Search Results - (( fire tanker py...
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Showing 1 - 20 of 306 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( fire tanker py...
Showing 1 - 20 of 306 results

  • Military Park has a long history, being used as militia training grounds since the time of the first settlers. The land was transferred ...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    Indianapolis Dept. of Parks and Recreation Landscape Architectural Drawings

  • Military Park has a long history, being used as militia training grounds since the time of the first settlers. The land was transferred ...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    Indianapolis Dept. of Parks and Recreation Landscape Architectural Drawings

  • 82THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYstudent, Indiana State Teachers College

    1908-1912 teacher of music, high school,Newburg

    1912-1914 student, IllinoisUniveristy, Purdue University and Indiana State Teachers College

    1914-1918teacher domestic science, Haubstadt andHope

    1918-1929 not teaching, homekeeper.Shepard, James H., la Milford

    lr 1924in the banking business, Milford.Shortridge, Annalee, pa 1204 North 13thSt., Terre Haute

    1917-i 918 teach er,high school, McCordsville

    1918-1919teacher high school, Wilkinson

    1919-1922 teacher in Terre Haute schools

    1922-1923 received M. A., University ofWisconsin

    1923-1930 teacher in McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute.Silvers, Charles W., pa Winamac

    1908-1929 principal elementary grades, LaPorte

    principal elementary and juniorhigh school, Miles City, Mont.

    principalelementary school, Bay City, Mich.

    principal high school. Shoals: principal highschool, Paoii

    teacher Logansport

    superintendent schools, Winimac

    receivedA. li. Indiana University

    resident workdone for A. M. degree

    student, University of Chicago for three summers fortwo quarters of work, Chicago, 111.Simpson, Cora Florence, la Danville

    nr.Snitz, Reuben H., pa 2007 South 8th St.,Terre Haute

    Education: A. B. IndianaSlate Teachers College

    graduate student, Columbia University

    A. M. 1928Indiana University

    teacher in rurals. hools, Huntington county

    grade schoolAndrews

    superintendent schools, Andrews

    instructor in industrial arts,Evansville

    critic te-:cher, Indiana StateTraining School

    assistant professor industrial arts, Indiana State TeachersCollege.Spear, Osmund, la Indianapolis

    1908-1909 teacher of manual training andmechanical drawing high school, Lebanon

    1909-1912 teacher of manual traininghigh school, Indianapolis

    1912-1916teacher in Technical High School, Indianapolis

    graduated Stout Institute, Men-onomie, Wis.


    graduated BradleyPolytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111. 1914

    attended University of Wisconsin summer 1916

    lr 1916.♦Spencer, Fred B. ha Bellmore

    190R-1909 superintendent schools, Bellmore

    1909-1912 studied law school, graduatedin 1912

    1912-1913 attorney at law, In-<lnn:


    deceased Oct. 18, 1913.Spice, Mary Elizabeth, pa 2303 BrownSt., Anderson

    1908-1916 primary teacher, city schools, Anderson: 1916-1929departmental work and principal, CentralAvenue School, Anderson.Starr, Eleanore Frances, la 1915 Tip...

    1908-1914 grade and department schools.New Albany

    1914-1915 A. B. IndianaUniversity

    1915 teacher of Latin andSnanish, Tipton.Tesh-Pfenning, Mrs. Hazel, pa 907South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1903-1905teacher in district schools near Elwood

    1906-1907 teacher of grades, Thorntown

    1909-1910 teacher of grades, Anderson:1911-1912 teacher of grades, Indianapolis

    1912-1917 teacher in junior andsenior high school. King Classical School,Terre Haute: 1917-1922 assistant inEnglish department, Indiana State Teachers Coll...

    1915 student,University of Chicago

    1922-1923 graduate student, Columbia University

    1924tour of Southern Europe and NorthAfrica

    192 6 tour of Northern and Central Europe

    1923-1929 assistant, in English department, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute

    summer of 1927,student, Columbia University.Trible, James Owen, pa London, Ind.

    1908-1910 principal Ft. Branch

    1922-1923 principal Fountaintown

    1923-1929principal Moral township, Shelby county,London, Indiana

    taught Latin and mathematics.Tri-nble, Mrs. Nona, nr.Irittipo, Mildred la 1912 South Pasadena, Cal.

    1908-1910 teacher of firstgrade, Noblesville

    1910-1911 did notteach

    1911-1912 teacher of first grade,Riverside, Cal.

    1912 teacher first grade,South Pasadena, Cal.True-Kord, Mrs. Augusta A., pa 1814Crawford St., Terre Haute

    1908-1916teacher of primary grades, Terre Hatuecity schools

    1916-1928 teacher DavisPark School, Terre Haute

    married July3 1928 to Howard E. Kord, not teaching, homekeeper.Walter, Arthur, pa Salinas, Cal.

    1908-1909 teacher at Harlan

    1909-1916teacher at Satsap, Washington and alsoprincipal

    1917-1919 attended Lel

    ndStanford University

    1919-1929 citysuperintendent, Salinas, Calif.Warrick-Humphrey, Mrs. Mary, la RFDE, Terre Haute

    1908-1910 teacher ofelementary grades, Vigo county

    1911-1913 teacher of elementary grades,Parke county

    1913 teacher elementarygrades, Vigo county

    lr 1913.♦Washington, Benjamin L., deceasedFeb. 1911

    nr.♦Webb, Ida E., deceased June 1910

    nr.♦Weber, Grace H., ha Huntington

    nr.Whitesitt, Andrew Harmon, A. B., paPittsburg, Kans.

    1908-1911 supervisormanual training, East Chicago

    1911-1913 instructor manual training, highschool, Indianapolis

    1913-1929 head ofwoodworking department. State NormalTraining School, Pittsburg, Kans.Woodrow, Walter H„ A. B., pa 818 OakSt., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 critic teacher of science, Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School, Terre Haute

    for complete record see class 1907.Zecbiel, Chester, pa 707 Peoples BankBuilding, Indianapolis

    1909-1910 department of physiography, Anderson

    1912worked on Ph. B. University of Chicago

    1913 in law school, LTniversity of Chicago, J. D.

    1913 attorney at law, Indianapolis

    assistant to Judge Cox, IndianaSupreme Court in connection with practice

    1929 practicing law in Indianapolis.CLASS OF 1909Amick, Clyde T., pa Delphi

    1909-1918superintendent, Elnora

    1918-1924 superintendent, Sheridan

    1924-1930 superintendent, Delphi.Barker, Mrs. Mary F., pa 555 South St.,Elgin, 111.

    1910-1913 critic teacher, Tri-State College, Angola

    1913-1916 seventhgrade teacher in public schools of Chicago

    1916-1929 teaching seventh grade,Gondy School, Chicago, 111.Benedict, Phebe Clare, ha Springport

    1910-1914 department of English, Mun-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • This is a digitized recording of a dictabelt, which the Indianapolis Fire Department used to record dispatch calls during the 1960s and 1970...

    Indianapolis Firefighters Museum

  • 274THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYpa Churubusco

    1927-1928 teacher primary grades. Crown Center, Morgancounty

    1928-1929 teacher rural school,Ashland township, Morgan county

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Churubusco.White, Homer A., 2IG, pa Freedom

    1928-1980 teacher grades, five, six,Franklin township, Owen county.White, Nell G., 2IG, pa RFD 1, Paragon

    taught rural schools, Morgan county, two years

    consolidated schools, Morgan county, two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades,Monrovia.White, Sarah C, 2IG, pa 1420 SouthSt., Lafoyette

    1918-1919 teacher grades,Mt. Tom

    1919-1920 teacher grades, Colfax

    1920-1921 teacher grades No. 10

    1921-1924 teacher grodes. Octagon

    1924-1925 teocher grades, No. 10

    1925-1926 teacher grades, Ouiatenan

    1926-1927 teacher grade five, Klondike

    1927-1930 teacher grades four, five, LongloisSchool, Lafayette.Wibbeler, Benjamin H., ha Holland

    poHannibal, Ohio

    1929-1930 entered ministry, Hannibal, Ohio

    for complete record see class of 1920.Wickwire, Gladys, 2P, pa 608 Main St.,Vincennes

    taught grades, De Sotocounty, Florida

    grades, Vincennes, before graduation: 1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Vincennes.Williams, Marcus, A. B., ha PrairieCreek

    pa Clinton

    1929-1930 teacherphysics biology, physiology, Clinton.Williams, Opal Irene, 2IG, pa 617 Mulberry St., Clinton

    taught fifth grade,University, three years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades, Crom-pton Hill, Vermillion county.Willis, Fred L., B. S., ha 1920 SouthSixth St., Terre Haute

    pa 159 SheetsSt., West Lafayette

    laborotory assistant,physiology, Indiana State Teachers College before graduotion

    1929-1930 assistant in bacteriology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, and working toward Masters degree.Williamson, Jessie Florence, 2P, haRemington

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher primary grades. East Chicago

    for complete record see class of 1923.Wilson, Doris, 2P, ha Box 17, RFD E,Terre Haute

    pa 115 West Pike St.,Goshen

    1929-1930 teacher first grade,Jefferson School, Goshen.Wilson, Irene O., 2P, ha Riley

    pa Center Point

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Center Point.Windley, Ilona Anna, A. B., ha 2534North 13th St., Terre Haute

    pa Wood-burn

    taught in Darlington


    Newberry, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher music, home economics, Woodburn.Winegar, Margery E., 2IG, pa Carlisle

    1925-1930 teacher grades, Carlisle.Winkles, Dole Mae, 2P, ha Sandborn

    pa 703 River Lane, Rockford, 111.

    1929-1930 teacher first grade, Loves ParkSchool, Rockford, 111.Wittenberg, W. Winifred, B. S.. pa 826Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher commerce, Sarah Scott JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute.Wolf, Paul, B. S., pa 1631 South 9thSt., Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacherphysical education, coaching, IndianaState Teachers College Training School,Terre Haute.Wolfe, Nellie Elizabeth, 2P, ha RFD 4,Carlisle

    pa Poxton

    1919-1922 teacherrural schools, Sullivan county

    1922-1923 teacher primary grodes, Paxton

    1927-1930 teacher primary grades, Paxton.Wolff, Freda Elizabeth, A. B., ha Vallonia

    pa Staunton

    1920-1921 teacherVallonia

    1921-1922 teacher Springvicw,Nebraska

    1922-1924 teacher, Thermop-olis, Wyo.

    1925-1927 teacher Vallonia

    1927-1930 teacher English, Latin, Staunton.Wolverton, Ralph, 2IG, pa RFD 2, TerreHaute

    taught grades, Maryland School,Honey Creek township, Vigo county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teachergrades, Honey Creek township, Vigocounty.Woodcox, W. Gray, B. S., pa Garrett

    1914-1917 teacher rural schools, DeKalbcounty

    1920-1921 teacher rural schools,Van Wert county, Ohio

    1921-1924 teacher grades and high school, Butler

    1924-1929 teacher manual training ingrades and high school, Garrett

    1929-1930 teacher monual training, junior andsenior high schools, athletics, Garrett.Woodward-Scott, Mrs. Mary K., 2P., haEvansville

    pa 421% South 16th St.,Terre Haute

    192G-1929 teacher grades,Newton

    September to December, 1929teacher grades, five, six, Grandview

    1930not teaching, homekeeper, married toFrank Scott Dec. 24, 1929.Wooiard, Claire H., B. S., ha RFD 3,Brazil

    pa Eowling Green

    1926-1930teacher music English, Washingtontownship High School, Bowling Green.Wooiard, Hilda, B. S., ha RFD 3, Brazil

    pa Clinton

    taught home economics,junior high school, Clinton, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher home economics, junior high school, Clinton.Woolridge, Josephine Vietta, 2P, pa 1302West Sixth St., Bloomington

    1929-1930at home and not teaching.Wright, Dennis O., B. S., ha Cloverdale

    pa South Whitley

    taught rural schools,Putnam county, one year

    industrial arts,Bloomington. one year

    1921-1930 teacher industrial arts, mathematics, SouthWhitley.Wright, Mary Elizabeth, 21G, ha Edwardsport

    pa 210 West Ellsworth, Columbia City

    1929-1930 teacher grades,Whitley county.Wright, Nora R., B. S., ha RFD 6, Sullivan

    pa 632 Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 city school nurse, TerreHaute

    for complete record see class of1914.Yager, Lucille Clarice, B.S., pa Advance

    taught grades three months, Advance,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachermusic, Jefferson township, consolidatedschool, Boone county.Yocum, Verine Celeste, 2P, ha 109 NorthMain St., Clay City

    pa Mishawaka

    taught grades, Clay City, three years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfirst grade, Mishawaka.Young, Beatrice L., A. B., ha Riley


    1929-1930 teacher science ineighth grade, Clinton.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    nr.Oberholtzer, Benjamin E., pa Clay City

    1006-1908 principal schools, Mt. Auburn

    1908-1911 principal schools, Patricksburg

    1911-1923 farmer

    1923-1926teacher rural school, Clay county

    1926-1929 farmer.Parker, John W., nr.Pastor-Austin, Mrs. Gertrude E., pa 33Randolph St., Passaic, N. J.

    1905-1907teacher of grades, Anderson

    1907-1908teacher of grades, Huntington

    1909-1929 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto George Austin.Pennington, Dorothy Frances, pa 31Spink Arms Annex, Indianapolis

    taughtfrom 1896 to 1904 in various townshipsand points in Indiana before graduation

    1904-1928 teacher of English and employed as assistant principal and principal in various schools, Indianapolis

    1929principal William Penn School, Indianapolis

    attended Indiana University 1910-1911, received A. B. degree

    attendedUniversity of Chicago 1907

    attendedColumbia University, summers of 1916and 1921.Pound-Neyman, Lulu M., la Joliet, 111.:taught in Terre Haute public schoolsfive years after graduation...

    1912 graduated from Denison University, Granville,O.

    1912 married Reverend C. A. Ney-man, with Eastern Avenue BaptistChurch, Joliet, 111.

    lr 1912.Reinoehl, Charles M., pa Fayetteville,Ark.

    1905-1906 superintendent schools,Wolcottville and Silver Lake

    1909-1910graduate student, Teachers College, Columbia University

    1910-1911 teacher inNormal Training School, State NormalSchool, La.

    1911-1912 principal Training School, Normal School, Jacksonville,Ala.

    1912-1915 teacher of psychologyand education, Highland Park College,Des Moines, la.

    1915-1917 school ofrural education, State Normal School,Whitewater, Wis.

    1917-1921 state supervisor rural schools, Mont.

    1921-1929professor school administration. StateUniversity, Fayetteville, Ark.

    1909 received A. B. Indiana University

    1910received A. M. Indiana University

    1915attended University of Chicago.Rickle-Wischmeyer, Mrs. Grace, la 203Madison Blvd., Edgewood Grove, TerreHaute: 1905-1909 teacher in city schools,Terre Haute...

    1909-1912 teacher of German and mathematics in city schools,Terre Haute

    married Mr. Wischmeyer,Sept 11, 1912

    not teaching, homekeeper

    lr 1912.Robinson-Trueman, Mrs. Jessie, pa 100North Shawnee Terrace, Louisville, Ky.

    1906-1908 teacher of grades, Indianapolis

    1908-1909 student, Indiana University

    1910-1913 summer assistant,Indiana State Teachers College

    alsospring assistant

    1913-1914 traveled inEurope

    1915-1929 not teaching, home-keeper, married to Herbert A. Trueman.Roudebush, John H., la Lawrenceburg

    1905-1907 principal public schools, Dillsboro

    1907 teacher of science, highschool, Lawrenceburg: lr 1907.Royal, Mary Hanah, ha Tell City.Royse, Anna, pa 431 South 5th St., TerreHaute...

    1905-1930 at home, not teaching.Royse, Martha, pa 431 South 5th St.,Terre Haute: 1905-19C8 teacher ingrades, Elwood

    1908 at home, TerreHaute

    1923 received A. B. degree Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1923-1924 traveled in France

    1925 teacher in Indiana State TeachersCollege

    1927-1930 at home, not teaching.Scott, Will, pa 525 South Park Ave.,Bloomington

    1905-1906 assistant StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1906-1907 teacher in high school, Bloomington

    1907-1908 Donaldson fellow, Indiana University

    1908-1911 instructor, Indiana University

    1911-1919 assistantprofessor of science, Indiana University

    1919-1921 associate professor of science, Indiana University

    1921-1929 professor of science, Indiana University,Bloomington.Shank-Ladd, Mrs. Rosa B., la Richmond:1906-1909 teacher in Wayne county

    1909 married Chas. L. Ladd


    1913-1916 widow, and teacher in city schools of Richmond

    lr1916.Sharp, Samuel, pa French Lick

    taughtthree years in one-room rural school

    principal of elementary school for twoyears

    taught in high school for sevenyears

    served as county superintendentof schools, Bartholomew county foreleven years

    principal Hopewell HighSchool, Franklin for three years

    1928-1930 superintendent schools, FrenchLick.Shively-Cassel, Mrs. Alice, la Vincennes

    1905-1906 taught one-half year in schoolin Indianapolis

    1906-1908 taught twoand one-half years, Vincennes

    1909taught in Vincennes

    1910 married

    1910-1916 homekeeper

    lr 1916.Shively-Keeney, Mrs. Esther, pa 124West 83d St., Seattle, Wash.

    taughtthree years before graduation in Vincennes township and in Vincennes cityschools

    1905-1908 teacher in publicschools, Attica and Vincennes

    1908-1909 teacher of Latin, high school,Brownstown

    1909-1916 training school,Manchester College

    1917-1918 teacherof history and arithmetic, junior highschool, Spencer

    1918-1919 substitutedin Seattle public schools, Seattle, Wash.

    1918 married Mr. Ben Dale Keeney

    1919-1929 at home, not teaching, home-keeper.Slawson-Prather, Mrs. Dora, pa Vincennes

    taught five years at Bicknell,three years at Edwardsport and threeyears at Sandborn

    1905-1906 teacherin grades, Edwardsport

    1906-1929 notteaching

    homekeeper, married to S. A.Prather.Tichenor, Eunice, nr.Steeg-Lammers, Mrs. Maybelle, pa 49Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute

    1905-190 6teacher in public schools, Indianapolis

    1906-1907 teacher in public schools,Terre Haute

    married Oct. 30, 1907 toEdward S. Lammers

    1907-1930 at homeand not teaching.Tilton, Olive S., la 1925 Clay St., CedarFalls, la.

    1906-1907 teacher of seventhgrade, Attica: 1907-1908 principal highschool. Oakwood, 111.

    1908-1916 principal grade school, Danville, 111.: 1916-1917 student. University of Chicago

    1917 mathematics critic Iowa StateTeachers College.Todd, Charles O., pa care of Iowa StateTeachers College, Cedar Falls, la.

    1894-1904 teacher of rural school, Madisoncounty

    1904-1910 superintendentschools, Frankton

    1910-1911 student,Indiana University, A. B., 1911-1915

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1886-1911 teacher inschools, Goshen

    1912-1913 traveled

    1913-1926 teacher in grades, ArmonaSchool, Kings county, Cal.

    1926-1927governess at Mishawaka Orphans Homefor Boys, Mishawaka.♦Morris-McKeever, Mrs. Emma, nr.Purdue, A. H., ha Nashville, Tenn.

    lrprofessor of geology at University ofArkansas for several years

    deceased1917.Rettger, Louis John, pa 638 Walnut St.,Terre Haute

    1886-1887 student JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

    1887-1888 received A. B. degree, JohnsHopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

    1888-1889 graduate student and assistant in biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

    1889-1890 instructor, Indiana University, Bloomington

    received A. M. degree in 1890

    1890-1891teacher of science, high school. SouthBend

    1891-1930 professor of physiology,dean of science, Indiana State TeachersCollege

    graduate student, Universitiesof Heidelberg and Berlin, 1895-1896

    Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, Md., 1909

    member AmericanAssociation for the Advancement ofScience

    fellow, Indiana Academy ofScience

    member National EducationAssociation

    member National GeographicSociety

    associate member Terre HauteAcademy of Medicine.♦Shepardson, John E., lr 1916 supervisor of practice teaching, State NormalSchool, Los Angeles, Cal.Snyde...

    taughtfour years before and six years aftergraduation

    1916-1928 in retail clothingbusiness, the last five years deputy collector of internal revenue.Stokesberry, Eva M., la Oak Park, 111.

    1892-1894 teacher in country schools,Vermillion county

    1894-1895 teacher ingrades, Clinton

    1895-1904 teacher ingrades, Huntington

    1904-1925 teacherin city schools, Oak Park, 111.

    1925-1928 teacher of English and history,junior high school, Oak Park, 111.Tryon, Clara, nr.Whitaker, Lydia, pa 1451 South CenterSt., Terre Haute....

    taught primary workfor seven years after graduation

    1893became assistant in the Latin department of the Terre Haute High School

    1902 became head of the Latin department of Wiley High School

    in 1907taught in the Latin department of Spel-man Seminary

    1909-1912 assistant inLatin department of the high school atAtlanta, Ga.

    1912-1930 head of theLatin department, Wiley High School

    received A. B. degree from Indiana University in 1900.♦Whitaker, William J., ha 1451 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute

    after graduation taught school three years in Vigocounty

    in 1889 entered the law school ofthe University of Michigan

    since 1891practiced law in Terre Haute

    deceased1929.Wood, Anna, practiced medicine inTerre Haute for several years.Wright, Clara, nr.CLASS OF 1887♦Barth, Mary, nr, deceased 1889.Bateman, John ...

    lr 1916, salesman, Louisville, Ky.Blasdel, Mary S., nr.Bohannon, Eugene W., pa Duluth, Minn.

    1887-1888 principal schools, Brownburg

    1888-1890 student, Indiana University

    received A. B. from Indiana Universityin 1890

    1889-1891, principal schools,Plainfield

    1892 received A. M., IndianaUniversity

    1892-1893 principal highschool. Pekin, 111.

    1893-1895 superintendent schools, Rensselaer

    1895-1898student, Clark University, Worchester,Mass.

    1898-1901 superintendent training department State Normal School,Mankato, Minn.

    1901-1929 presidentState Normal School, Duluth, Minn.

    received Ph. D. Clark University 1912.Burdick, Myrtle, taught a number ofyears in city schools, Sullivan.Brunton, J. P., nr.♦Casper-Rhettes, Mrs. Ha...

    taught in Indianapolis for anumber of years.♦Chrisman, Oscar, ha Athens, Ohio

    1888-1889 principal ward school, Houston, Texas

    1889-1892 superintendentcity schools, Gonzales, Texas

    1892-1894 fellow in Clark University

    1896-1901 professor of psychology, Universityof Kansas: 1902-1926 head departmentof psychology, Ohio University

    1926-1927, teacher in Athens, Ohio

    1928retired and lived in Athens, Ohio

    received A. B., Indiana University 1888and A. M. in 1893

    Ph. D. University ofJena 1896

    deceased Feb. 27, 1929.Culbertson, Carrie, ha Washington, D. C,lr 1928 at home and not teaching.♦Dilling-Lawson, Mrs. Margaret, ha 1211Lincoln Ave.,...

    taught inCambridge City and Webster

    deceasedSept. 13, 1916. Wife of Elwood Lawson,former student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute, and engaged inshoe business, New Castle.Elliott, ...

    1887-1888 teacher inBrownstown

    1888-1894 teacher in public schools, Indianapolis

    1894-1895teacher, Girls Classical School, Indianapolis

    1895-1896 student, Indiana University

    1896-1904 teacher publicschools, Indianapolis

    1904-1915, principal, Irvington School, Indianapolis

    lr1928 secretary, Everitts Seed Store,Indianapolis.Garriott, Jennie, nr.Griffith-Williamson, Mrs. Anna, nr.Hardesty, Idoletta, pa Cincinnati, Ohio

    1889-1903 teacher city schools, TerreHaute

    1904-1905 student, Indiana University

    1905-1906 teacher English, highschool, Terre Haute

    1906 teacher ofhistory, high school, Portland

    1924-1929 teacher Withrow High School Cincinnati, Ohio.Love, Flora, pa 212 N. 21st St., Indianapolis

    1887-1891 teacher in training department, Indiana State Teachers College

    1891-1892 Leland Stanford JuniorUniversity, Palo Alto, Calif.

    1892-1894teacher in high school, San Diego, Calif.

    1896 graduated from Indiana University

    1896 received M. A. degree, Cornell University

    1897-1929 teacher English, high school, Indianapolis.Meehan-Cox, Mrs. Kate, ha RFD C, TerreHaute

    1887-1889 teacher in the grades

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY259er in high school, Jasonville

    1917-1930teacher manual training, physics, historyprincipal high school, Shelburn.Clearwaters, Mabel, A. IS., ha Hillsdale:pa Clinton

    1929-1930 teacher historyand geography in grades seven andeight, Clinton

    for complete record seeclass of 1918.Clehouse, Consuello W., B. S., pa 463South 17th St., Terre Haute

    1926-1927teacher art, music, Montezuma

    1927-1928 teacher art, music, Warren School,Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacher art,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute.Clinton, Eva Ethelda, 2IG, ha Montgomery

    1925-1926 teacher rural school, Taylor

    1926-1929 teacher primary grades,Raglesville

    1929-1930 teacher gradesthree and four, Epsom School, Plainville.Douse, Easten R., A. B., ha Hillsboro

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930 chemist,Sinclair Oil Refining Company, EastChicago.Cochenour, James V., B. S., pa Cloverdale

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts,physical education, Cloverdale

    for complete record see class of 1927.Cochenour, Mary C, 2IG, ha Cloverdale

    pa Quincy

    1922-1923 teacher ruralschool. Cataract

    1924-1926 teacher ruralschool, Alverson

    1926-1927 teacherrural school. Carp

    1927-1928 teachergrodes seven and eight, Quincy

    1928-1929 teacher rural school, McFarren

    1929-1930 teocher grades five and six,Quincy.Colbert, Susie, 2IG, pa 705 S. E. SecondSt., Washington

    taught three years,Washington township

    elementarygrades, Washington

    fifteen years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher sixthgrade, Washington.Collier, Doris M., 2IG, pa Dana

    1929-1930 teacher second grade, St. Bernice.Collins, Katie M., 2IG, pa Little York

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Combs, Esther Mays, 2IG, ha Koleen

    pa Richmond

    taught rural school,Greene county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher departmental work, Richmond.Combs, Virginia, B. S., ha Farmersburg

    pa Martinsville

    taught commerce,Veedersburg, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Martinsville.Cook, Eulala Guthrie, 2IG, pa 429 SixthAve., Terre Haute

    1911-1912 teacherrural grades, Daviess county

    1912-1919teacher intermediate grades, Odon

    1919-1920 teacher intermediate grades, Griffith

    1920-1929 married, at home andnot teaching

    1929-1930 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute.Cooke, Rebekah Bullington, 21G, pa 158North Fifth St., Clinton

    taught nineyears in Clinton

    Paris, Illinois and Oakland, Illinois before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades five, six, seven andeight, Smith School, Clinton.Corn well, Orville E., B. S., ho Marengo

    pa Paoli

    taught six years, Southeasttownship schools. Orange county, beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher sciencePaoli.Con-ell, Mrs. Mary Scott, 2P, ha Odon

    pa Mishawaka

    taught rural schools,Daviess county, four years

    elementarygrades, Terre Haute, four years beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, supply Mishawaka.Cor r ell, Theodore K., B. S., ha Odon:pa Mishawaka

    taught two years, Attica

    one year, Rockville

    1926-1930 teachergeneral shop, junior high school, Mishawaka.Cox, Georgia Oletha, 2IG, pa 329 EastSt., Seymour

    taught rural school, threeyears

    primary grades, three years

    principal consolidated school three years

    second grade two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher second grade,Washington School, Seymour.Craney, Louis R., B. S.. ha Cannelburg

    pa Ft. Wayne

    1925-1926 taught in Cannelburg

    1926-1927 taught in Montgomery

    1927-1929 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher physical training,Hoagland School, Fort Wayne.Cravens, Sadie, A. B., ha Scottsburg:pa 609 Sable St., Alpena, Mich.

    1929-1930 teacher departmental English,grades seven, eight, Alpena, Mich

    forcomplete record see class of 1922.Creal, Charlotte L., 2P, pa RFD 6, TerreHaute

    1923-1930 teacher first grade,Otter Creek township School, NorthTerre Haute.Creal, Estelline A., A. B., ha 1431 South7th St., Clinton

    pa Terre Haute

    1929-1930 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute.Creal, Hazel H., B. S., ha 2401 North9th St., Terre Haute

    pa Bridgeton

    taught one year before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher English, commerce, Bridge-ton.Creasey, Rosalia Henry, 2IG, pa RFD 5,Terre Haute

    1926-1930 teacher grades.Otter Creek Township School, NorthTerre Haute.Critchfield, R. Lois, B. S., pa 2800 OakSt., Terre Haute

    1925-1927 teacherChilds Park School, St. Petersburg, Fla.

    1927-1930 teacher music, English, Pimento.Criss, Fern, 2P, pa Fairbanks

    1921-1930teacher primary grades, Fairbanks.Cunningham, Edward, A. B., ha RFDVolga City, la.

    pa Carter, S. D.

    taughtfive years in grades and one year inhigh schools of South Dakota beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher science,Carter, S. D.Curless, Anna Matchett, B. S., ha Swayzee

    pa Marion

    1895-1897 teacher ruralschool. Grant county

    1897 December25, married James A. Curless (deceased)

    1898-1904 teacher rural schools andgrammar grades, Grant and Howardcounties

    1904-1922 homekeeper

    1922-1930 teacher English, Martin BootsJunior High School, Marion.Dages, Corrien, B. S., ha Loogootee

    paChicago, 111.

    1914-1919 teacher grades,Daviess county

    1919-1920 teachergrades seven and eight, Hancock county

    1921-1928 teacher junior high school,Decatur, 111.

    1929-1930 supply teocher,home economics, Chicago.Davidson, Dorothy D., B. S., ha Marshall, 111.

    pa Baraboo, Wis.

    taught commerce, Bradford, 111.

    two years

    Mt.Vernon, six years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Barbaboo,Wis.Davis, Helen Faye, 2IG, ha RFD1, Crawfordsville

    pa Dover

    1929-1930 teachergrades four and five, Jefferson Township Consolidated School, Boone county,Dover.Davies, S. F., B. S., pa 650 Glendale

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY273taught grades, Shelburn and Chippewa,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachermusic, art, Leavenworth.Trueblood, Flossie May, 2P, pa RFD 1.Salem

    taught grades, eight years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher ruralgrades, Salem.Tuck, Katherine Lennis, B. S., pa 622Couth 5th St., Clinton

    1928-1930 teacher commerce, Clinton.Tucker, Ancel, B. S., pa Riley

    taughtgrades, Riley township, Vigo county,three years

    grades, Honey Creek township, Vigo county, two years, beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher industrialarts, biology, Riley.Tuell, Mary E., 2R, pa Evans Landing

    taught rural schools, Harrison county,three years before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher rural school, Evans Landing.Tryon, Iva L., 2P, pa Riley

    1927-1930teacher first grade, Riley.Uland, Mrs. Ella McCoy, B. S ha Bloomfield

    pa Scotland

    1929-1930 teachermusic, art, home economics, healthessentials, Scotland

    for complete recordssee class of 1916.Upthegrove, Ethel David, B. S., ha 624Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute

    pa Winston-Salem, N. C.J 1929-1930 teacher English, Winston-Salem, N. C.

    for complete record see class of 1928.Utterback, Zena, B. S.. pa 4801 For-seythe Ave., East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher seventh grade, East Chicago

    for complete record see class of 1922.Van Arsdall, Mildred L., B. S, pa Hymera

    1929-1930 at home and not teaching.Van Huss, Murdell, B. S., ha Rockville

    pa Plymouth, 111.

    1929-1930 teacherphysics, biology, Plymouth, 111.Van Kirk, Ruby Geraldine, B. S., pa 127South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher piano, Fairbanks School, TerreHaute.Van Scoyoc, Roland L., B. S., ha 642Romig St., Lafayette

    pa Williamsport

    taught two years, Clarks Hill

    threeyears, Williamsport, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher history, civics, Williamsport.Van Sickle, Bessie L., B. S., pa RFD D,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    for complete record see class 1926.Van Trees, Mary E., 2IG, pa Paoli

    1927-1930 teacher rural school, Poali.Vaughn, Margaret, A. B., ha WaldenApartments, 10, Terre Haute

    pa Lov-ington. 111.

    cadet teacher, Indiana StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute, two terms, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher music, Lovington,111.Vaught, Mrs. Eula Reid, 2P, pa 2238First Ave., Terre Haute

    1925-1928 teacher grades, Clinton township, Vermillion county

    1928-1930 at home ond notteaching.Veller, Marie R., 2IG. pa 212 West 7thSt., Bicknell

    1924-1930 teacher departmental work, Bicknell.Vician, Stephen E., B. S. ha 818 PoplarSt., Terre Haute

    pa Angola

    1928-1929teacher industrial arts, Junior highSchool, Clinton

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts, commercial arithmetic,Angolo.Vickers, Helen E., 2R, ha Burns City

    pa Ragles ville

    taught grades. BurnsCity, three years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Rag-glesville.Vickers, Lester, B. S. ha Burns City

    pa Cambridge City

    1927-1930 teacherindustrial arts, science, coaching, Cambridge City

    1927-1.930 teacher industrialarts, science, coaching, Cambridge City.Wable, Letha, 2IG, pa 115 3 LafayetteAve. .Torre Haute

    taught one years before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfourth grade, Hook School, Terre Haute.Wade, Eunice, 2IG, pa Wadesville

    taught rural schools, Robinson township,three years, rural school, Posey county

    grades, Center township, Posey county,two years, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher intermediate grades, Wadesville.Wade, Mary E., 2P, pa Wadesville

    1929-19 30 at home and not teaching.Walker, Louise Ada, 2IG, pa 4227 For-sythe Ave., East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher reading, fourth grade, LincolnSchool, Indiana Harbor, East Chicago.Wall, Irene Stewart, 2P, ha Carlisle

    paVilla Park, 111.

    taught forty-sevenmonths, Villa Park, Illinois

    elementaryprincipal, one year, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, VillaPark, 111.Walters, Violet Ruby., 2IG, ha RFD 7,Sullivan

    pa Dugger

    taught rural school,Cass township, Sullivan county, oneyear

    1927-1930 teacher fifth grade,Dugger.Wampler, Letta M., B. S., pa 108 EastPortland Ave., Vincennes

    1929-1930teacher home economics, Vincennes

    forcomplete record see class of 1917.Warden, Mrs. Texie Tribble, A. B., ha4101 Hemlock St., East Chicago

    pa 133Burley Ave., Chicago, 111.

    1929-1930teacher primary grades, Henry ClaySchool, Chicago, 111.

    for complete recordsee class of 1923.Warner, Josephine I., 2P, pa 1441 South7th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacherprimary grades, Terre Haute.Warrick, Mary Adolade, B. S., ha Jasonville

    pa Frankfort

    taught in BrickConsolidated School, Bicknell and highschool, Edwardsport, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher music, art, Jacksontownship High School, Frankfort.Waters, Forest G., 2IG, ha RFD 2, Holton

    pa New Marion

    taught five years,Ripley county, one year, Jennings county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades seven, eight, New Marion.Weaver, Esther Hedges, A. B., ha 1301North Ninth St., Terre Haute

    pa Bedford

    1919-1920 teacher Fontanet

    1920-1921 teacher Farmersburg

    1921-1930teacher mathematics, junior high school,Bedford.Webb, Margaret, 2IG, pa RFD 1, WestTerre Haute

    taught grades, Toadhop,West Terre Haute, one year

    grades,Petry-Fayette township, West TerreHaute, one year, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, SugarCreek township, West Terre Haute.Welton, Byron R., 2IG, ha RFD 2, Bicknell

    pa Bruceville

    1927-1929 teachergrades, Aliceville

    1929-1930 teachersixth grade, Bruceville.West, Iona Allen, 2IG, ha 3124 NorthThirteenth St., Terre Haute

    pa Hammond

    1929-1930 teacher fifth grade.Gene Stratton Porter School, Hammond.Wheeler, Mae, 2P, ha RFD 2, Paragon

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 250THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYReilly, Jean D., 2IG, ha West TerreHaute, 201 South 6th St.

    1919-1929teacher of grades, consolidated school,Sugar Creek township, Vigo county.Reimers, Clotile C, A. B., ha 823 NorthSth St., Vincennes

    pa Owensville

    supply teacher at Martinsville, Illinois andStaunton, before graduation

    1928-1930teacher of mathematics, Owensville.Reintjes, DoIIie, 2P, ho Linton

    1922-1927 taught Stockton township

    1927-1928 taught Dugger, Cass township

    1928-1929 teacher grades, Switz City.Replogle, Ruth Ann, B. S., ha Economy:1928-1929 teacher of junior high school,English and geography, North Libert...

    tought six years Clay City, Harrisontownship, Clay county, before graduation

    1928-1930 teacher of mathematics,junior high school, Richmond.Richardson, Blanche, B. S., ha 2216Third Ave., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1923-1928 teacher grades, Eliza B. WarrenSchool, Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teachergrades, Deming School, Terre Haute

    2IG, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, 1929.Richardson, Edythe, 2P, ha Farmersburg

    taught one year in rural school

    two years grades, Shelburn and fouryears grades, Farmersburg

    1928-1929primary work, Farmersburg.Richey, Mrs. Effie Hart, B. S., ha TerreHaute, 1226 South 17th St.

    pa 4110Grand Blvd., East Chicago

    taught fiveyears in high school before graduation

    1925-1927 teacher of commerce, Martinsville

    1927-1929 at, not teaching,married to Russell Richey.Richmond, Mrs. Margaret Jones, R. S.,pa 1701 Sycamore St., Terre Haute

    1924-1928 teacher grades, CrawfordSchool, Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacheropportunity room Thompson School,Terre Haute

    teacher, demonstrationclass, Indiana State Teachers Collegesummer 1926.Ridenour, Elizabeth A., 2IG, ha Peru,RFD 5

    taught six and one-half yearsbefore graduation

    1922-1929 teacher ofgrades, Peru.Rinsch, Albert E., B. S., pa Freelandville

    1920-1922 teacher of history andEnglish, Widner township schools

    1922-1929 teacher of history and English,high school, Freelandville

    attended Vincennes University summer of 1920.Ritenour, Martha C, B. S., ha Oxford

    pa Ellettsville

    1928-1930 teacher homeeconomics and English, Elletsville.Roberts, Ivan D., 2R, ha Shelburn, RFDA, Box 3, taught one year in grades,Shelburn, one year&...

    nr sincegraduation.Roberts, Roy, B. S., ha Owensburg:taught three years in grades Macksontownship, Green county: one year gradeprincipal, Marshall tow...

    1928-1929teacher of science, Owensburg.Robbins, Naomi, 2P, pa Shelburn

    teacher of rural school, Sullivan county, forone year before graduation

    1928-1930teacher of grades, East Yard School,Shelburn.Rodden, Mrs. Myrtle McCormick, A. 1.

    ha Indianapolis, 337 Campbell Ave.

    1914-1917 taught in Castleton HighSchool

    1917-1923 taught in CumberlandHigh School

    1923-1927 taught in Warren Central High School, Indianapolis

    1928-1929 vice principal and teacher ofLatin, Warren Central High School, Indianapolis.Rohm, Fairie Downin, 2P, ha Rockville:1905-1906 taught rural school,...

    1906-1909 taughtgrades, Montezuma

    1909-1910 ruralschools, Reserve township Park county

    1910-1911 teacher grades, Lyford

    1911-1912 teacher rural school, Florida township, Park county

    1912-1914 teachergrades, Coxville

    1914-1916 teacher ruralschools, Mansfield

    1916-1924 not teaching, homekeeper

    1924-1926 taughtgrades Gessie

    1926-1928 student Indiana State Teachers College

    1928-1929married, at home, not teaching.Rosenfeld, Ida, B. S., ha Terre Houte,819 South 4th St.

    1928-1930 teacher ofhome economics, Deming School, TerreHaute.Rosenmund-Grubb, Mrs Ellen, A. B., pa3210 Kenwood Ave., Apt 1, Indianapolis

    1905-1908 teacher in district schools,Ripley county

    1908-1912 teacher indistrict schools, Franklin county

    1912-1915 teacher of grades, Newcastle

    1915-1916 teacher of music and art, Newport

    1916-1917 teacher of English and opportunity, Owensville

    1917-1918 ward principal, Madison

    1918-1920 teacher ofmathematics, Connersville

    1920-1921teacher high school, Epsom

    1921-1928teacher of mathematics in grades, Indianapolis

    1928-1930 teacher in department of mathematics, Indianapolis.Ross, Beulah Mae, 2IG, ha Terre Haute,RFD E, Box 162

    1928-1929 teacher ele-mentray grades, Vigo county.Rowland, Edna, 2IG, ha Ft. Wayne, 1913Johns St.

    1928-1929 at home, not teaching.Rubel, Mary Engle, B. S., ha Tulsa,Okla., 2210 East 19th St.

    taught inIndiana eight years, eight years in Tulsa, Oklahoma before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher grades, junior high school,Tulsa, Okla.Rush, Rose Pennington, A. B.,

    ha NewGoshen

    1904-1917 taught elementarygrades, Fayette township, Vigo county

    1923-1928 taught high school, Fayettetownship, Vigo county before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher Latin and science,Perrysville.Rust, Marion, A. B., ha 2515 Date St.,Louisville, Ky.

    pa care of American National Red Cross, Washington, D. C,taught two terms, rural schools Browncounty

    two terms, Bartholomew county

    seven terms, junior high school,Bartholomew county

    one term juniorhigh school, Clinton

    one term juniorhigh schol, Kentland

    one term principal,high school, Earl Park

    two terms highschool and superintendent, Shelburn

    one term principal commissioned highschool, Carlisle, before graduation

    192?-1930 national representative, AmericanNational Red Cross, Washington, D. C.Russell, Hosea Reed, B. S., ha Pimento

    1922-1926 taught grades, Pimento

    1927-1930 teacher of manual training andhistory, Pimento.Russell, Mary Kathryn, B. S., ha TerreHaute, 1301 South 3rd St.

    1928-1929teacher art, Terre Haute.Sacks, Frances M., 2P, ha Terre Haute,433 North 13th St.

    taught five yearsbefore graduation

    1928-1930 teacher

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 68THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYsuperintendent schools, Paoli

    1915-1916student, Chicago University, M. A. 19161922 superintendent schools, Chester,111.

    1922-1930 professor of education,Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls,Ia.Townley-Inglehart, Mrs. Gertrude, laEvansville

    1906-1907 teacher of primary grades. King Classical School,Terre Haute

    1907-1911 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute

    1912 married J. H.Inglehart, Evansville


    lr1912.Townley, Grace, la 500 North 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1905-1908 teacher, grades,Terre Haute

    1908-1909 teacher grades,Elwood

    1909-1910 teacher history, Muncie

    1910-1912 teacher grades, TerreHaute

    1912-1915 registrar, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute

    student spring andsummer terms, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute

    1915-1916 student, Teachers College, Columbia University

    lr 1916.Townley-Hunter, Mrs. Harriette, pa Danville, 111.: 1907-1908 teacher in cityschools, Terre Haute

    1908-1909 teacher of Latin, Ashville, N. C.J 1911-1929married J. W. Hunter ,not teaching, athome, Danville, HI.Travis-GIazner, Mrs. Florence, pa Cory...

    1905-1911 teacher of grades, Anderson

    1911-1914 teacher grades, Clay City1914-1929 homekeeper, Cory.Travis, Myrtle, la Clay City

    taughtthree years in country schools, twoyears in Spencer schools before graduation

    1905-1914 taught grades, drawingand physiology in Anderson

    1914-1916taught in Clay City

    1916-1917 at home,did not teach

    1917-1928 married, athome and not teaching.Tucker, William Motier, pa Fresno, Calif

    1905-1906 taught eighth grade, Good-land

    1906-1910 attended Indiana University

    A. B. 1908 A. M. in geology,1909

    went to South America withGimble Expedition for study of fishes

    1911-1912 one and half term taughtphysical geography in high school atAnderson

    1912-1913 taught physicalgeography in high school, Chico, Calif.

    1913-1915 head of geography departmentState Normal, Moorehead, Minn.

    1915-1916 attended Indiana University, Ph. D.geology

    1907 taught meteorology atState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    summers of 1909-1910-1911 with Indiana Department of Geology and NaturalResources

    summers of 1912 and 1913with Raymond Coaching School, SanFrancisco, Calif.

    summers of 1916-1917spent in research on hydrology of Indiana

    1926-1927 Indiana University,geology department

    1927-1929 FresnoState College, Fresno, Calif.Vail-Pyle, Mrs. Edith, ha Aurora pa Val-dosta, Ga.

    1905-1907 principal highschool, Orleans

    1907-1915 teacher Latin,high school, Aurora

    1915-1921 home-keeper, did not teach

    1921-1926 teacher of English, high school, Valdosta, Ga.

    1925-1929 homekeeper, not teaching.Walker, Ernest E., pa 30 North MichiganAve., Chicago, 111.

    taught three yearsrural schools. Orange county beforegraduation

    1905-1906 student ButlerCollege, Indianapolis

    1906-1907 assistant supedintendent training school.Pawnee, Neb.

    1907-1908 traveling representative Bellows-Brachers Educational Publishers, Chicago

    1908-1909 teacher psychology, Central Normal School,Danville

    1909-1910 field organizer, extension division. University of Wisconsin

    1910-1912 graduate school, Harvard University, M L. A. 1912

    1912-1913 post graduate, University ofLiverpool, England

    1914-1918 Schoolof Town Planning with further studyin Europe

    private practice of landscapearchitecture and town planning, Portland, Ore.

    1918-1919 volunteered forservice, Naval Flying Corps, Division ofAerography and Air Navigation for theduration of the World War

    1919-1930Aeronautic Consultant, airports and airways. Author The Story of the Conquest of the Air.Watson, Mrs. Nellie Noland, pa 27 Whit-tier Ave.,&#x...

    1905-1908teacher of grades. South Bend

    1911-1914 teacher of grades, Indianapolis

    1914-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married in 1914 to Herbert L. Watson.Weathers, Sampson L., la 9 Dudley St.,Pittsburg, Pa.

    1905-1911 regainedhealth in California and elsewhere in theUnited States

    1911-1916 student ofliterature, law and history, with Louisville and Pittsburg Railroad

    1916 student Pittsburg University

    1916-1928 department transportation with PittsburghRailroad Co.Webster-Eastwoood, Mrs. Margaret, la1843 Chapman Ave., Cleveland, O.

    1905-1906 Elwood

    1906-1907 teacher in training school, Terre Haute

    1907-1908teacher in training school, Marion

    1908-1928 married to Harry W. Eastwood,Cleveland, Ohio

    not teaching, home-keeper.Webster-English, Mrs. Zoe, pa 2120South 6th St., Terre Haute

    1900-1901principal. Pimento

    1901-1907 teacher ingrades, Terre Haute

    1907 married toClaude H. English

    1907-1917 did notteach


    1920-1929 teacher inSarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute

    attended Columbia University in1925.Weeks-Owen, Mrs. Ethel, la TerreHaute

    1904-1910 teacher in publicschools of Terre Haute

    1910-1912 teacher in the public schools, Portland, Ore.

    1912-1914 teacher in public schools,Terre Haute

    1914 married to W. R.Owen, not teaching, homekeeper

    lr 1914.Williams, Elgy T., la Earl Park

    1904-1905 teacher of intermediate grades,New Augusta

    1905-1907 superintendenthigh school, Castleton

    1907-1909 superintendent high school, French Lick,1909-1911 superintendent high school,Acton

    1911-1916 superintendent highschool, Earl Park

    took special work,spring and summer 1906 and 1908 University of Chicago

    summer term 1907,Butler College

    lr 1916.Wilson, Frank R., nr.Woody, Alice M., la 315 North 23rd St.,Terre Haute

    1905-1907 teacher of primary work, Attica: 1907-1909 teacher ofprimary work, Mt. Vernon

    1909-1914critic teacher primary grades, IndianaState Teachers College

    1914-1916 primary teacher, Horace Mann School,Teachers College, N. Y.

    1916-1917 criticteacher, primary grades, State TeachersCollege, summer of 1917 and married toDr. Woody of University of Washington, Seattle, Wash....

    1917 lr.Wooley, Elmer A., nr.Wren-Wisely, Mrs. Anna L., pa 1318North 6th St., Terre Haute


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • This is a digitized recording of a dictabelt, which the Indianapolis Fire Department used to record dispatch calls during the 1960s and 1970...

    Indianapolis Firefighters Museum