48INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.IV. Adjectives—1. Definition. 2. Classes—a. Predicate
b. Modifying—Limiting and descriptive. 3. Uses in the sen¬
tence. 4. Modifiers. 5. Errors in use of. 6. Comparison.V. Adverbs.—...
(2.) Attributive—Transi¬
tive and Intransitive
b. According to formation of past tense
and perfect participle—Regular and Irregular. 3. Properties—
a. Voice—What it denotes, number...
b. Person and number—(1.) What each de¬
(2.) Forms used
c. Tense—Definition, number and
names, time signification of each, auxiliaries belonging to each,
different uses of each
d. Mode—Definition, kind of relation de¬
noted by each.VII. Prepositions and Conjunctions.VIII. Feeling words and expletives—nature and uses.Not...
as an art
it seeks to give skill in interpreting and in constructing sentences.
This two-fold nature and end of the subject must be...
the sec¬
ond must be sought through intelligent practice in the analysis of
sentences, and through unceasing endeavor to express his own...
i. e., it.has language for its subject-matter. It is dis¬
tinguished from the other members of the group of studies called