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Showing 1 - 20 of 754 results
Search Results - (( fire state cou...
Showing 1 - 20 of 754 results
Postmarked May 9, 1910. The Clinton County Courthouse appears to be in the background.
Indiana Album
A fire truck sits on the road with a group of people hudled around it. The people appear to be hooking up a fire hose....
Hendricks County Museum
Also seen in this image are Arthur Murray Dance Studio, Dr. Scholls Foot Comfort Shop, Rogers Studio Photography, Wesleyan Book Room, and Ce...
Indiana Album
Also seen in this image are Arthur Murray Dance Studio, Famous Brand Shoes, Dr. Scholls Foot Comfort Shop, Rogers Studio Photography, Wesleyan...
Indiana Album
Several fire trucks are spraying water from a hose on the blaze. The Farm Bureau Coop is seen on the right.
Indiana Album
A fire truck is seen sitting in front of a brick building. The truck reads D. F. D.
Hendricks County Museum
The three-story brick building on the east side of the square on Illinois Street (later renamed 4th Street) has many broken windows...
Indiana Album
High Street; Jackson Street
Once located at the southeast corner of S. High and W. Jackson Streets. 123-125 W. Jackson Street.
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Spurgeon-Greene Photographs
On June 6, 1913 a fire that began in the pressing room of Brewer Hadleys haberdashery spread to nearby buildings on the north side ...
Indiana Album
Adams Street
A truck parked near a building being demolished on South Adams Street.
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Spurgeon-Greene Photographs
Fire engines are lined up on Washington Street to battle a blaze at the W. T. Grant building. Also seen in this image are Arsenal&...
Indiana Album
Firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives
Firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives
Firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives
Spectators watch firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives
Spectators watch firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives
Spectators watch firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives
Spectators watch firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives
Spectators watch firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives
Spectators watch firemen work to put out a fire at the Elks Building.
Indiana State University Archives