1927-1928 married to GeorgeSimpson, homekeeper.Siner, Nancy Marie, A. B., ha RFD B,Terre Haute
pa 120 West LexingtonAve., Elkhart
1926-1930 teacher, commerce, Elkhart.Skillman, Mrs. Emma, 2IG, ha 1741Maryland St., Gary
pa 1962 Massachusetts St., Gary
1926-1929 teacher,public schools, Gary.Skidmore, Mabel M„ 2IG, ha 1615 7thAve., Terre Haute
pa Coal City
1926-1929 teacher of intermediate grades,Coal City.Skomp, Edna M., 2IG, ha Elnora
1924-1925 teacher, district school, Elnora
1925-1926 student Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1923-1929 notteaching, at home.Sloss, Buena Vista, A. B., ha 417% Wabash Ave., Terre Haute
pa 719 Oak St.,Evansville
1926-1929 teacher, com-meilce, Douglass High School, Evansville.Smith, Bertha E., 2IG, ha Pekin
1926-1930 teacher, elementarygrades, Pekin.Smith, Flora Hazel, B. S., ha f.22 NorthJefferson St., Rockville
pa 323 North8th St., Terre Haute
taught in Bentoncounty rural schools in Price and Granttownships
teacher grades, Boswell, andgrades in East Chicago, before graduation
1926-1930 teacher, Indiana StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute.Smith, Florence, 2IG, ha Loogootee
1926-1929 teacher, intermediategrades, Barr township, Daviess county.Smith, Frances C, 2IG, ha Aurora
1926-1929 teacher, intermediate grades, Guilford.Smith, Georgia Katherine, 2HE, haBrazil
pa 1700 North 8th St., TerreHaute
1926-1927 library work, Fairbanks Memorial Library, Terre Haute
1927-1930 cashier, National Life andAccident Insurance Company, TerreHaute.Smith, Maude, 2IG, ha 921 CaliforniaSt., Columbus
pa same
1926-19:50teacher intermediate grades, Columbus.Smith, Onis E., 2IG, ha Sandborn, paHaubstadt
1923-1924 teacher, ruralschools, Greene county
1924-1925 teacher grades, Lyons
1925-1927 teadjiergrades, Marco
1927-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute,B. S.
1929-1930 teacher industrial artsand mathematics, high school, Haubstadt.Smith, Virgil A, B. S., ha Marion
pa712 West Nelson St., Marion
1926-1930teacher, dramatics, senior high school,Marion
A. M., State University ofIowa, Iowa City, Iowa, in 1930.Snyder, Jessie Helen, 2R, ha Rockport
nr.Southard-Russell Marjorie, A. B., haHillsdale
la 1128 North New JerseySt., Indianapolis
lr 1927-1928 teacher,English and science, Unionville.Stahl, Edgar Allen, B. S„ ha 2689 Harrison Ave., Terre Haute, pa same
1929teacher, industrial arts, Wiley HighSchool, Terre Haute
for complete recordsee Class of 1915.Stanton, J. Harold, B. S., ha 624 SwanSt., Terre Haute
pa 2532 Auburn Ave.,Cincinnati, O.
1926-1927 teacher, Anderson township high school, Perry county
1927-1928 teacher, high school. Dexter City, Ohio
1928-1929 teacher, science, high school, Clinton: 1929-1930teacher, chemistry, St. Xavier HighSchool, Cincinnati, Ohio
attended University of Wisconsin summer of 1927.Stark, Mary B., 2IG, ha RFD 1, Green-castle
pa same
1922-1926 taughtgrades, Brownsville and Barnard beforegraduation
1926-1927 teacher grades,Greencastle
1927-1928 at home and notteaching
attended Teachers College, Indianapolis 1920-1921.Stegmoller, Alice, 2IG, ha Osgood
paPetersburg, Ohio
1926-1928 teacherpublic schools, Osgood
1928-1929 teacher primary grades. East Palestine, Ohio.Stewart, Harold W., 2IA, ha 309 NorthGillespie St., Greencastle
1927-1028teacher, industrial arts, Cambridge City
1928-1930 teacher, industrial arts,Greencastle.Stewart, Ila Belle, 2IG, ha Seelyville
nr.Stoelting, Edmond H., 2IG, ha Pleasant-ville
pa 84 4 Delaware, Detroit, Mich.
19201926 teacher elementary grades,Sullivan
1926-1928 teacher, elementarygrades, Martinsville
1928-1930 teachergeometry, algebra and commercial geography, Henry Ford Trade School,Highland Park, Detroit, Mich.Strain, Warren T., A. B., ha Reelsville...
pa 115 West Suttenfield St., Ft. Wayne
1926-1929 teacher, geography, HarmarJunior High School, Ft. Wayne.Sullivan, John M., A. B., ha 1344 FirstAve., Terre Haute
pa Newport
1926-1929 teacher high school, Newport.Swartz, Nellis, 2IG, ha Cromwell
1923-1928 teacher, grades, Kimmell
1028-1929 teacher, grades, Cromwell
1929-1930 teacher, elementarygrades, Noble county.Tait-Tyler, Mrs. Josephine, 2P, ha 900Locust St., Terre Haute
pa same
lr1928 married
at home and not teaching.Taylor, Edna B., 2IG, ha Otterbein
pa15201 Myrtle Ave., Harvey, 111.
1919-1926 teacher, elementary grades, Otterbein
1926-1927 teacher, elemetnarygrades, Linden
1927-1929 teacher, elementary grades, Otterbein
1929-1930teacher, elementary grades, Harvey, 111.Taylor, Mary Elizabeth, 2P, ha 1028 TSt., Bedford
taught three years beforegraduation, primary teacher, ShawswickConsolidated School, Bedford
1926-1929teacher, primary grades, ShawswickConsolidated School, Bedford.Thomas-Tapy, Mrs. Audrey, A. B., ha331 South 18th St., Terre Haute
pa2612 Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.
1923-1925 teacher, history and music,New Goshen
1926-1927 teacher historyand music, Princeton
1927-1929 notteaching, homekeeper, married.Thomas-Butts, Cleo Gladys, 2P, pa 2700Garfield Ave., Terre Haute
1926-1927teacher, elementary grades, Elkhart
1927-1928 student, Indiana University
1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Thompson, Charlotte, A. B., ha Marshall
pa Mayfield, Mo.
lr 1928 teacher, physical education, Mayfield College, Mayfield,Mo.Thompson, Margaret Ellen, A. B., ha Pimento
pa 875 13th Ave., South St.Petersburg, Fla.
1926-1929 teacher.