THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY35CLASS OF 1898Adams, Lorena, nr.Amiss, Anna, ha Huntington
nr.Anderson, John F., nr.♦Asbury, George B., ha Bringhurst
1898-1903 superintendent of schools,Flora
1903-1904 principal high school,Franklin
1904-1909 superintendent ofschools, Indiana Reformatory, Jeffersonville
1909-1911 principal of schools,Bringhurst
deceased 1913.♦Battin, Charles E., nr.Blaser-Taber, Mrs. Etta Anna, la Seattle,Wash.
taught in Seattle, Washingtonschools before marriage
no recent report.Bodemer, Lena, ha Apt. 37, Wyandot,Indianapolis
taught in Plainfield from1898-1900
in 1900 became teacher ofelementary grades in Indianapolis
taught for more than twenty-five yearsin Indianapolis public schools.Bond, Arthur E., la Forest
since graduation served as superintendent in several Indiana cities including Farmers-burg, Michigantown, Young Americaand Forest
1928 principal of schools,Forest.Boulden, Harriett M., ha Frankfort
taught six years in Frankfort beforegraduation
1898-1910, teacher in Huntington
1910-1929, sold childrens literature and Florida real estate
attendedBradley Institute, Peoria, Illinois andColumbia University.Bower, David S., nr.Browder, Carrie Tweed, ha 4163 Central Ave., Indianapolis
1899-1901 assistant professor Indiana State TeachersCollege
1901-1927 teacher public schoolsIndianapolis
1902 graduated from DePauw University
attended Herron ArtInstitute 1914-1915 and Butler and Earl-ham Colleges 1908-1916
died Oct. 31,1927.Brown, Edna, pa 631 South 7th St., TerreHaute: student, John B. Stetson University
taught in Elwood and Newport
1928 reference and periodical librarian,Indiana state Teachers College, TerreHaute
1928-1930 at home.Brown-Lambeth, Mrs Minnie F., nr.Buck, Cora, nr.Carver, Dora E., la LaCrosse, Wis.
lr1916 teacher in LaCrosse State NormalSchool, LaCrosse ,Wis.Clarke, William F., la Minot N. D.
lr1913 head of department of pedagogyand practice teaching, State NormalSchool, Minot, N. D.Coffee, Nettie E., nr.Cohee-Beisel, Mrs. Ella, pa Waveland...
taught until 1906
married Reverend F.J. Bcisel, Methodist minister
1906-1929not teaching, homekeeper.Cenley, Sarah Elizabeth, la 132 NorthOak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111.
lr 1928,teaching in Oak Park, 111.Costello-Morris, Mi s. Mary Terese, haGrass Creek
nr.Crawley, Chas E., la Greencastle
lr1928 mail carrier in Greencastle.Cromwell, Henry, pa 1512 South 8th St.,Terre Haute
superintendent of schoolsPaxton from 1891-1900
1900-1901 principal of ward school, Brazil
1901-1907storekeeper gauger, 7th district
1901-1917 internal revenue service
1917-1919government meat inspector
1921-1929 teacher of mathematics in McLean Junior High School
attended Indiana University in 1899.Davis, Lewis E., nr.Denny, Catherine, pa 503 South 13% St.,Terre Haute
teacher of primary gradesin public schools of Terre Haute from1898-1916
1916-1930 assistant supervisor domestic science, public schools,Terre Haute.Dinsmore, Eva, nr.Dixon, Mamie, nr.Dobbs, Effie Frances, pa 330 Seuth 6thSt., Terre&...
taught two years before graduation
1898-1904 assistantdrawing teacher, public schools, TerreHaute
1904-1929 at home
resigned in1904.Doyle, Lillian, ha 210, The ArdmoreApt., Indianapolis
lr 1928 teacher offirst grade, Indianapolis
deceased Dec.1928.East, Helena, nr.Eisenman, William ,nr.Elrod, Raleigh Morris, lr superintendent of schools, Ligonier
deceasedSept. 6, 1916.Ensminger, Katherine, pa 913 Elm St.,Shelbyville
taught four years in theShelby county schools before graduation
1898-1900 teacher of grades, Elwood
1900-1930 teacher of civics, mathematicsand history, city schools, Shelbyville
attended Indiana University summers of1905-1915.Flanagan, Mary, reported to be livingin Seattle, Wash.
nr.Freed, Theodore J., pa Olney, 111.
taughtat Dana from 1898-1900
1900-1929minister Christian Church, Olney, 111.♦Freeman, William H., lr 1928 secretary-treasurer and general manager. Town-send Freeman Co., Indianapolis...
deceasedJan. 23, 1928.Garrigus-Redmond ,Mrs. Harriet, nr.George, Chester M., pa Rushville
taughtone year. Franklin county, before graduation
1898-1900 principal of high school,Wheatland
1900-1910 principal of highschool. New Salem
1910-1921 countysuperintendent of schools, Rush county
1921-1929 practicing law in Rushville
elected prosecuting attorney for the 65thJudicial Circuit of Indiana, Nov. 1926
attended Indiana University, 1901-1902.Gillespie, James W., pa Broad Ripple,Indianapolis
from date of graduation to1904 principal high schools at Winchester, Stilesville and Lizton
1904superintendent of schools at Avilla
1908-1910 superintendent of schools,Kingman
1910-1916 superintendent ofschools, Odon
1916-1921 superintendentof schools, Lyons
1921-1929 teacherinBroad Ripple, Indianapolis.Giltner, Emmett E., la 85 Grant St.,Yonkers, N. Y.
taught four years incountry and grade schools
1916-1930chairman, department of social science.New York Training School for Teachers
A. B. Indiana University, 1904
M. A.Columbia University. 1907.Goshorn, Martin R., pa Indianapolis
1898-1899 superintendent of schools,Ashboro
1899-1903 superintendent ofschools, Clay City
1903-1909 in hay andgrain business
1909-1912 in hardwarebusiness
1912-1915 elected county commissioner of Clay county: 1915 re-elcetedcounty commissioner of Clay county andwas also engaged in farming and stoekraisin...
1926-1929 with state conserva-