STATE NORMAL*THE NORMAL ADVANCE19GAMMA GAMMA.The Gamma Gamma Section of the WomensLeague started the school year with thirteenactive members. The. off...
Mary Frazier, vice-leader
Althena Fischer, treasurer
and Helen Pugh,secretary.The first party of the rushing season wasan informal dinner at the home of Miss MaryFrazier, on Friday, October Ninth....
Miss Force, secretary, and Miss Woolen,treasurer.The Llamaradas gave a theatre party onSaturday, October 10. Their guests were,Misses Dorothy Beck, Edith...
vice-leader,Clara Shanks
secretary, Frieda Glavecke
treasurer, Rachael Shafer, and social committee, Mabel Seidel and Katherine Flaherty.A number of delightful rush parties havebeen given by the members...