarked the first American space walk inmore than nine years.In early May the National Commissionon Excellence in Education issued areport citing the declining quality ofAmerican education as a major problem.According to the commission, over thepast decade there has been increasingenrollment in non-academic subjectssuch as training for marriage andadulthood and driver education,resulting in high school students whohave been allowed to get by with a lessthan adequate education. Compared toother countries, the quality of Americaneducation ranked far down the list andwas predicted to continue dropping untilsome basic alterations are made.Secret diaries written by Adolf Hitler•were found, or so it was thought untilclose examination proved them to befalse. The scandal started early in Maywhen Stern, a prominent Germanmagazine, reported the finding withouthaving obtained valid proof as to the |diaries authenticity. Later in May the Iworks were determined to be false by [handwriting analysis and observations |that were overlooked by the forgers.Lebanon and El Salvador continued to jbe places of unrest. Late in September1982, approximately 1400 helpless \refugees were shot in cold blood by 1Lebanese Christian Militiamen. Then in |Continued on page 19 fTOP: During a meeting in theIsraeli prime ministers office,Foreign Minister Yizhak Shamir,Defense Minister Ariel Sharon,Prime Minister Menachem Begin,and U.S. Presidential envoy PhilipHabib smile for the press. (Photocourtesy of the Indiana Daily Student/Associated Press)BOTTOM: Smoke rises over westBeirut after another bombing attack on the Lebanese capital.(Photo courtesy of the Indiana DailyStudent /Associated Press)18 News
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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