158THE XORMAL ADVAXCECICERONIANS.During the past month the society has beenhonored by the presence and greatly benefitedby the talks of three members&...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE.117SOTO.On the afternoon of February 21, Mrs. L. J.Rettger delightfully entertained the Soto Chapter. Miss Whitenack was present an...
7th.Miss Whitenack gave an informal reception,Saturday afternoon, February 14th, for her guest,Miss Nina Newson, who is now teaching in Indianapolis. ...
Driving Piling along White River - Muncie, Ind., 1916; 70 x 18 x 8 skew truss span - Perry Bridge, 1917; Beams and Rods ...
These cards represent a filing system created by the Indiana Bridge Company that was used to organize clients, commissions, and locations of ...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...