Original caption: September 13, 1944, 2nd Section, 2nd Platoon fired first round into Perl, Germany in the Third Army, near Luxemburg, Luxem...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
On slide mount: Bond-Kelsey House, 1514 N. College Ave.,East (College Ave., elevation
Bond-Kelsey House1514 North College Avenue1873This Italianate structure features bracketed eaves, rounded windows, and a recessed entranceway on the south. ...
single-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Bond-Kelsey House, 1514 N. College Ave.,South and East (College Ave., elevations
Bond-Kelsey House1514 North College Avenue1873This Italianate structure features bracketed eaves, rounded windows, and a recessed entranceway on the south. ...
single-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
On slide mount: Bond-Kelsey House, 1514 N. College Ave.,East (College Ave., and North elevations
Bond-Kelsey House1514 North College Avenue1873This Italianate structure features bracketed eaves, rounded windows, and a recessed entranceway on the south. ...
single-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection