188THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYAve., Terre Haute: pa same
1917-1929teacher, grades, Fontanet.Hanna, Fred J., 2IG, ha Ottawa, 111.Harbison, Ruth, 2IG. ha Bedford
pa1717 South H. St., Bedford
1924-1929teacher, Bedford city schools, Bedford.Harr, Clyde, A. B., ha Brazil
pa 2163Woodruff Ave., Toledo, Ohio
1919-1920teacher, rural school, Center Point
1920-1924 teacher, grades, mathematics andscience, Ashboro
1924-1923 teacher,high school, Brazil
1928-1929 teacher,mathematics, Toledo, Ohio.Hartsock, Nettie, 2IG, ha Larwill
1924-1925 teacher, grades,Kimmell
1925-1929 principal, grades,Kimmell.Harvey-Crowe, Mrs. Norma, 2IG, ha 310Harrison St., Garrett
1923-1924 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1924-1928 teacher, commerce,Garrett
married June 1928.Hayward, Mary V., B. S., ha RFD 2,Brazil
1924-1925 teacher of home economics, Van Buren Township HighSchool
1925-1928 dietitian, Indiana University hospitals.Hefferman-Winter, Mrs. Anna, A. B., ha1203 North 13th St., Terre Haute
pa173 West Fairview Ave., Dayton, Ohio
1924-1926 teacher, Montgomery
1926-1929 married, not teaching, at homeDayton, Ohio.Haidecker,Pearl, 2P, ha Osgood
pa Ft.Wayne
1924-1929 teacher, city schools,Ft. Wayne.Hertenstein, Charles R., A. B., ha Versailles
pa Clinton
1929-1930 principalsenior high school Clinton
for completerecord see class of 1908.Hester, Autumn A., 2M, ha Crawfordsville
1924-1926 teacher, music, ort anddomestic science, Andrews
1926-1927teacher, music and art, New Ross andMace
attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, summer of 1925.Hetrick, Laura L., 2IG, ha Fortville
pa525 West Washington, Ft. Wayne
1918-1919 teacher, rural schools, Hancockcounty
1919-1920 teacher, consolidatedschool, McCordsville
1920-1923 teachergrades, Perry township, Morior.
1924-1929 teacher,, James H. Smart School,Ft. Wayne.Hochstetler, W. G., B. S., ha Coal City
pa Martinsville
1924-1929 teacher, industrial arts, Martinsville.Hodge, Edith, 2IG, ha 1011 Second Ave.,Terre Haute
pa same
1924-1929 teacher, grades, Booker T. Washington School,Terre Haute.Hodson-Di ummond, Mrs. Ruby
2P, paTangier
1913-1915 teacher, ruralschools, Park county
1915-1923 teacher,consolidated schools, Park county
1925-1927 teacher, rural schools, Pontiac, 111.
1927-1929 not teaching, homekeeper,married 1927.Holland, Carlyle, A. B., 919 South 17thSt., Terre Haute
pa Clark University,Atlanta, Georgia
1923-1926 teacher,Lincoln School, Terre Haute
1926-1927student, University of Chicago ,M. S.1927-1929 teacher Clark University, Atlanta, Georgia.Holliday, Mary B., 2M, ha 442 Manchester Ave., Aurora...
la same
lr 1926supervisor of grade school music, Goshen.Holman, Mildred, A. B., ha 1332 FirstAve., Terre Haute
pa 907 North 13thSt., Terre Haute
1924-1926 teacher,Staunton: 1926-1929 teacher, commerceand French, Gerstmeyer High School,Terre Haute.Houff-Whitfleld, Mrs. Mary M., A. B.,ha 1437 North 9th...
paJackson, Miss.
1924-1927 commercialteacher, in high school, Vincennes
1927-1929 married, at home, not teaching,Jackson, Miss.Howard, Anna S., 2IG, ha Terre Haute
pa 2408 North 14th St., Terre Haute
1924-1928 teacher in Rankin School,Vigo county
A. B., Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.Howard, Geneva, 2IG, ha 1862 SouthKeystone Ave., Indianapolis
nr.Huey, Carrie, 2P, ha 818 West 6th St.,Connersville
pa 712 East 13th Ave.,Gary
1924-1929 teacher primary grades,Roosevelt School, Gary.Hull, King L., A. B., ha Holtoin
taughttwo years in rural school and five yearsin high school before graduation
1924-1928 attending school of medicine, Indiana University, M. D. June, 1929 afteryear of internship.Huntwork, Harry G., B. S., ha TerreHaute...
pa 2427 South 6th St., TerreHaute: 1929 research department Commercial Solvents Corp., Terre Haute
for complete record see class of 1915.Hurley, G. Lewis, 2IG, ha McCoysburg
pa Williamsport
1920-1921 teacher,grades, Kniman
1921-1923 teacher,grades, South Barkley ConsolidatedSchools, Rensselaer
1923-1925 teachergrades, and English, high school, Hanging Grove, Consolidated, McCoysburg
1925-1926 teacher of grades, SouthBarkley Consolidated, Rensellaer
1926-1927 student Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1927-1929 teacher ofindustrial arts and science, Williamsport
B. S. Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, 1927.Huston, Edith Wood, 2P, ha 130 North22nd St., Terre Haute
pa same
1924-1929 teacher of primary grades, Sandi-son School, Terre Haute.Hylton, Edward F... A. B., ha 2537 North12th St., Terre Haute
pa same
1909-1912 teacher, mathematics, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute
1912-1929 teachermathematics, Garfield High School, TerreHaute
A. M., Indiana University, 1929.Hyman, Hugh H., A. B-, ha Galveston
pa care of Union College, Schenectady,N. Y., 1915-1917 teacher rural schools,Jasper county
1918-1919 United Statesarmy, A. E. F.,
1919-1920 teacher,mathematics ond science, high school,Carrol county
1920-1922 teacher, mathematics and science, high school, Flora
1922-1925 teacher mathematics and science, high school, Rockville
1925-1929fellow in physics, University of California
1929-1930 physics department.Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., M.A. University of California, 1928, Ph.D. in 1929
summer instructor IndianaState Teachers College, 1924, 1925, 1929.Isaacs, Huston, 2IA, ha 526 North Center St., Terre Haute
pa 514 Locust St.,Terre Haute
1924-1927 teacher, HighSchool, Connersville
1927-1929 teacherindustrial arts, Warren ond DemingSchools, Terre Haute.Jackson, Geneva, 2P, ha 406 Elm St.,Clinton
1924-1929 teacher, publicschools, 22, Indianapolis.