THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY211Lee, Reva H., 2IG, ha 854 North CourtSt.,Sullivan
pa same
1926-1929 teacher elementray grades, Sullivan.Leslie, Ermil T., B. S., ha Folsomville
pa Box 371, LaJunto, Colorado
1926-1929 supervisor, music, LaJunto, Col.Leslie, Mary F., A. B., ha Fairland
1926-1927 teacher history, mathematicsand home economics, Boggstown
1927-1928 teacher, mathematics and home economics, Bristow
1929-1930 teacherhome economics, Indianapolis.Lewis, Dorothy Marie, 2IG, ha RFD 7,Greencastle, pa same
1925-1930 teacher, intermediate grades, Greencastle.Lindsay, Lola V., 2IG, ha 115 South 7thSt., West Terre Haute
nr.Liston, Opal Odell, A. B., ha RFD A,Terre Haute
pa Loch Raven, Maryland
1928 teacher, training school fer boys,Loch Raven, Md.
for complete information, see class of 1917.Llewellyn-LePage, Mrs. Bessie, 2IG, ha118 North 9th St., Clinton
1926-1929not teaching, society editor, The DailyClintonian, Vermillion county dailypaper
married to Anthony LePage in1926.Lloyd, Garnet C, B. S., ha Farmersburg
pa Connersville
1925-1926 teacher, industrial arts, Helt Township HighSchool, Vermillion county
1926-1929,teacher, industrial arts, ConnersvilleHigh School.Lloyd, Harold A., B. S., ha Farmersburg
pa same
1926-1929 teacher, history,Farmersburg High School, Farmersburg.Lloyd, Helen Louise, B. S., ha 2111South 6th St., Terre Haute
1926-1927teacher, home economics, Jackson township, Howard county
1927-1929 teacherhome economics, Somerset.Lord, Jessie L., B. S., ha Corydon
pa2512 Deming St., Terre Haute
1929supervising principal, Greenwood School,Terre Haute
for complete record, seeclass of 1917.Ludlow, Pearl A., B. S., ha Stone Bluff
pa Attica
1926-1929 teacher, home economics, public schools, Attica.Maclnnes, Elizabeth, 2M, ha Sullivan
1926-1929 teacher, Sullivan county.Madden, Cora Clare, A. B., ha 520 NorthCenter St., Terre Haute
pa same
1924-1927 teacher, history and music, Vallonia
1927-1930 teacher, music, LosAngeles, Calif.Mallett, Lois, 2IG, ha Veedersburg
paDanville, 111.
taught three years atStone Bluff, Fountain county, beforegraduation
1926-1929 teacher, grades,Danville, 111.Markland-Nicholson, Mrs. Ruth, 2P, ha1317 North Center St., Terre Haute
pa same
1926-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married fall 1926.Marsh, Gilberta, 2A, ha 2329 ClevelandAve., Terre Haute
192 6-1929 teacher,art, West Terre Haute schools
1929-1930 art supervisor, city schools, Brazil
B. S. Indiana State Teachers College. Terre Haute, 1928.Martin, Uhwrence, A. B., ha 681 V» Wabash Ave, Terre Haute
pa South Bend
1926-1928 teacher of science, Clinton
, 1928-1930 teacher of science. SouthBend.Martin, Suzanne, 2IG, ha RFD B, TerreHaute
1926-1927 student, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1927-1929 teacher, grades, Fayette township,Vigo county.Mathas, Iva Mae, 2IG, ha Montezuma
pa same
1926-1929 teacher, elementarygrades, Montezuma.May, Richard Milton, A. B., ha Laconia
pa same
1926-1927 teacher science andmathematics, Holton
1927-1930 teacherscience and mathematics, Laconia.Mawry, Mary Virginia, 2P, ha Princeton
nr.Maynard, Lula May, A. B., ha Oaktown
pa 215 North 6th St., Vincennes
1918-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Vincennes.Mayrose, Frances, B. S., ha 1837 North10th St., Terre Haute
1926-1928 teachercommerce, Hagerstown
19 2 8-1 9 2 9teacher, commerce, high school, GrandRapids, Mich.McCabe, Marguerite, B. S., ha Greencastle
pa Lemont, 111.
1926-1927 teacher, home economics, Pulaski
1927-1929teacher, home economics and science,Lemont, 111.McCammon, Byron, 2IG, ha Sullivan
paFort Wayne
taught four years in Sullivan county before graduation
1925-1927 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, B. S.
1927-1929 teacher history,junior high school, Fort Wayne.McCIain, Mrs. Ethel Z., 2IG, ha RFD A,Rockville
pa same
1926-1928 principalgrade school and teacher, grades, Hol-landsburg
1928-1929 teacher, grades,Adams township, Park county.McCrum, Bessie I., 2IG, ha Huntington
pa same
1926-1929 teacher, city schools,Huntington.McCullough, Hazel, 2P, ha Reelsville
1926-1929 teacher, grades, Scobey, Montana
1929-1930 teacher, elementarygrades, Richmond.McCullough-Brown, Mrs. Gertrude, 2P,pa 406 East Elm St., Sequin, Tex.
1923-1925 teacher, grades, Poland
1925-1926teacher, grades, Bowling Green
1926-1929 teacher, grades, Plymouth
1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married.McCullough, Mae, B. S., ha Scottsburg
pa same
1921-1922 teacher, home economics, botany and general science,high school, West Baden
1922-1930teacher, home economics, botany andgeneral science, high school, Scottsburg.McFadden, Merle G., B. S., ha New Harmony
pa Evansville
1926-1927 teacher,Bosse High School, Evansville
1927-1929 principal, schools, Stewartsville
1929-1930 teacher, science _ FrancesJoseph Reitz High School, Evansville.McKinney, Charles, A. B., ha 1553 GrandAve., Terre Haute
1926-1927 teacher,industrial arts, Martinsville
1927-1929teacher, industrial arts, Michigan City
1929-1930 graduate student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute.McLin-Hudson, Mrs. Margaret, B. S., ha2705 North 11th St., Terre Haute
lr 1928 teacher, music, PrairieCreek.McGuirk, Alice, B. S., ha 1610 North8th St.. Terre Haute
pa same
1921-1923 teacher grades, Terre Haute
192 3-1927 teacher, Hook School, Terre Haute
1927-1930 teacher, mathematics, Wood-iSjw Wilson Junior High School, TerreHaute.Meahl, Stella, 2P. ha Vallonia
pa Lander, Wyo.
1926-1929 teacher, grades,Lander, Wyo.