Search Results - (( east street sc...
Search alternatives:home teaching » hine teaching, woman teaching, houck teachingstreet scott » street shot, street short, trees scottacross high » across hisscott home » scott house, scott thomashigh james » feigh james, huth james, high namedline lake » lane lake, pine lake, alice lakese across » s.e across, ne across, sw acrosslake se » lake s.e, lake st, lake side
Showing 1 - 20 of 261 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( east street sc...
Showing 1 - 20 of 261 results

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1191921-1924 teacher, science in senior highschool, Huntsville

    1924-1925 traveled insouth and north

    1925-1927 teacher ofhome economics and science and history,high school, San Pierre

    1927-1929 teacher of science, high school, Mooresville

    1929-1930 teacher of home economics andbiology, high school, Orleans

    B. S.,Franklin College in 1913, attended Columbia University summer of 1928-1929.Sanford, Loren A., ha Terre Haute

    paGrand Rapids, Michigan, 641 LafayetteAve., Southeast

    1913-1914 teachinggrades and high school, Center Point

    1914-1916 teaching history, Garfield HighSchool, Terre Haute

    1927-1929 salesman, Dupont Powder Company, GrandRapids, Michigan.Schneider-Fortner, Mrs. Ruby, pa 716Howard Ave., Rockville

    taught fouryears in Wayne county before graduation

    1914-1917 teacher of grades, Connersville

    1917-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married in 1917 to John Fort-ner of the class of 1914

    attended Earl-ham College simmer of 1909.Scott-Ferguson, Mrs. Mary, pa TerreHaute, RFD A

    taught four years atPrairieton before graduating

    1914-1916teacher, grades, city schools, Bloomington

    1916-1928 married, Orman Ferguson, not teaching, homekeeper.Scudder-Kaems, Mrs. Ethel R., A. B.,ha 5523 Fernwood Ave., Los Angeles,California

    1915 taught domestic sciencein Terre Haute public schools

    1915-191Ggraduated from Los Angeles NormalSchool, received high school certificatein home economics

    1916-1917 taughtdomestic science in Long Beach, California: 1917-1924 Polytechnic HighSchool, Long Beach, California

    lr 1924.Self-Helen Louise, ha Indianapolis

    1913-1915 supervisor of domestic arts andgrade work at Indiana Girls School

    1915-1916 teacher of music and art,domestic science and botany, high school,New Palestine

    lr 1915.Seybould, Arthur, A. B.

    ha Newburg

    paCleveland, Ohio

    1905-1907 teacher lirural schools, Warrick county

    1907-1912teacher in grades, Newburg

    1912-1917superintendent of schools, Newburg

    1917-1918 superintendent of schools,P.ooneville

    1918-1919 served in Y. M. C.A. over seas

    1919-1921 teacher of English, East Technical High School, Cleveland, Ohio

    1923-1925 principal, FowlerJunior High School, Cleveland, Ohio

    1925-1929 principal, Thomas JeffersonJunior High School, Cleveland, Ohio

    A.M., Western Reserve Cleveland, Ohio anddoing graduate work at Colorado University.Senour, Alfred C, A. B., pa East Chicago, 4133 Ivy St.: ...

    1916-1917 student, Indiana State Teachers College,1917-1918 teacher of history in highschool. East ChicMgo

    1918-1921 elementary principal, East Chicago

    1921-1924 director, department of measurements. East Chicago

    1924-1930 generalpupervisor of schools, East Chicago.Shannon, Fred A., A. B., ha Brazil:pa Manhattan, Kansas

    1914-1916 teacher in public schools, Brazil: 1916-1919principal high school, Reelsville

    1919-1923 professor of history, Iowa Wesleyan College, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa

    1924-1926 professor of history, Iowa StateTeachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa

    1926-1929 professor of history, KansasAgricultural College

    A. A. IndianaUniversity 1918

    Ph. D., University ofIowa, 1924.Showalter, Hazel M., pa 1439 ChestnutSt., Terre Haute

    1914-1930 SandisonSchool, Terre Haute.Sloan-Coryell, Mrs. Sylvia, ha Tipton

    1914-1916 teaching grades, Tipton

    1916-1924 married, not teaching, homekeeper:lr 1924.Small, Benamin Francis, A. B., ha Swayzee

    pa 641 >/2 Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    lawyer, Terre Haute

    for complete recordsee class of 1912.St. Clair, Lucia Elaine, ha Terre Haute,724 N. 8th St.

    1914-1924 teachinggrades, Terre Haute

    lr 1924.Staker-Boston, Mrs. Florence, pa Lewis

    taught in Jasonville before graduation

    1914-1920 teacher of science and English,grades, Clinton

    1920-1928 worked withhusband in his clothing and shoe store

    1928-1930 teacher of science and English, high school, Blackhawk.Stevenson, Anna Bertha, ha Danville

    1914-1921 teacher of grade schools, EastChicago

    1921-1929 teacher of elementary grades, Nathaniel Hawthorne School,50, Indianapolis.Stiver, Bessie

    nr.Stirling-Smith, Mrs. Amy D., pa Morris-town

    taught in Union township schoolstwo years before graduation

    1914-1916teacher, Union Center High School, Huntington county

    1916 married

    1916-1926at home, not teaching, homekeeper

    1926-1929 teaching music and art in gradesand high school, Morristovvn.Stork, Harvey Elmer, A. B., ha Hunting-burg

    pa Nbrthfield, Minn., care Caile-ton College

    1915-1920 instructor, CornellUniversity, Ithaca, New Yoif.

    1920-1926 assistant professor of botany,Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota

    1926-1929 professor of botany, CarletonCollege, Northfield, Minnesota

    Ph. D.,Cornell University, 1920.Stork, Mary Elizabeth, ha Muncie

    1914-1915 teaching departmental English,Hammond

    1915-1926 teaching, Muncie,departmental English

    mr Jan. 3, 1928.Taylor-Bradfield, Mrs. Grace M., pa 840S. Jamestown, Tulsa, Oklahoma

    1911-1913 teacher of mathematics and science,Bridgeton High School

    1913-1916 teacher of algebra and German, high school,Henryetta, Oklahoma

    1917-1929 marriedto O. R. Bradfield

    not teaching, home-keeper.Trimble-Scott, Mrs. Eliza, A. B., haEvansville, 712 Grand Ave.

    1874-1882teacher of rural schools, Evansville

    1882-1885 married, not teaching, home-keeper

    1885-1893 rural schools and public schools, Blairsville

    1893-1895 student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1395-1906 teacher in public schools, Evansville

    1906-1908 student, Indiana State Teachers College

    1908-1912 teacher of music, high school,Newburg

    1912-1914 student, IllinoisUniversity, Purdue University and Indiana University doing special work indomestic science

    1914-1918 teacher ofdomestic science in Haubstadt and Hope

    1918-1929 not teaching, homekeeper.Turner, Ida, ha Cannelton

    pa Marengo

    1914-1915 principal. Union TownshipHigh School, Perry county

    1915-1916principal, Lilly Dale High School, Perry

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY153Teachers Training School, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 teaching in junior high school,Vincennes

    1924 married Wallace Snyder

    1926-1927 teaching in Mrs. PortersPrivate School for Girls, Long Beach,Calif.

    1927-1929 teaching English andsocial science in Alexander HamiltonJunior High School, Long Beach, Calif.

    attended University of Wisconsin

    graduate work. University of California

    University of Southern California.Ellwanger, Walter H., ha Lanesville

    paSt. Louis, Mo. 801 DeMun Ave.

    1921-1922 teacher in high school, Pontiac,111.

    1922-1924 superintendent ofschools, Marengo

    1926-1928 student inConcordia Theological Seminary, St.Louis, Missouri

    received A. B. fromIndiana University in 1921.Erwin-Hill, Mrs. Bessie, ha Terre Haute,2001 North 7th St.

    pa Logansport

    1919-1920 teacher in high school,Frichton

    1920-1922 teacher in juniorhigh school, Vincennes

    1922-1929married Willard B. Hill, not teaching,homekeeper.♦Fail, Elsie Jane, ha Terre Haute

    deceased.Ferguson-Bedwell, Mrs. Frieda, A. B.ha Terre Haute, 640 Barbara Ave., paNew Lawrence Hotel, Chicago, 111.

    1919-1922 teacher in high schools, Montezuma and Peru

    1922-1923 teacher inMcrom Christian College, Merom

    1923-1927 teacher of public speaking, Garfield High School, Terre Haute

    1927-1928 not teaching, at home

    directorof the Little Theatre of Terre Haute.1928-1930 not teaching.Ferguson, F. Kell, B. S. ha Plainville

    pa East Chicago

    1917-1922 teacher ofmanual training and principal of highschool. Plainville

    1921-1922 teacher ofindustrial arts, Elkhart

    1922-1929teacher of industrial arts, East Chicago.Ferguson, Mary Jewell, B. S. ha TerreHaute, 640 Barbara Ave.

    1919-1920teacher English and history, high school,Riley

    1920-1927 teacher of Englishand history, Clinton

    1927-1929 teacherpublic speaking, Garfield High School,Terre Haute.Firsick-Myers, Mrs. lone, ha Shelbyville

    pa same

    taught four years indistrict schools, Shelby township, Shelby county before graduation

    taught fouryears second grade at helbyville

    1919-1920 taught music and hygiene atjunior high school, Shelbyville

    1920-1928 married Mr. Myers, not teaching,homekeeper.Fisher, Virgil, A. B., ha Burns City


    1913-1914 teacher in Linton schools, Linton

    1914-1915 supervising principal and teacher of historyand mathematics, Decker

    1919-1930principal of high schools, Bruceville,Ambia, Donovan, 111.

    and Worthington.Foulke, Homer, Ph. B. pa Cory

    19291930 assistant principal, Cory

    forcomplete record, see class 1914.French, Clyde LeRoy, A. B. ha Osgood

    1915-1916 principal Kewanna HighSchool

    1923, Blind

    not teaching

    deceased.Frey-Quinlan, Mrs. Nina, ha East Chicago

    pa East Chicago

    1919-1920 teacher in East Chicago for two months

    1919-1921 married, not teaching, home-keeper

    1921-1923 teacher of grades.East Chicago: 1923-1929 teacher of ele-mentray grades. East Chicago.Given, Hazel, ha Lapel, nr.Grenard, Hazel, ha Rosedale...

    1922-1928music teacher. Mace

    1923-1924 musicsupervisor, Fortville

    mr Dec. 22. 1927.Grossman, Gertrude

    pa 608 North 2ndSt.. Boonville

    1916-1917 teacher ruralschool, Skelton township: 1919-1922 teacher, home economics, high school, TellCity

    1922-1930 teacher home economics,Clarke School, Booneville.Gleeson, Albertine, ha Leopold

    pasame: 1919-1930 teacher of English ondhistory, high school, Leopold.Haas, Olivia, A. B. ha Boonville

    1919-1926 teacher of Latin and English inhigh school, Elberfield

    1926-1928 attending Indiana University, receivedmasters degree in Latin

    1928-1930teaching Latin and English, Boonville.Hance, Esther Lee, A. B. ha Terre Haute,916 North 7th St.

    pa Evansville, 112Powell Ave.

    taught one year in Marshall, 111.

    three years in Areola, 111.

    one year in Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    three years and atpresent in Bosse High School, Evansville

    received M. A. degree from University ofIllinois in June, 1924.Hanna, Carlton, ha Coal City

    pa TerreHaute, 1202 Lafayette Ave., 1919-1923principal, also taught Latin and history,high school, Coal City

    1923-1928 sporting editor, Terre Haute Star

    1928-1930publicity manager, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Harbaugh, Madola, pa Clay City

    1916-1922 teacher of grades, Clay county

    1922-1925 teacher of English, mathematics, history, geography and physics,high schools, Clay and Daviess counties

    1925-1927 student, Indiana University

    A. B.

    1927-1930 teacher of mathemati-ics, high school, Greene county.Hargis, Elizabeth, A. B. ha Tulsa, Okla.

    717 South Phoenix Ave.

    pa same

    lr1928 teacher in junior high school, Tulsa Oklahoma.Harris, Opal K., ha Terre Haute, 1720Chestnut St.

    1919-1930 critic teacherof elementary grades. Hook and Demingschools

    A. B. Indiana State TeachersCollege, 1926.Hart-Singer, Mrs. Elizabeth, ha Sand-bom

    pa Tulsa. Okla.

    1919-1920 teacher in schools, Sandborn

    1920-1929 notteaching, married, homekeeper.Hays-Shields, Mrs. Maude, ha Mauck-port

    1919-1920 assistant principal highschool, Mauckport

    1920-1923, principalhigh schools, DePauw and Mauckport

    1923-1929 married, at home, not teach-Hazzard, Lillie, ha Scottsburg

    pa 725Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis

    taughtin rural schools of Scott county from1911-1918 and one year grades at Ot-terbein before graduation

    1919-1926taught grades at Otterbein, Muncie andIndianapolis

    1926-1927 on leave of absence attending Columbia University

    New York

    1927-1929 teaching in Indianapolis.Hein, Eva, A. B. ha Terre Haute, RFDF

    pa South Bend, 310 E. Howard St.

    1923-1928 teacher of mathematics injunior high school, South Bend.Hendricks, Effie, ha Vernon

    pa Evansville

    lr teaching in public schools,Evansville.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1924-1929 at home, not teaching, married to Mark C. Shinncrer of theclass of 1920.Shea, Gretchen, A. B.. ha 1541 EighthAve., Terre Haute...

    1923-1929 extensionsecretary, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Hatue.Sherwood, Maurine, 2PE, pa Go»hen

    1923-1924 music supervisor in theschools, Midland

    1925-1928 teacher ofphysical education, Rennsselaer

    1928-1930 teacher of physical education, Goshen.Shriner, Richard, A. B., ha RFD 3,Huntington

    1922-1924 teocher in thejunior high school, Ft. Wayne

    1924-1929 principal of a junior high school,Ft. Wayne.Sibel, CarolynL., A. B., ho New Richmond

    for complete information, seeclass of 1899.Sims, Katherine

    2IG, ha 1658 SpruceSt., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1928-1980teacher, Booker T. Washington Schooi.Terre Haute

    B. S. Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.Sink, Chester A., B. S., pa 20 NorthBroadway, Greenfield

    1923-192 9 teacherof industrial arts, in the high school,Greenfield.Smith, Clinton M., A. B., ha Vincennes

    1923-1924 principal of the high school,Elnora

    1924-1926 teacher in the juniorhigh school, Vincennes: 1926-1930 principal of Vincennes Township HighSchool.Smith, Mary V., 2IG, ha RFD 1 Sand-born...

    1923-1924 teacher of grades, Sand-born

    1924-1925 substitute teacher, Stafford township. Green county

    1926-1927teacher in Stockton township, Greencounty

    lr 1929.Smith, Texa, 2IG, ha Stilesville

    nr.SnyJer, Geneva, 2IG, ha Paxton

    1920-1923 taught in district school, Sullivancounty and fourth grade, Paxton, before graduation

    1923-1929 teacher ingrade and high school, Paxton.Spencer-Phillips, Mrs. Olive, A. B., ha1634 North 9th St., Terre Haute

    1923-1925 teacher of physical education, EastChicago

    1925-1929 not teaching, home-keeper, married.Stallings, Mrs. Katherine, 2IG, ha 320North 7th St., Terre Haute

    pa 419 Osborne St., Terre Haute

    1923-1929 teacher of grade work, Collett School, TerreHaute.Stanley-Leak, Mrs. Thelma, 2IG, pa 324Olive St., West Terre Haute

    1923-1929married to Edward Leak, February 11,1924: homekeeper, not teaching.Steele, Roy F., A. B., pa Milford, 111.:1929-1930 superintendent schools, ...

    for complete record see class1916.Stewart-Whelan, Mrs. Irene, 2IG, haRockport: 1922-1923 teacher of grodes,Clinton

    lr 1923.Strause, Agnes, 2IG, pa 1907 East 13GthSt., East Chicago

    1923-1930 teacher inthe schools of East Chicago.Strecker, Anne, 2IG, ha 2301 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute

    taught threeyears from 1919-1922 before graduation

    1923-1929 teacher of fourth grade inthe Greenwood School, Terre Haute

    attended Colorado University the summer term of 1926.Streit, Olive Claire, A. B., ha Andrews

    pa 418 West 118th St., New York City

    1923-1927 teacher of French and English in the State Teachers TrainingSchool, Terre Haute

    1927-1929 studentat Columbia University, New York City,and part-time teaching

    1929-1930upending the year in Paris, France, atSorbonne

    A. M., degree Columbia University in 1928 and working towardPh. D. degreeSummers, Lucy. 2.G, ha 806 South 2ndSt., Terre Haule

    nr.Summers-Crary, Mrs. Nadine, 2IG, pa15th Ave., Hammond

    1923-1924 teacherof elementary grades, Hardinsburg

    1924-1927 teacher of elementary grades,Hammond: 1927-1929 at home

    notteaching, married to Mr. J. W. Crary.Sutton, Hilda O., 2IG, 1219 8th Ave..Terre Haute. Ind.

    1923-1930 teacher ofintermediate grades, Deming School,Terre Haute.Swaidner, William Lee, A. B., pa 404Baldwin Ave., Findlay, Ohio

    1912-1914principal of the Scotland High School

    1914-1916 superintendent Harlan publicschools

    1917-19 IS superintendent ofschools, Monroeville

    1918-1922 teacherof mathematics, Wapakoneta, Ohio

    1922-1923 A. B. degree, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 teacher of mathematics in the highschool, Findlay, Ohio

    1924-1930 principal of the J. C. Dor.nell Junior HighSchool, Findlay, Ohio.Tereba, Bertha, 2IG, ha 274 West ThirdSt., Peru

    1924-1929 teacher of homeeconomic* in the Peru High School.Thompson, Edith K., 2IG, ha Wheatland

    pa 3C10 Grand Blvd., East Chicago

    1923-1924 teacher of primary grade,East Chicago

    1924-1929 teacher of elementary grades in the city schools, EastChicago.Thompson, Edith R., A. B., 1700 North8th St., Terre Haute

    1923-1926 teacherof mathematics high school, PrairieCreek

    1926-1929 teacher of mathematics* Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute.Tierney, Edward L., ha North Vernon

    pa Montgomery

    1930 principal of thehigh school, Montgomery

    for completerecord see class of 1920.Tipton, Edna, A. B., pa 204 North Ave.5 7th, Los Angeles, California

    forcomplete information see class of 1906.Tolliver, Dorothy, 2IG, ha 2337 SpruceSt., Terre Haute

    nr.Treager, Mildred, 2IG, ha Brazil, RFD 3

    pa 5.>0 West Washington St., Winchester

    1919-1920 teacher grades. Carbon

    1920-1921 teacher grades, Knights-ville

    1921-1927 teacher home economics,junior high school, Clinton

    1927-1929teacher vocational home economics, VanBuren High School, Brazil

    1929-1930home demonstration agent, Randolphcounty

    B. S. Indiana State Teachers College 1928.Treat, Mary E., A. B., ha 654 DemingSt., Terre Haute

    1923-1928 teacher ofhistory, Sarah Scott Junior High School,Terre Haute

    1928-1929 teacher in theWoodrow Wilson Junior High School.Trueblood-Chezem, Mrs. Doyne, 2IG, pa637 Fairview Ave., East, South Bend

    1922-1923 supply teacher in West TerreHaute Schools

    1923-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married to Delbert Chezemin 1923.Tucker, Russell, A. B., ha Cory

    lr 1927teacher in the high school at Evansville.Turner, Irene, 2H.K., ha 1422 Bradbury

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 134THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYtownship, Owen county, and two years,Tulsa, Oklahoma before graduation

    1916-1924 principal, Longfellow gradeschool, Tulsa. Okla.

    1924-1925 studentUniversity of Oklahoma, B. S.: 1925-1929 superintendent West UniversityPlace, Independent School District

    1929-1930 principal, John J. Pershing JuniorHigh School, Huston, Tex.

    graduatework University of Oklahoma summers1926 and 1927.Orman, Shirley S., pa Tulsa, Okla.

    1916-1919 director of manual training,Shreveport, La.

    1919-1924 drafting anddrawing, Tulsa. Okla.

    1926-1929 teaching in the high school, Tulsa, Okla.♦Osborne, Grace, ha Petersburg

    1916-1917 teacher in Petersburg

    1917-1918government service, Washington, D. C.Jdeceased, November, 1918.Oyler, Lahue, pa 404 East Charles St.,Muncie

    1916-1918 teacher in grades,city schools, Muncie

    1918-1922 teacherdepartmental art, city schools, Muncie

    1922-1923 student Pratt Institute, NewYork City

    1923-1926 assistant professor of art, Bali Teachers College, Muncie

    1926-1927 attended Chicago University, receiving Ph. B. in art

    also attended Pratt Institute, New York in1925

    lr 1927.Paddock, Frank, A. B. pa Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.

    taught two andone-half years in the rural schools ofVigo county before graduation

    1916-1918 teacher in high school, Odon andMadison

    1918-1920 principal CambridgeCity

    1920-1923 teacher St. John Military Academy, Delafield, Wis.

    1924-1929 instructor of political science, OhioState University, Columbus, Ohio

    received Ph. D. from University of Wisconsin in 1925: 1928-1929 assistant professor of political science, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.Palmer, ...

    1916-1924 teacher in the public schools, UnionMills, Hanna, Greensfork, Silver Lake,and La Otto

    1924-1929 principal of thehigh school, Waterloo.Pancake, Lee, pa Canton, Ohio.

    1911-1913 teacher in Flatrock township, Bartholomew county

    1913-1918 teacher ofeighth and ninth grades, Central HighSchool, Columbus

    1918-1919 teacher inhigh school, Elwood

    1919 army

    1920-1929 teacher of mechanical drawing,McKinley High School, Canton, Ohio.Payton-Roeschlein, Mrs. Minerva, A. Center Point

    1916-1929 teacher ofmathematics, Latin and home economicsin the high schools, Center Point, Bowling Green, Bloomingdale, Helt township,Ashboro and Sugar Ri...

    Box 1148

    taught in theEast Chicago public schools from 1912-1914 before graduation

    1916-1920,teacher of grades, East Chicago publicschools

    married to Mr. Wamsher in1920

    1920-1929 not teaching, home-keeper.Pickard, Sherman, nr.Pickett, Hale C, pa Ohio University,Athens, Ohio

    complete record in theclass of 1919.♦Powers, Ben ha Roachdale

    deceasedin 1923.Pruitt-Sellers, Mrs. Hazel Belle, pa 25Adelford Ave., Akron, Ohio

    1916-1918teacher of English in the high school,Edinburg

    1918-1929 teacher of Englishin the Robinson and Lincoln schools,Akron, Ohio.Pyle, J. Freeman, pa care of MarquetteUniversity, Milwaukee, Wis.

    1910-1913teacher in district schools, Pike county

    1913-1914 teacher in the high school,Winslow

    1914-1916 teacher in the department of history and commerce, EastChicago High School, also taking workin the University of Chicogo

    1916-1920teacher in the State Teachers College,Kirksville, Ma.

    1920-1925 instructorin the School of Commerce and Administration, University of Chicago

    1923-1925 lecturer in economics, school ofCommerce, Northwestern University,Evanston, 111.

    1925-1929 dean, RobertA. Johnson College of Business Administration, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    received Ph. B. in artsand science in 1917 from the Universityof Chicago, Ph. D. School of Commerceand Administration, 1925.Reece, Raymond J. ha&...

    pa2448 North 14th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 assistant professor, history,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute for complete record see class1913.Riehl, Charles Edward, A. B. ha Griffith...

    1916-1917 not teaching

    1917-1918 attending Michigan University

    1918-1919 with the United States MarineCorps

    1919-1927 superintendent ofschools, Griffith

    1927-1929 principalelementary schools, Whiting

    attendedUniversity of Chicago and MichiganUniversity.Riner-Stokes, Mrs. Edith, pa Bellmore

    taught two years, grades, Union township, Park county

    1916-1924 teacher,English, Latin, domestic science, musicand drawing, high school, Bellmore

    1924-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married.Roberts-Bonham, Mrs. Dorothy, pa Mulberry

    lr married, at home, not teaching,homekeeper.Rogers, Katherine U„ pa 1019 South 9thSt., Terre Haute

    1916-1929, experiencemostly in Terre Haute school system,now teaching drawing at Sarah ScottJunior High School, Terre Haute

    A. B.,Indiana State Teachers College.Rosenmund, Frieda R., pa 614 CottageAve., Indianapolis.

    pa 140 Sheridan St.,Greensburg

    1916-1929 teacher of mathematics and Latin, Greensburg.Rupe-Guthrie, Mrs. Dale, ha Boston

    1917-1918 teacher of Latin and domestic science, Oaktown

    1918-1919 attending Purdue University

    1919 married toJ. I. Guthrie, not teaching, homekeeper

    lr 1919.Sage-Cooper, Mrs. Ora, ha Goodland

    1912-1916 teacher in rural schools, Newton county

    1916-1921 teaching in thegrades, Newton county, Laporte, andRennselaer

    1921-1929 married, home-keeper, living on a farm in Newtoncounty.Sarig, J. D., ha Winchester

    1916-1918principal high school, Decatur

    1918-1924 principal high school. WhiteRiver township

    1924-1930 principalLincoln Consolidated School, Randolphcounty

    LL. B. University of California.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY115superintendent of schools, Winslow

    1915-1924 superintendent of schools,Stendal

    lr 1924.Cox, Anna E., ha Union City

    1929 teacher, high school, Randolph county

    forcomplete record, see class of 1910.Crosser, Helen, ha Brazil

    pa 2231 Garfield Ave., Terre Haute

    1914-1916teacher of grades, Universal

    1916-1929teacher, home economics, Terre Haute.Cuppy-Koch, Mrs. Marjorie, A. B., baFranklin

    pa Manilla

    1914-1915 teacherof literature, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher,English, high school, Bluffton

    1916-1917teacher, English and German, Crothersville

    1917-1919 teacher of English andhistory, Clark

    1919-1929 teafher ofEnglish, Manilla.Curtis, Glenn, ha Hall

    pa Martinsville

    1914-1915 principal, high school, CrownCenter

    1915-1923 principal, high school,Plainfield: 1923-1929 teacher, physicaleducation and science, Martinsville

    1929-1930 principal, Martinsville High School,coach of state high school basketballchampions.Curtis-Sicbenmorgen, Mrs. Ruby, ha Carlisle. RFD 3

    pa 1200 S. 8th St., TerreHaute

    1914-1916 teacher in cityschools, Terre Haute

    1917-1930 marriedto Dr. Louis Siebenmorgen, at home, notteaching.Davis, Eva Margaret, ha Vincennes, 309Scott St

    1914-1916 critic teacher,grades, Evansville

    lr 1916.Davis, Helen Allen, ha Mooreland

    1914-1918 teacher of grades. Sulphur Springs

    1918-1919 teacher, English and Latin.Farmland

    1919-1921 teacher, English andLatin, Cadiz

    1921-1923 teacher, Englishand Latin, Castleton

    1923-1924 teacher,English and Latin, Oaklandon

    1924-1929 assistant principal, Windfall.Davis-Lloyd, Mrs. Rebecca, ha TerreHaute, 1428 1st Ave.

    1914-1919 teacher, public schools, Terre Haute

    1919married, not teaching, homekeeper

    lr1919.Dearborn, Mary C, ha UniversityHeights

    1913-1914 teacher of grades,Marion

    1914-1916 teacher of grades,Mishawaka

    1916-1917 student, ColumbiaUniversity, New York City

    1917 teacher of grades, Mishawaka

    lr 1917.Dilts, Charles D., A. B., ha Evansville:Terrace Park

    1913-1915 teacher physicsin high school, Evansville

    1916-1921teaching chemistry in high school, Evansville: 1921-1924 teaching, Fort Wayne

    lr 1924.Dunagan, Awaza, ha Amo

    1914-1916teaching grades in training school, NorthManchester College

    1915-1916 teaching grades in Terre Haute

    1916-1920critic teacher, Evansville Training School,Evansville

    1920-1923 teaching in publicschools, Indianapolis: lr 1923.Easton-Schloot, Mrs. Hazel, pa SwitzCity

    1914-1916 teacher, Switz City

    1916-1920 taught grades, Muncie

    1919-1929 married, homekeeper in Switz City.Ellison-Maher, Mrs. Stella A., ha Bedford,1420 K St.

    1914-1917 teacher of English,departmental school, Bedford

    1917-1920not teaching, at home

    1920-1924 teaching, public schools, Chicago, Illinois

    lr1924.Elston, Edna Gertrude, pa Columbus

    1914-1929 teacher, public schools, Columbus.Fortner, John E., pa Rockville

    ha Kokomo: 1914-1915 teacher in Howardcounty schools: 1915-1916 departmentalwork, grades, Frankfort

    1929 with theFerguson Lumber Company, Rockville.Fossler, George M., pa Laurel, taught twoyears county school, one year high school,before graduation...

    1914-1917 teacher history and German, high school. Napoleon

    1917-1919 United States Army

    1919-1930 in business

    A. B. Indiana StateTeachers College 1917.Foulke, Homer, ha Cory: 1914-1916 student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1915-1916 principal, QuakerSchool, Dana

    1919 Ph. B.

    1921-1922teacher of science, high school, Harting-ton, Nebraska

    1922-1923 teacher ofmathematics, high school, Morrill, Nebraska

    1923-1929 assistant principal,Cory, A. M. University of Chicago.Frank-Cummings, Mrs. Mary, ha TellCity

    803 11th St.

    1914-1915 principal,high school, Tobinsport

    1915-1916 notteaching, at home

    1916-1917 principal,high school, Anderson

    1917-1919 teacher of grades. Tell City

    1919-1929 teacher of history and English, high school,Tell City.Freitag-Walsh, Mrs. Helena, ha TerreHaute, 121 Kent Ave.

    pa Terre Haute,22 Home Ave.

    1914-1926 teacher inschools of Terre Haute

    1926-1929 married, not teaching, homekeeper.Froeb, Norma C, A. B., ha 1012 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute

    1905-1914 teacher of German in grades, Terre Haute:1914-1915 teacher of English, highschool, New Carlisle

    1915-1929 teacherof English, Garfield High School, TerreHaute.Fulmer, Martha Luella, ha Fremont

    pa3525 Grand Blvd., East Chicago

    1914-1920 teacher, elementary grades, Evansville

    1920-1929 teacher, elementarygrades, East Chicago.George, Erma

    pa Terre Haute, 2244 N.11th St., 1914-1918 teacher in publicschools, Terre Haute

    1918-1924 teacher of geography, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute

    1924-1925 receivedA. B. from Indiana State Teachers CoNlege

    1925-1929 teacher of geography,McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute.George, May, pa Muncie

    1914-1915teacher, rural school, Pipecreek township,Madison

    1916-1916 teacher, primarygrades, Pipecreek township, Madisoncounty

    1916-1918 teacher of grades, Elwood

    1918-1929 grade critic, Ball Teachers College, Muncie.Glavecke-Schultz, Mrs. Meta, ha TerreHaute, 2000 N. 8th St., 1914-1921 teacher in city schools, ...

    1921-1922 married, not teaching, homekeeper

    1922-1923 teacher in schools, Los Angeles, California

    lr 1922.Gobel, Margaret, pa Coalmont

    lr 1916,teacher of grades, Pimento

    deceasedMarch 24, 1923.Gordon-Castle, Mrs. Estella, ha Jasonville

    la 2304 Olmstead St., Louisville,Ky.

    1914-1916 teacher of grade work,Muncie

    1916-1923 married, not teaching, homekeeper: lr 1923.Graham-Donner, Mrs. Florence, ha Lapel

    1914-1917 drawing supervisor, Salem:1917-1919 attended Chicago Academy ofFine Arts

    1919-1920 reconstruction aidsin army

    1920-1922 drawing supervisor,Bellaire, Ohio: 1922-1929 married, housewife, at home and not teaching.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY97Illinois, homekeeper, also substituteteacher in city schools

    1915-1916 home-keeper at Williamsport

    1916-1924 home-keeper at South Bend

    lr 1924.Peyton, Elizabeth, nr.Pfingst, Calvin H., ha Syracuse, pa LaneTechnical High School, Chicago, Illinois

    1911-1913 principal, high school, Effingham, Illinois

    1913-1914 student, University of Chicago

    1914 graduated fromUniversity of Chicago

    1914-1916 headof mathematics, East Chicago

    graduatestudent Columbia University

    1916-1920attending Columbia University

    1920-1929 teacher of mathematics, LaneTechnical High School, Chicago, Illinois

    received Ph. B. degree in 1914 fromUniversity of Chicago.Pocock-Blackburn, Mrs. Ina M., pa1135 E. 15th St., Long Beach, California

    1908-1914 teacher in rural schools, LaGrange county

    1914-1916 teacher ofEnglish and Latin, high school, Orland

    1916-1917 not teaching, homekeeper forfather

    1917-1921 teacher of English,high school, Pana, Illinois

    1921-1922attending Leland Stanford University,California, receiving M. A.

    1922-1924teacher of chemistry, high school, Ala-manda, California

    married, Dec. 21, 1924to Chester O. Blackburn, not teaching,homekeeper

    received A. B. from IndianaUniversity in 1913.Pottenger, Thurl, la Claypool

    taught inthe grades, 1905-1909 and from 1910-1913 in high school before graduation

    1911-1912 in the hardware business atSyracuse

    1912-1912 superintendent ofschools, Beaver Dam

    1913-1914 in business in Syracuse

    1914 attending WinonaCollege of Agriculture

    1915-1916 in thehardware business at Claypool.Pound, Mary, pa 1815 N. 10th St., TerreHaute

    see class 1928 for complete record.Price, Anna L., pa 23 W. Park St.,Brazil

    1911-1915 primary teacher,Brazil

    1915-1916 teacher of grammar,Brazil

    1916-1929 teacher of English inhigh school, Brazil.Ratcliff, Vanessa, deceased

    nr.♦Rebstock, Carson, ha Knox

    1911-1914principal, new centralized high school

    deceased, 1915, April 5th.Rinehart, Blanche, ha Boston

    1911-1914critic teacher, grades five and six, Manchester College, North Manchester

    1914-1917 teacher of English, high school,Campbellstown, Ohio

    1917-1918 did notteach

    1918-1919 principal of high school,Campbellstown, Ohio

    1919-1921 M. A.,University of Chicago, Illinois

    1921-1924 director of education, Y. W. C. A.,Detroit, Michigan

    nr since 1924.Roberts, Robert A., ha Quincy, Illinois

    1911-1916 principal, Lincoln School,Quincy, Illinois

    lr IS 16.Scott, Myrtle E., nr.Shanner, Casper A., ha Oakland City

    1911-1914 superintendent of schools,Oaktown

    1914-1916 principal, highschool, Carlisle

    1916 principal highschool, LaMar, Colo.

    lr 1916.Shoemaker, Jacob A., ha Bluffton

    1911-1916 teaching in the grades, publicBchool, Wells county

    1916-1924 teaching in grades and high school, Bluffton

    lr. 1924.Smick, Helen L., pa 1020 South 4th St.,Terre Haute

    for complete record seeclass of 1927.Smith, Bessie M., nr.Spotts, George A., pa Pontiac, Michigan

    1906-1907 principal of a village schoolnear Hope

    1907-1908 principal, highschool, Hope

    1908-1909 principal of avillage school near Hope

    1909-1913 superintendent, Hope

    1913-1914 botany instructor and student at Olivet College,Michigan

    1921-1929 teacher of science,high school, Pontiac, Michigan.Stewart, Elzie L., la Williamsport

    1911-1912 superintendent. Deedsville: 1912-1914 superintendent, Arthur, Illinois

    1914-1915 principal township school,Equality, Illinois

    1915-1920 superintendent, Williamsport

    lr 1920.Stierwalt, Hattie, nr.Stubbs-Miller, Mrs. Cleone M., A. B., pa1203 S. 7th St., Terre Haute

    1911-1913teacher of grades, Clinton

    1913-1919teacher of grades, Terre Haute

    1919married to C. S. Miller in August

    1919-1929 at home, not teaching, homekeeper.Sutton, Mabel, pa 1G N. Bosart Ave., Indianapolis

    1911-1912 teaching Latin andEnglish, high school, Prairie Creek

    1912-1913 teaching Latin and English, highschool, Clarksburg

    1913-1914 studentat Indiana University, graduating withA. B. in 1914

    1914-1927 teaching Latinand English in high school, Huntingburg,Tipton, Fairland and Mooresville

    1927-1929 not teaching.Swain, Harriett, nr.Tatlock, Ernest D. L., nr.Taylor, Emma, nr.Tennell, William E., pa Frances ville

    taught from 1905-1919 in rural schoolsof Howard county before graduation

    1911-1914 principal. Bunker Hill

    1914-1917 superintendent, Frances ville

    1917-1921 county superintendent, Pulaskicounty

    1921-1929 assistant cashier,State Bank of Francesville.Tichenor-Cloyd, Mrs. Ada, A. B., pa 442Walnut St., Clinton

    1911-1917 teacherof primary grades, Clinton and Princeton

    1917 married, homekeeper and didsome substitute teaching until husbandsdeath in 1926

    1926-1927 principal, wardbuilding, Columbia School, Clinton

    1927-1929 principal, South School, Clinton.Tinkham, Myrtle E., nr.Troth, Lee S., pa 1400 East 53rd St.,Chicago, 111.

    1921-1925 Purdue University Experiment Station field work inSoil Survey

    1925-1930 Chicago department of health

    B. S. in chemistry1920, Purdue University.Von Talge-Durham, Mrs. Tillie, ha Franklin

    1911-1916 teacher of English in highschool, Waveland

    wife of Roscoe Durham

    lr 1916.Wade-Jared, Mrs. Coradel, A. B., pa14217 Fairer Ave., Detroit, Michigan

    1911-1912 graduated from University ofChicago

    1912-1920 teacher in GarfieldHigh School, Terre Haute

    1920-1924teacher in Manual High School, Indianapolis

    1924-1929 at home, married andnot, teaching.Walk, Charles E., pa New Salisbury

    1911-1913 teacher of science and mathematics, high school. New Salisbury

    1915-1917 teacher of mathematics and manualtraining, high school, Oaktown

    1917-1918 teacher of manual training, science,mathematics, Brookston

    1918-1920 principal, Emerson High School. New Salisbury

    1920-1922 did not teach

    1922-1924 principal, New Salisbury


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 174THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYhigh school

    1926-1930 teacher, highschool, Tell City.Sellers, John Milton

    A. B„ ha Bedford:1922-1923 principal, high school, Fayetteville

    1926-1929 principal, Williams.Schuck, Cecelia, A. 1!., ha Colfax

    pa550 Crescent St., N. E. Grand Rapids,Mich.

    1922-1923 graduate student, University of Minnesota

    1923-1924 IowaState College, chemistry

    1924-1926taught chemistry and nutrition, GrandRapids, Mich.

    1926-1929 teaching chemistry and nutrition, junior college.Grand Rapids, Mich.Sharp, Margaret, A. B., ha 2212 North13% St., Terre Haute

    1922-1924 teacher of English and history, Wiley HighSchool

    lr 1924.Sheek, Ralph, A. B., ha Greenwood

    1922-1924 superintendent of White Rivertownship school

    1924-1926 superintendent Greenwood Schools

    1926-1927superintendent North Salem

    1927-1929superintndent schools, Plainfield.Shilling-Bowman, Mrs. Gladys, 2IG, haBurket: pa 1236 East Altgeld St., SouthBend

    taught four years before graduation

    1921-1924 teaching grades atSouth Bend

    1924-1929 not teaching,married, homekeeper.Shirley-Campbell, Mrs. Gladys, A. B., ha656 Third Ave., Terre Haute

    pa 1204West 14th St., Bedford

    1922-1929 athome, not teaching.Sisson, Sivert Ulness, 3N, ho Cloverdale

    1922-1923 teaching science, athletics in Zionsville High School, Zions-ville

    1923-1924 teacher of science andathletics, Summitville: 1924-1925 principal of Center township high school,Delaware county

    1925-1926 principal ofSomerset High School, Somerset

    lr 1926.Sloan, Wilma Byrl, 2IG, ha Waynetown

    1922-1926 teaching grades, Kingman andWindgate

    1926-1928 teaching cityschools, Richmond.Smith, Flora Hazel, B. S., ha Boswell

    pa323 North 8th St., Terre Haute

    taughtin rural schools, Benton county

    grades,Boswell, East Chicago

    1926-1929 criticteacher ot Indiano State Teachers College Training School, Terre Haute.Smith, Mr. Hallie L., A. B., ha Cynthiana: pa 366 Marshall...

    1913-1918 teacher, rural andgrade schools, Cynthiana

    1918-1919teacher history and industrial arts, highschool, Cynthiana

    1919-1924 principaland teacher of history, high school,Wadesville

    1924-1926 graduate work,University of Chicago

    1926-1927 teacher, history and mathemotics, Owensville

    1927-1930 head history deportment, highschool, East Lansing, Mich.Snapp, Dorothy, 2IG, ha Oaktown

    pa316 Walnut St., Clinton

    1922-1923teaching grades, Emison

    1923-1924teaching grades, Mt. Vernon

    1925-1927teaching grades in Oaktown

    1927-1929teaching grades at Clinton.Snyder, Mrs. Lucinda Beecher, 2E, pa1445 South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1922-1930 elementary grades, FairbanksSchool, Terre Haute

    B. S., Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, 1929.Snyder, Ruth R., 2IG, ha Monroe City

    pa Vincennes: lr 1922-1928 teacher ofelementary grades, Vincennes.Southard, Mina D.. A. B., ha Hillsdale:taught three years in rural school andon...


    1922-1923 teacher in geography department at Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1924-1925 student at University of Chicago

    M. S. geography and geology, June 1925

    Jan. 1926- June 1927 substitute instructor in department of geography, StateNormal School, Cheny, Wash.Sparks, Ralph P., A. B., ha Monticello...

    317 North Railroad St., pa Fowler, 1922-1923 teacher of civics, history, Latin,manual training in four year communityhigh school, Monticello

    1923-1924 teaching in high school at Akeley, Minnesota

    1925-1926 principal at Wadesville

    1926-1930 principal at Freeland Park

    M. A.University of Wisconsin 1929.Spaulding, Bessie W., 2IG, ha Cloverdale

    pa 610 South Henderson St., Bloomington

    1922-1929 teacher of elementarygrodes, Bloomington.Stewart- Whelan, Mrs. Irene, 2IG, ha2145 Fifth Ave., Terre Haute

    1922-1924 teacher of grades, Lincoln School,Terre Haute: lr 1924.Sturm-Reynolds, Mrs. Delia May, 2IG,pa 2407 Arleth St., Terre Haute

    taughttwo years before graduation

    1922-1930not teaching, homekeeper, married in1921.Thomas-Grove, Mrs. Clema, A. B., ha2200 North 13th St., Terre Haute

    pa2520 Deming, Terre Haute

    1924-1925teacher of commerce, Worthington

    1925-1929 teacher of commerce at Oaktown.Thompson, Grace Agnes, 2IG, ha Rockville

    pa Shelbyville

    1922-1923 teacherof elementary grades. East Chicago

    1923-1924 teacher of elementary grades,Richmond

    1924-1929 society editor andreporter, Shelbyville Republican, Shelbyville.Thoroman, Margaret, 2IG ha Bedford


    1922-1923 teacher of elementarygrades, Bedford

    1923-1929 nursing,Bedford.Thresher-Dant, Mrs. Gertrude, 3N, haTell City

    pa Jasper

    1918-1921 teacherin high school, Perry county

    1922-1923teacher in high school, Barr township,Daviess county, teacher of Latin

    1923-1926 teaching Latin in high school, TellCity

    1926-1928 not teaching, home-keeper, married to Louis Dant in 1926.Tilson, Helen, A. B., ha 673 Swan St.,Terre Haute :1922-1930 teacher of E...

    1922-1925 principal ofUnion twonship High School, Kingsbury

    1926-1926 teaching mathematics ond science, Marengo High School, Marengo

    1926-1929 principal of Union townshipHigh School, Kingsbury.Townsend, Clay J., 3N, ha Algiers


    1921-1928 science, agriculture,high school, Osgood

    1928-1930 teacheragriculture, science, high school, Richland.Trigg, Ethel, 2IG, ha 815 Mulberry St.,Evansville

    lr 1923 teaching in grades,rural school, Dekoven, Ky.Trinkle, Callie, 2IG, ha 501 Fifth St..Aurora

    pa 915 Oakdale Drive


    1922-1923 elementary grades,Anderson

    1923-1929 teaching elementary grodes, Fort Wayne.Troth, Pauline, A. B., ha Spencer

    pa2405 North Gale St., Indianapolis

    1922-1924 teaching Latin and English, Griffith

    1924-1926 teacher of Latin, Frank-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1731925-1929 not teaching at home, Summit Hill, Penn.Murray, Henry Herman, B. S., ha Indianapolis

    pa 1653 Yandes St., Indianapolis

    1922-1925 State Normal School,Fayette, N. C.

    1925-1928 student atIndiana University, School of Dentistryand membership secretary of branch ofY. M. C. A., Indianapolis.Newton, R. Wayne, A. B., ha&...

    1922-1923 student in Columbia University, New YorkCity, N. Y., 1923-1924 government work,Washington, D. C, 1924-1930 member ofthe faculty, Michigan State&#...

    lr 1924.Norris, Parthenia, 2IG, ha Rockport

    pa904 Perry St., Vincennes

    1923-1924teaching at French Lick

    1925-1926teaching at Winton

    N. C.

    1926-1929teaching at Vincennes.OConnell, Marguerite, A. B., ha 928Lincoln Ave., Bedford

    1922-1923 teaching Latin and English, Remington

    192 3-1924 teaching in Gilboa township HighSchools

    1924-1925 University of Chicago

    substitute in Chicago junior andsenior high schools

    1925-1929 teachingLatin and English at lronwood, Mich.OHara, Marie E., 2IG, ha Tipton

    nr.Olbrich, Edith, A. B., ha 300 North lothSt., Terre Haute

    lr 1924 teaching inhigh school at West Terre Haute.Orth, Albert Alan, A. B., ha TerreHaute

    pa RFD D, Box 110, TerreHaute

    1922-1923 teacher in CromwellHigh School

    1923-1924 teacher in Coalmont High School: 1925-1926 principalof junior high school and grades, Alex-andria

    1926-1927 English, GarfieldHigh School, Terre Haute

    1927-1929Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute

    A. M. University of Chicago.Overman, Osie, A. B., ha Lizton

    1928-1929 teacher in State Teachers College,Indiana, Penn.

    for complete record seeclass of 1920.Oyler, Ethel M., B. S., ha Orleans

    pa520 Eagle St., Terre Haute

    graduate ofIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    North Manchester College, NorthManchester

    student in the school forsupervisors of music, West Chester,Pennsylvania

    teacher of primary grades,Wabash City Schools, Wabash

    teacherof music and art, Muncie

    assistant inmusic department, Indiana State Teachers College

    critic teacher and supervisor of music in Indiana State TeachersCollege Training School, Terre Haute

    1927-1929 teacher of music in StateTeachers College Training School, TerreHaute.Peden, Arnold W., 3N, ha Jasonville

    pa824 Forest Ave, South Bend

    1911-1912teacher grades, Wheatland

    1912-1913teacher Knox county

    1913-1914 teacher Vincennes

    1914-1915 teacher Sand-born

    1915-1918 teacher, Westphalia

    1918-1920 teacher. Marco

    1920-1927teacher of commerce, high school, Jasonville

    1927-1930 teacher of commerce,senior high school, South Bend.Pell-Morehart, Mrs. Marena, 2IG, haHarmony

    taught two years at Harmonyand two years in Hammond

    1922-1925teacher of grades, Hammond

    1925-1929not teaching, homekeeper, married.Penick, Vivian, 2IG, 314 East 7th St.,New Albany

    pa same

    lr 1922-1927teaching grades. New Albany.Phillips-Riddell, Mrs. Joy, A. B., ha 1230South 11th St., Terre Haute

    po 2142Parke Ave., Indianapolis

    1922-1924teacher of history and science, GarfieldHigh School, Terre Haute

    1927-1929teacher of history and science, GarfieldHigh School, Terre Haute

    Dec. 1928-1929 living in Indianapolis, not teaching, homekeeper.Poindexter, Bertha M., 2IG, ha 515 Hol-man St., Fort Wayne

    1922-1930 teacherof grades, Vincennes.Pruitt, Straussa, A. B., pa 1839 North7th St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher of history and English, Garfield HighSchool, Terre Haute

    for complete recordsee class of 1920.Raifsnider, Emma, 2IG, pa 233 EastMarion St., Mishawaka

    1922-1930 teacher of elementary grades, Mishawaka.Ready, Richard L., B. S., ha Batavia, 111.

    pa 229 Blain, Batavia, 111.

    1922-1926Windsor High School, Windsor, 111.

    1926-1929 teaching in Batavia HighSchool, Batavia, 111.Rector, Margaret, A. B., ha Brazil

    lr1923 teaching at Sullivan.Reynolds, Homer, B. S., ha Coal City

    pa 1304 Monroe St., Johnson City, 111.

    1921-1922 teacher of manual training,history and agriculture, high school, El-vins, Mo.

    1922-1930 superintendentschools, Johnson City, 111

    M. A. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.Richart, James V., A. B., ha 707 South17th St., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1926 attending Indiana University Schoolof Medicine

    1926-1929 practicing physician and surgeon, Terre Haute.Rinehart-Herr, Mrs. Dorothy, 2M, haLyons

    pa 221 East Pratt St., Apt. 7,Indianapolis

    taught one year, Darlington before graduation

    1922-1925 teacher grades, Clinton

    1925-1926 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, B. S., 1926-1928 teacher musicLyons

    1928-1929 employed at LyonsBank & Trust Company, Lyons

    19291930 employed at Indiana National Bankof Indianapolis.Rogers, John D., A. B., ha Gosport

    1922-1923 principal of high school,Farmington

    1923-1924 teaching biology in Kansas State School

    1925-1926instructor in physiology. Indiana StateTeachers College

    1926-1930 student Indiana University, College of Medicine toreceive M. D., 1930.Rogers, Katherine U., A. B., ha 1019South 9th St., Terre Haute...

    pa same

    1916-1929 experience mostly in TerreHaute school systems, now teachingdrawing at Sarah Scott Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.Roll, Carmie W., A. B., ha...

    1922-1923 minister, Church of Christ, Cleghorn, II.

    1923-1924 supply teacher and preaching,Claghorn, la.

    1924-1927 minister ofChristian Church, Plainville, Kans.

    lr1927.Ross-Eubank, Mrs. Emma, 2IG, ha Bain-bridge

    pa Rockville

    lr 1928, marriedand not teaching, Rockville.Royal, Adah, A. B., ha Tell City


    1921-1926 Anderson township

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 180THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYJakle-Gray, Mrs. Margaret, A. B., pa1331 South 5th St., Terre Haute

    teacherin Jefferson township High School, CoalCity

    1923-1924 teacher of music, artand home economics in the high school,Dana

    1924-1926 teacher of home economics in the high school, Paris, 111. J1926-1929 teacher in the Cruft School,open air room, Terre Haute.James, Grac...

    1923-1924 teacher of mathematics in the highschool, Prairieton

    1925-1930 teachingdepartmental mathematics, Clinton.Jeffers, Fred O., A. B., pa 1705 North16th St., Terre Haute

    1922-1923 teacher in Clinton

    1923-1925 principal ButlerHigh School, Butler

    1925-1926 principalof the high school, Seymour

    1926-1928student at Indiana University School ofLaw, LL. B.

    1928-1930 practicing lawin Terre Haute.Johnson, Fern, 2IG

    ha Elnora

    1925-1930 teacher of English and science, Elnora.Jones, Bonnie J., 2IG

    pa 531 OakleySt., Evansville

    1922-1929 teacher ofgrade work, Evansville.Jones, Charles C, A. B., pa Rossville

    1911-1914 principal of the school, Forest

    1915-1927 principal of the school,Scircleville

    1927-1930 principal ofschool, Rossville.Jones, Gertrude, 2IG

    ha 1412 EighthAve., Terre Haute

    1923-1929 teacherof fi,th grade, Warren School, TerreHaute.Jones, Harry A., A. B., ha Salem

    1923-1926 teacher of history in the highschool, Shelbyville

    1926-1930 in wholesale gasoline and oil business, Salem.Jones, Martha June, 2IG, ha 1400 South11% St., Terre Haute

    1926-1927 teacher in the public schools, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacher of the fifth grade inthe Deming School, Terre Haute.Jordan, Bculah, A. B., pa Box 125 Warren

    1924-1927 teacher in the townshiphigh school, Hanchen Settlement, ElPaso, Tex.

    1927-1929 teacher in theWarren High School.Keefer, Margaret, 2IG, ho 801 TaylorSt., Attica

    pa East Chicago

    1923-1928tecaher of the elementary grades, EastChicago.Keller, Thelma, B. S., ha 1603 CollegeAve., Terre Haute

    1923-1927 teacher ofcommerce in the high school, UnionCity

    1927-1930 at home, not teaching.Kenny, Grace, 2IG, pa 1627 Broadway,Logansport

    1923-1929 teacher of elementary grades, in the city schools,Logansport.Kinsey, Clarence V., A. B., pa 81 SouthSixth St., Beech Grove

    1923-1925 principal of the high school, Birdseye

    1925-1929 teacher of mathematics, BeechGrove.Kirk, Harry, A. B., pa State Departmentof Public Instruction, Indianapolis

    forcomplete information, see class of 1916.Knarzer-Quinlan, Mrs. Marie, 2IG, ha569 Eastern Parkway, Louisville, Ky.

    1926-1929 married

    not teaching, athome.Koenig, Irma H., 2IG, ha 1023 EastQuimby St., South Bend

    1923-1929teacher of elementary grodes, SouthBend.Kausbeck, Earl, A. B., pa 2111 NorthSt., Bedford

    1923-1924 principal andteacher in the high school, Troy

    1925-1926 principal Tippecanoe

    19,26-1927principal New Amsterdam

    1927-1930teacher of social studies, Needmore HighSchool, Bedford

    RFD 3.Kunkel, Clara, 2IG, pa 321 East 8th St.,Jasper

    taught rural school in Bain-bridge township, Dubois county, and twoterms in the Jasper public schools before graduation

    1923-1929 teacher ofgrades, Jasper.Laatz, Perdita, 2PE, ha 1428 North 7thSt., Terre Haute

    1923-1924 teacherSarah Scott Junior High School, TerreHaute

    1926-1930 teacher of physicaleducation, Gerstmeyer Technical HighSchool, Terre Haute.Launurum, Jeannette, A. B., ha 619South Sth St., Terre Haute

    1923-1924teacher at North Crystal Lake, 111.

    1924-1926 teacher of Latin and historyand assistant principal, Perrysville

    1926-li,27 teacher of history and civicsin the high school, D::nville, 111.

    1928-1929 teacher of history, Wiley HighSchool. Terre Haute.Lane, Hazel, ZIG, pa 1306 East Main St.,Rich..,ond

    1926-1929 Uacher of homeeconomics, Test Junior High SchoolRich::i nd.Lane, Pearl M., 2Mus., ha Watestown

    lr 1927 teacher of music and art in thehigh school, Monrovia.Lapping, Helen, 2IG, ha Hardinsburg

    1923-1924 teacher of primary work,Hardinsburg

    lr 1924.Lee, Glenna Watkins, 2IG

    ha Carthage

    1922-1923 teacher of grades, Evansville

    1923-1924 teacher of grades, Grandview

    1924-1929 teacher of grades, Carthage.Lemon, Beulah, 2IG, pa Oaktown

    taughtten years, grades, Oaktown, beforegraduation

    1923-1930 teacher of historyand geography, Junior high school Oaktown.Lewis, Lora A., B. S., pa 202 Kent Ave.,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 supervisor ofhome economics, city schools, TerreHaute

    for complete record see class of1912.Linton, Gertrude, 2IG, ha Brazil

    1926-1929 teacher in the public schools, Brazil.McBrien-Ringer, Mrs. Ruth, B. S., paFarmersburg

    1929-1930 married, notteaching, homekeeper

    for complete record see class of 1922.McClellan, Hazel, 2IG, pa 725 NorthPennsylvania, Indianapolis

    1923-1924teacher of grades, Anderson

    1924-1929teacher of grades, Indianapolis.McCormick, Albert T., 2IG, pa 1805 Indiana Ave., Connersville

    1923-1924 principal of a ward building, Vincennes

    1924-1929 principal of a ward building,Connersville.McKinley, Marguerite, B. S., pa Garrett, 1923-1925 teacher of home economics, Brazil

    1927-1929 teacher ofhome economics, Garrett.McMickens, Mary L., 2IG ha 1107Griffin St., New Albany

    1926-1929teacher in the city schools. Gary.Mainard-Reeder, Mrs. Mae Blossom, A.B., ha 6613 East Washington, Apt. 4,Indianapolis

    pa Ceredo, W. Va. 1923-1924 teacher of mathematics and Latinin the high school, Prairie Creek

    1924-1929 teacher of mathematics and Latin,Clinton

    1929-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, morried to Fred N. Reeder

    attended Indiana University, summer 192G.Malone, Blanche, 2IG, ha Dana


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1889-1916 practicing 1876-1882 teacher in Indiana

    1882-1884physician, Wichita, Kan.

    lr 1916. attended medical school

    lr 1884 prac-Taylor, Theodore Homer, la Evansville

    ticing physician in Evansville.CLASS OF 1877Bickmore, Charles E., principal of several schools in Indiana

    for several yearsward principal in Logansport

    deceased1885.Boore-Carpenter, Mrs. Alma J., taughtbefore and after marriage in the TerreHaute public schools.Bradshaw, Olivia, reported living in EastLiverpool, ...

    nr.Gardner-Oosley, Mrs. Sarah E., nr.Humke, Albert E., pa Brooklyn

    principal grammar grades, Wabash, Ind. 1877-1884

    1884-1890 professor of reading,Indiana State Teachers College

    1890-1894, superintendent of schools Vin-cennes, Ind.

    1904-1906 representative ofMetropolitan Papers, Indianapolis

    1906-1911, superintendent of schools, Edin-burg

    1913 clerk of House of Representatives, Indiana State Legislature

    since 1913 state inheritance tax investigator and engaged in the banking business

    for the past several years connected with the Fletcher Trust and Savings Company of Indianapolis.Mitchell, Marcia, nr.Woods, William B., taught severa...

    for some time teacher of grammar in the Indiana State Teachers College

    lived for a number of years atMonclova, Ohio

    deceased 1927. Graduated from University of Chicago, 1893,Ph. B. degree.CLASS OF 1878Barnes, Lorenzo D., taught school fora number of years...

    died in Canneltonin 1883.Brown, Addie, nr.Burke-Nichols, Mrs. Ella, pa 203 EastHigh St., Rockville

    1878-1880 teacher, rural school

    1880-1881 teachercity schools, Terre Haute

    1881-1889teacher city schools, Rockville

    1889-1897 assistant principal high school,Rockville

    1907-1908 assistant principal,high school, Montezuma

    1908-1921 principal high school, Rosedale: 1921-1924teacher history and English, Rosedale

    1924-1929 teacher high school, Rockville

    1929-1930 not teaching, retired

    A. B. Indiana State Teachers College1918.Caraway, Morgan, deceased, August1909.Chambers, Elizabeth K., pa 1925 North8th St., Terre Haute

    taught in the elementary schools in Frankfort, Shelby-ville, West Terre Haute and since 1898teaching in the Terre Haute elementaryschools

    at present, supervising principalCollett School.Dodson-Mace, Mrs. Ida, ha 1125 Western Ave., Norfolk, Va.

    taught summerterm 1878, Winamac

    1878-1879 teacherof grades, Winamac

    1879-1880 teacherin district school, Cass county

    1880-1883 attended University of Michigan

    1890 teacher of history, DePauw University, spring term

    1883-1929 married to William H. Mace, professor emeritus of history, Syracuse University

    after Dr. Mace retired they lived in Norfolk, Va., until the time of her death.May, 1929.Eubank, Joseph H., nr.Harris, Frances E., pa West&#...

    taught history in grades inKnightsville, Prairieton, West TerreHaute and Terre Haute

    retired and athome in West Terre Haute.Harrison, Charles E., deceased 1879.Hill-CIawson, Mrs. Cora, la St. Petersburg, Fla.

    1878-1880 teacher of grades,Princeton

    1880-1886 teacher of methods, Indiana State Teachers College

    1886-1887 teacher, Boys Normal School,San Juan, Argentine Republic

    1887-1889vice-directress, Girls Normal School,Mercedes Province of Buenos Ayres,Argentine

    1889-1894 directress of Normal School and Slyod Normal TrainingSchool for Boys and Girls, EsquimaProvince of Corrientes, Argentine

    1894-1895 spent in Europe

    1895-1896 returned to United States to recuperate brokenhealth caused by over-work

    1896-1901assisted in establishing and directingInternational Home for Young Womenin Buenos Ayres

    1902-1908 married andliving in Cuba

    1908-1910 spent in Puerto Rico, San Juan

    1910-1914 afterdeath of husband returned to Cuba

    private teacher of Spanish until 1914

    1914-1915 teacher of Spanish, SouthlandSenervoz, St. Petersburg, Fla.

    1915-1928 private classes in Spanish, St.Petersburg, Fla.King, Rachel, taught in the city schools,Indianapolis for a number of years

    norecent report.Purdy-Stapelton, Mrs. Kate, pa Rock-ford, 111.

    lr 1928 not teaching

    home-keeper, wife of Willard Stapleton.Reynolds, Alpheus, pa Greenfield

    engaged in teaching profession until 1926when he retired

    superintendent ofschools of Greenfield, Nashville and heldseveral other administrative positions

    retired and living in Greenfield.Rupp-Wisehart, Mrs. Alice, ha TerreHaute: 1878-1879 teacher in rural schoolnear Dana

    1879-1881 teacher of grades,Shelbyville

    1881-1887 teacher of grades,Clinton

    1887-1893 principal grades,Topeka, Kan.

    1893-1902 assistant inEnglish department. State AgriculturalCollege Manhattan, Kan.

    received M.A. degree while in this position, thesecond one to receive this honor fromthe college

    1902-1905 head of Englishdepartment. State Agricultural College,Manhattan, Kan.

    1905-1906 home onleave of absence for rest and recreation

    1906-1916 married Robert T. Wisehartof Clinton

    at home and did not teachuntil 1916 when husband was killed inauto accident

    1916-1924 instructor ofhistory and English, junior high school,Clinton

    1924-1927 resigned position onaccount of nervous breakdown: at homein Terre Haute until her death, Nov. 3,1927.Scott, Sarah, ha Terre Haute...

    taughtin elementary and high schools of TerreHaute for a number of years

    for along time teacher of mathematics at

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY251primary grades, Deming School, TerreHaute.Samm, Margaret, 2IG, ha Coalmont

    taught two years in rural school andtwo years fourth grade before graduation: 1928-1930 teacher grades, Coalmont.Sanders, Faith, 2IG, ha Orleans...

    1921-1922 taught in Sullivan county

    1922-1923 taught in rural school, Orangecounty: 1923-1925 taught in grades,Fontanet

    1925-1928 taught in grades,Orleans

    1928-1929 teacher social science and physical education, Orleans.Sankey, Charles Origen, B. S., ha TerreHaute, RFD F

    pa 1114 Elm, Cincinnati, Ohio

    1922-1923 taught WashingtonTownship High School, Cass county

    1923-1924 taught high school, NewRichmond

    1924-1928 taught Glenn HighSchool, Vigo county, before graduation

    1928-1930 teacher manual training,Cincinnati, Ohio

    graduate work University of Cincinnati, 1928.Schaufler, Wilhelmina, B. S., ha TerreHaute

    446 North Center St.

    1928-1929teacher commerce, high school, Orleans

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, GerstmeyerHigh School, Terre Haute.Scherb, Thelma Pearl, B. S., ha Staunton

    pa Hymera

    1928-1930 teacher ofmusic and commerce, Hymera.Scherschel, Virginia E., 2IG, ha Bedford RFD 1

    1928-1929 at home, notteaching.Schmitz, Anne McMahon, A. B., ha TerreHaute, 1028 South 8th St., 1928-1929teacher in Cruft School, Terre Haute.Schneider,&#x...

    taught three years in rural school inSpencer county before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher rural school, Spencer county.Scott, Amelia F., 2P, ha Shelburn

    1928-1929 teaching -primary grades, Currytownship, Sullivan county.Scott-Kitterman, Mrs. Lydia

    2IG, haPimento

    pa 541 Hudson Ave., Akron,Ohio

    1924-1925 teacher grades, Piersontownship, Vigo county

    1925-1927 teacher grades, Honey Creek township,Vigo county

    1927-1928 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1928-1929 teacher grades, Pierson township, Vigo county

    1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married December 24,1929 to Mack Kitterman.Scott, Myrtle Jeanette, P>. S., pa Gary

    1929-1930 teacher English, Gary, forcomplete record see class 1927.Sears, Cecil, A. B., ha Tennyson

    taughtone year in rural school, one year gradesand seven years in home economics andmathematics in high school, before graduation

    1928-1929 dietitian in City Hospital. Indianapolis.Seddlemeyer, Claude E., 2IG, ha Odon:1925-1929 teacher of grades, EpsomSchool, Plainville.Sefrit, Audrey, 2IG...

    1928-1930 teaching grades,Hammond.Self, Mildred, B. S., ha Terre Haute,1543 South Center St.

    1928-1930 teacher elementary grades. Terre Haute.Sewell, Ruth N., 2P, ho Russellville

    taught ten years in graded schools

    1928-1930 teacher grades, Crawfordsville.Sexton, Lulu E., 2P, ha Linton, RFD 1

    1928-1929 teacher of elementary grades,Jasonville.Shakelford, Basil, B. S., ha Stilesville

    pa Fort Wayne

    1916-191* taught highschool. Eminence

    taught nine years otFt. Wayne, three years grade schoolsand six years Central High School, allbefore graduation

    1928-1929 teachermachine shop practice and sheet metalCentral High School, Ft. Wayne.Shanks, Elizabeth, 2P, ha Harmony

    1928-1929 teacher of elementary grodes,Clinton

    1929-1930 teacher of elementarygrades, Richmond.Shattuck, Ruth, B. S., ha Brazil, 110E. Logan St.

    taught nine years in Brazil High School, before graduation

    1928-1930 supervisor of home economicssenior high school, Brazil.Shields, Bernice B., 2P, ha RFD 1, Seymour

    taught five years, Jackson county before graduation

    1928-1929 teacherprimary grades, Jackson county.Shields, Bertha M., B. S., ha TerreHaute, 209 Deming St.

    1928-1929 teacher sixth grade, Terre Haute, Davis ParkSchool. For complete information, seeclass 1919.Showalter-Fleming, Mrs. Doris E., B. S.,ha 210 North&...

    pa5007 28th St., South Minneapolis, Minn.

    1922-1924 teacher in Girls VocationalSchool, Terre Haute

    1924-1929 teacherof home economics, Gerstmeyer Technical High School, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 married Feb. 24, 1929 to Wm.E. Fleming, not teaching, homekeeper.Snowalter, Hazel, B. S., ha Terre Haute,1439 Chestnut St.: taught in&#...

    1928-1930 teacher grades,Sandison School, Terre Haute.Shrontz, Ruth Vivian, A. B., ha Lewis

    pa Bourbon

    taught in NorthboroughSchool one year, West Palm Beach,Florida before graduation

    1928-1929teacher English and history, Bourbon.Shultz, Laura Evalyn, 2P, ha Wingate

    1928-1929 teacher of grades, Crawfordsville.Silcock, Elizabeth, 2IG, ha West TerreHaute

    1927-1930 teacher primarygrades, Whitcomb Heights, Vigo county.Sink, O. Ernest, B. S., ha Muncie, taughtthree years rural schools Owen county,three years&#...

    taught manual arts, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, and manualarts Ball Teachers College, Muncie before graduation

    1928-1929 on leave ofabsence from Muncie, Ball Teachers College to attend Ohio State University

    head of department of industrial arts,Ball Teachers College since the openingof the college

    1929-1930 head department of industrial arts, Ball TeachersCollege, Muncie.Sister, M. Honora Hau, A. B., ha St.Francis Convent. Lafayette

    1928-1930teacher in St. Frances Convent Lafayette.Sister Mary Fridiana, A. B., ha St.Francis Convent, Lafayette

    taught inSacred Heart Academy, Fowler and inSt. Francis Normal, Lafayette, beforegraduation

    1928-1930 teacher of history, St. Francis Convent, Lafayette.Skelton, Maurice, B. S., ha Brazil, 333East Georgia St.

    1926-1927 teacher ofbiology, Wiley High School, Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacher of biological science,high school, Brazil.Smiley, Mary E., B. S., ha Elnora


    1926-1927 taught music

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY73CLASS OF 1907Admire-Neds, Mrs. Lenna, pa 230 WestHigh St., Elkhart

    taught one year atPoland before graduation

    1907-1910teacher of grades, Elkhart

    1910-1911not teaching, homekeeper, married andwidowed

    1911-1920 teacher of grades,Elkhart

    1920-1921 assistant principalCentral Junior High School, Elkhart

    1921-1930 principal Central Junior HighSchool. Elkhart

    B. S. University ofChicago.Barbrc, William Thomas, ha Sheridan

    1911-1912 student at Butler College

    1908-1916 minister. Central ChristianChurch, Rockville

    lr 1916.Black, Laura Belle, ha Anderson

    1907-1912 taught in Anderson

    1912 taughtin Los Angeles, Calif.

    deceased May 6,1922.Brunken-Hunter, Mrs. Florence E., pa408 South 22nd St., Terre Haute

    1907-1916 teaching in public schools, TerreHaute

    1916-1928 married HermanHunter

    at home and not teaching.Bryant-Walker, Mrs. Pansy, pa 2111North 13lA St., Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacher in Gerstmeyer TechnicalHigh School, Terre Haute.Eunce, Georgia, pa 419 South FourthSt., Terre Haute

    1907-1916 taught inpublic schools, Terre Haute

    1914 graduated from Northwestern University

    1916-1930 assistant teacher of historyWiley High School, Terre Haute.Bunker-Smullen, Mrs. Bertha M., paMays

    1907-1909 teacher in city schools,Raleigh

    1910 received A. B. degree, Indiana University

    1911 post graduatestudent, University of California

    1911-1913 teacher in city schools, Los Angeles, Calif.

    1913-1929 married to Dr.Charles Smullen in 1913

    not teaching,homekeeper.Caseley, Lucy A., pa Knightstown

    1907-1911 teacher in primary grades, Anderson

    1911-1912 teacher in primarygrades, Knightstown

    1912-1913 teacherin primary grades, Muncie

    1913-1914teacher in primary grades, Newcastle

    1918-1929 teacher in primary grader.,Indianapolis

    now working on A. B. degree.Casto-Hamaker, Mrs. Margaret, pa 24 3West Argonne Drive, Kirkwood, Mo.

    1907-1908 teacher of Latin and English,Western Normal College, Shenandoah,Iowa

    1908-1909 substitute teacher ingrades, high school and Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1909-1926 not teaching, homekeeper

    1926-1929 teacher in the Adams IntermediateSchool, Kirkwood, Mo.

    attended summerschool, Washington University, St. Louis,Mo.♦Dell, Rosa E., ha Billings, Mont.

    1908-1909 grade principal, Millersburg

    1909grade principal, Billings, Mont.

    1910 attending summer term, University ofChicago

    1912-1916 president and instructor, Rosebud Camp School

    deceased.Denny, Elsie, taught for some time inbloomington

    no complete record available.Dodson, Emma A., pa 2705 South 7thSt.. Terre Haute

    1907-1908 at home

    1908-1924 teaching in public schools,Terre Haute: 1924-1929 teaching elementary grades, Rea School, TerreHaute.Dunkin, Edgar W., Goodland

    1907-1908teaching in high school. Mitchell

    1908-1911 principal of high school, Rockport:1911-1914 principal of high school Fowler

    1914-1917 superintendent schools,Batesville

    1917-1919 superintendentschools, Petersburg

    1919-1930 superintendent schools, Goodland.Durrett-Sawyer, Mrs. Patsy Leslie, haSt. Louis, Mo.

    1908-1909 teacher, Columbus

    1909-1910 teacher, Mt. Vernon

    1910-1913 assistant principal, highschool, Madison

    1913-1924 married, notteaching, homekeeper

    lr 1924.Failing-Swango, Mrs. Marie, pa 1310Arkansas Ave., Dormont, Pittsburg, Pa.

    1907-1921 teacher of grades, LangeSchool, Terre Haute

    1921-1929 marriedto Marvin E. Swango and living in Pittsburg.Fessant-Reveal, Mrs. Rose, pa 2436North Eleventh St., Terre Haute

    1907-1920 teacher in public schools, TerreHaute

    1929 married, not teaching,homekeeper.Fidlar-Cornelius, Mrs. Orrell, pa University of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn.

    1907-1908 assistant in grammar, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute,summers

    1909-1912 supervisor of art,public schools, Brazil

    1910-1912 assistant in writing and drawing, summers,Indiana State Teachers College

    1912married David W. Cornelius, head ofphysics department. University of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn.

    1912-1930had several plays published and presented, also produced plays for clubs, college and Little Theater

    attended University of Kansas and University ofMichigan.Filbey, Emery T., pa 1207 East 50thSt., Chicago, 111.

    1907-1909 supervisorof manual training, Bluffton

    1909-1916instructor in manual arts department,School of Education, University of Chicago, 111.

    1916-1930 director of Institute of Meat Packing, University ofChicago.Fisher, Ernest Gotthilf, ha New Bremen, O.

    1907-1908 student. Universityof Chicago

    1908-1909 teacher of German .Vincennes

    1910-1913 instructor inGerman, Michigan State AgriculturalCollege, East Lansing. Mich.

    1910 Ph.B. University of Chicago

    1913-1914Prussian Exchange teacher, Konigstad-tische, Oberrealschule, Berlin, Germany,student, Berlin University, Berlin Germany

    1914 assistant professor of German, Michigan State Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich.

    lr 1914.Fuhr, Ruby, pa 146 Montrey Ave., TerreHaute: 1907-1908 teacher of German,King Classical, Terre Haute

    1908-1910teacher of primary grades, Lange School,Terre Haute: 1910-1911 teacher of German in grades, Terre Haute

    1912 graduated on college course, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute: 1912-1913 teacher of German, Wiley HighSchool. Terre Haute: 1913-1929&#x...

    1907-1910 teacher in high school, Mar-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY131high school, Washington

    1918-1923 WarRick Insurance Department, Washington,I). C.J 1923-1924 teacher of English,Bellingham, Washington

    lr 1924.Fellmy, William S., pa Edwardsport

    1912-1915 principal, two-room gradedschool, Crandall

    1915-1916 teacher inhigh school, DePauw

    1916-1918 principal in high school, DePauw

    1918-1920principal of high school, New Salisbury

    1920-1929 principal, high school, Edwardsport

    graduate student. TeachersCollege, Columbia University, New YorkCity.Field, Eva, ha RFD 1, Jasonville

    1909-1916 teacher of grades in Lewis township, Clay county

    1916-1921 teacher ofprimary grades, East Chicago

    1921-1924at home on account of poor health

    1924-1C125 teacher of grades, Lewis township, Clay county

    1925-1927 principalof two-room school, Lewis township. Claycounty

    1927-1928 at home, not teaching.Findley, Grace, pa 231 N. Cedar St.,Colorado Springs, Colorado

    1916-1921teacher in city schools, Terre Haute

    1921-1929 teacher in Columbia School,Colorado Springs, Colorado

    attendedColorado College summers of 1924-1926-1927.Fisher, Hazel, pa Hammond

    1916-1924teacher of grades, Sharpsville, and Lig-onier

    1924-1929 teacher of grades, Hammond.Fisher, Julia A., A. B., ha Medaryville

    1916-1918 student, Chicago Normal,graduating in February, 1918

    1918-1929teacher of home economics, Chicago public schools, Chicago, Illinois.Foster, Martha E., ha 7 09 Duff Ave.,Ames, la.

    1916-1918 teacher of home economics in the high school. Fowler

    1918-1919 home demonstration agent, GreenCity

    1919-1922 home demonstrationagent, Ames, Iowa

    1922-1929 extensionclothing specialist, Ames, Iowa.Frank, Eftie, pa RFD 5, Jasper

    taughtin rural schools before graduation

    1916-1923 teacher of elementary grades, Jasper

    1923-1929 teacher in rural schools,Dubois county.♦French, Clyde Leroy, A. B., ha Osgood

    1915-1916 principal, high school, Kewanna

    1919 graduate of college course,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1923 blind, not teaching

    deceased, February 18, 1923.Funkhouser, Hazel, B. S., ha 458 S. 13thSt., Terre Haute

    1916-1929 teacher inthe public schools, Terre Haute.Gibson, Avis Goldie, ha Bedford

    1916-1918 principal and supervisor of highschool, Bedford

    1918-1922 teacher inpublic schools, Indianapolis

    1924-1925teaching Cliffside Experimental School,Teachers College Columbia University,New York City

    nr since 1925. ,Gillum, Margaret, A. B., pa 711 S. 8thSt., Terre Haute

    1916-1917 teacher,German and English, high school, FrenchLick

    1917-1920 teacher, English andSpanish, high school, Franklin

    1920-1927teacher of English, Wiley High School,Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacher of English, Training High School, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    teacher,summer terms 1920, 1928, 1929 IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    attended Columbia University summers1918-1919

    Teachers College, ColumbiaUniversity 1921-1922, M. A.Glaveke, Frieda E., pa Los Angeles,California

    1916-1923 teacher of grades,Terre Haute

    1923-1929 teacher ofgrades, 95th Street School, Los Angeles,California.Gouge, Lela Ethel, ha Worthington

    nr.Gray, Arthur D., pa Mooresville

    taughtten years, high school, Morgan county,before graduation

    1916-1925 teacher,Latin, botany and English, high school.Eminence

    1925-1926 teacher, junior highschool, Bluffton

    1926-1930 district manager State Life Insurance Company, Indianapolis

    state representative, Morgancounty, sessions of 1927 and 1929 legislature.Gray-Keith, Mrs. Gladys, pa Paris, Illinois

    tr 1915-1916 supply teacher in TerreHaute public schools

    1916-1920 teacherof grades, Greenwood School, TerreHaute

    1920-1921 teacher of mathematics, Sara Scott Junior High School,Terre Haute

    1921-1929 not teaching

    homekeeper, married.Greene, Gertrude B., ha Mount Vernon

    1916-1918 teacher in the public schools,Evansville

    1918-1919 teacher in thepublic schools, Washington, D. C, 1919-1921 teacher of public schools. MountVernon

    1921-1929 teacher in publicschools, Evansville and Mount Vernon.Griffith, Elbert, ha RFD 1, Greenfield

    1916-1919 teacher of grade work, Greensburg: 1924-1925 principal of the highschool, Greensburg

    1926-1929 principalof Sandusky High School, Greensburg.Gross, Francis William, A. B., pa 654 W.Wabash, Winona, Minnesota

    completerecord in class of 1914.Gunn, Virgil Roy, A. B., ha New Albany

    pa Salem

    1911-1914 teacher in grades,Floyd county

    1911-1916 student, StateTeachers College, Terre Haute, A. B.

    1916-1917 principal, Central High School,Boone county

    1917-1918 military service, A. E. F.

    1919-1920 principal, highschool, Linton

    1920-1921 superintendent.Dexter Consolidated Schools, Dexter, NewMexico

    1921-1923 superintendent, MaconCommunity High School, Macon, Illinois

    1923-1924 teacher in high school. Drum-right, Oklahoma

    1924-1926 principal,high school, Santa Fe, New Mexico

    1926-1927 student, University of Chicago, M. A.

    1927-1928 instructor ineducational psychology University ofTexas

    1928-1929 instructor, Illinois StateNormal School, Normal, Illinois

    1929-1930 student, University of Chicago,working on Ph. D.Hadley, Clifford, pa Tangier

    1916-1917principal of school, Farmersburg

    1917-1918 supply teacher, Bloomingdale andRosedale

    1918-1919 assistant principal,Mecca High School, Mecca

    1919-1920principal of the high school, Cayuga

    1920-1929 not teaching, farming nearTangier

    received B. S. in 1906 fromMarion College.Hager, Louise E., A. B., pa 630 V, S. 7thSt., Springfield, Illinois

    1916-1929 teacher in the high school, Springfield, Illinois.Hahn, George W., A. B., ha 526 Hend-rick St., Fort Wayne

    1916-1917 teacherof industrial arts, Rolfe, Iowa

    1917-1919 in the army, aerial service

    1919-1924 salesman

    lr 1924.Hallett, James T., ha 103 Gladstone Ave.,

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY233Crawford county. 111.

    1921-1923 teacher of grades. Palestine, 111.

    1923-1925teacher of grades, Mattoon, 111. j 1926-1927 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege

    1927-1930 teacher of primarygrades, Clinton.Thomson, Mabel L., 2P, pa 723 WestMarion St., Elkhart

    1926-1927 teacherof primary grades, Wallace

    1927-1929teacher of grades, Lincoln School, Elkhart.Toph, Violet E., A. B., pa Versailles

    1928 teacher in Versailles

    for complete information see class of 1909.Traylor, Mrs. Susie V., A. B., ha TellCity

    pa Mount Washington, Ky.

    1914-1918 teacher, grades, Perry county

    1918-1920 teacher, grades, Shawnee, Okla.

    1920-1923 teacher, city schools, TellCity

    1925-1927 teacher city schools.Hazard, Ky.

    1927-1930 not teaching,homekeeper, married

    attended FranklinCollege summers 1915-1919.Tribble, Essie Mae, 2P, pa 428 NorthChicago Ave., Brazil

    1920-1923 teacherof primary grades, Knightsville

    1923-1925 teacher of primary grades, Washington township, Clay county

    1925-1930teacher of primary grades, Brazil.Trible, James Owen, A. B., pa London

    1908-1910 principal Ft. Branch: 1922-1923 principal Fountaintown

    1923-1929principal Moral township, Shelby county,London.Trueb, Rose F., B. S., pa 130 South 13thSt., Terre Haute

    taught elementarygrades and geography, Sarah ScottJunior High School, Terre Haute beforegraduation

    1927-1930 teacher of science,Woodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute.Trueblood, Lesta, B. S., pa 2441 South8th St., Terre Haute: 1921-1922 teach...

    1924-1926 teacherof home economics and science, highschool, Prairie Creek

    1926-1927 teacherof home economics and science. BrightHigh School, Bright

    1927-1929 at home,not teaching.Trueblood, Veda, 2IG, pa 109 East Johnson Ave., West Terre Haute: 1927-1930principal Central School, West TerreHaute.Uchtman...

    1927-1930 teacher ofintermediate grades, Greenwood School,Terre Haute.Underwood, Maude I., B. S., ha Paoli

    la 578 Western Ave., Blue Island, 111.

    1927-1928 teacher of typewriting andshorthand, Blue Island, 111.Unzicker, Mrs. Eva Smart, A. B., paGary

    1924-1927 teacher of elementarygrades, Ft. Wayne

    1927-1929 teacherof English, King Classical School, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 teacher of elementarygrades, Gary.Vance, Ira W., B. S., ha DePauw


    1919-1920 teacher ruralschools, Plymouth

    1920-1922 teacherrural schools, DePauw

    1923-1928 teacher of mathematics and science, highschool, Mecca

    1929-1930 teacher science and mathematics, Wallace.VanCleave, Mrs. Louise J., B. S., taughtnine years before graduation

    pa 1126South 20th St., Terre Haute

    1927-1980teacher of general science, Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, Terre Haute.Van Deren, Mary, 2IG, pa Staunton

    1921-1930 teacher of grades, Poseytownship, Clay county, Staunton.Van Ulzen, Alka, A. B., pa 312 North18th St., Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacherof mathematics, Woodrow Wilson JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute.Van Ulzen, Elizabeth Frances, 2P, pa1642 North 9th St., Terre Haute...

    1927-1930 supply teacher, city schools, TerreHaute.Wagner, Nora L., 2IG pa New Lebanon

    1927-1929 teacher of intermediate gradesNew Lebanon.Waggoner, Violet C, 2IG, pa RFD 1,Washington

    1927-1929 teacher ofgrades, South Side School, Washington.Walker, Mrs. Pansy Bryant, B. S., pa2111 North 13% St., Terre Haute

    taught fifteen years in city schools,Terre Haute, before graduation

    1927,1928 teacher of departmental geographyand art, Hook School, Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacher of social studies,Gerstmeyer Technical High School, TerreHaute.Walker, Viola M., 2IG, pa 335 SouthLankford St., Cloy City

    1917-1930 teacher in grades. Cloy City.Walters, Herman G., 2IG, ha Rosedale

    1924-1930 principal Roseville School,Coxville.Walters, Marie, B. S., pa East Chicago

    1920-1922 teacher of rural grades, Anderson township, Perry county

    1923-1924 teacher of English and home economics, high school, Tobinsport

    1924-1926 teacher of English and home economics, high school, Rome

    1926-1927student, Indiana State Teachers College

    1927-1929 teacher of home economics,East Chicago.Walton-Spencer, Mrs. Floy E., 2P, paCoatesville

    1927-1928 did not teach, athome

    1928-1929 teacher of grades,Coatesville.Ward, Herman James, B. S., pa Hillsboro

    1923-1924 teacher of manual training, athletics agriculture, high school,Holyrood, Kans.

    1924-1925 student, Indiana State Teachers College

    1925-1929teacher of science, physical education.New Market

    1929-1930 teacher of science and coach, Hillsboro.Warner, Floyd, B. S., ha Wheatland

    1920-1926 teacher in Steen townshippublic schools, Wheatland

    1925-1926assistant principal

    1926-1927 student,Indiana State Teachers College

    1927-1928 teacher of English, Wheatland

    1928-1929 not teaching, employed inautomobile factory.Watson, Wayne P., B. S., pa 2327 South8th St., Terre Haute

    1922-1924 teacherof mathematics, industrial arts, andcoach, high school, Pimento

    1924-1926teacher of mathematics, industrial arts,coach, high school, Prairie Creek

    1926-1927 teacher of mathematics, industrialarts, coach, high school, Pimento

    1927-1930 teacher industrial arts, GerstmeyerTechnical High School, Terre Haute.Weber, Emma L., A. B., 2208 SycamoreSt., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher science, Woodrow Wilson Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute

    for complete recordsee class 1916.Weber, Marion, A. B., pa Luthern Orphanage, Indianapolis

    1927-1929 teacher of English, Luthern Orphanage, Indianapolis.Webster-Whitesel, Mrs. Pauline, 2P, pa

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 270THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYgrades five, six. Central School, Clinton.Ritter, Mary Alice, 2IG, pa RFD 3, TerreHaute

    1926-1930 teacher grades, HoneyCreek township, Maryland School, Vigocounty.Roach, Eugene, B. S., ha 1201 South 9thSt., Terre Haute

    pa 4436 Northcote,East Chicago

    1929-1930 teacher manualtraining, grades six, seven, East Chicago.Roadruck, Paul, B. S., ha Morocco


    taught mathematics, industrialarts, physical eduaction, Gilboa township,Haubstadt, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher industrial arts, physicaleducation, coaching, Harrison township,Cass county.Roeder, Emma C, ha RFD 1, Chandler

    pa Millersburg

    1925-1927 teacher primary grades, Millersburg

    1927-1929student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher English,Latin, Millersburg.Roll, Ruth, B. S., ha Riley: pa Blackhawk

    1929-1930 teacher home economics, Blackhawk

    for complete recordsee class of 1927.Rosenfeld, Lillian, 2P, pa 819 South 4thSt., Terre Houte

    1929-1930 teacherfirst grade. Hook School, Terre Haute.Rotert, Edna, 2P, po Freetown

    taughtrural schools, Jackson county, one year

    1927-1930 teacher grodes one, two, Freetown.Rourke, Beatrice, B. S., pa Y. W. C. A.(121 North 7th St.), Terre Haute

    taught grades, Terre Haute, twenty-nineyeors, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Hook School, TerreHaute.Row-Crawl, Mrs. Lucia Elizabeth, B. S.,pa 415 East Main St., Jasonville

    taughthigh school, Midland, two years beforegraduation

    1929-1930 not teaching,homekeeper.Rowe, Madge, B. S., ha Lewis

    pa TerreHaute

    taught grades. Clay county, fiveyears

    high school, Orleans, two years

    high school, Coalmont, one year, beforegraduation

    1929-1930 student, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute.Royer, Herschel O., B. S., pa 426 SouthSeventeenth St., Terre Houte

    taughtmanual troining, thirteen years beforegraduation

    1929-1930 teacher industrialarts. Sarah Scott Junior High School,Terre Haute.Rudisel, Mary Lucille, 2R, ha Riley


    1926-1926 teacher primarygrades, Lewis

    1926-1928 teacher ruralschool, Nevins township, Vigo county

    1928-1930 teacher grades, Blackhawk.Rudolph, Ruth, B. S., pa Jasper

    1929-1930 teacher home economics, Jasper.Runyan, Mabel H., 2IG, pa 1119 Black-man St., Clinton

    taught grades. Centenary School, Clinton township, Vermillioncounty, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher grades, Jacksonville School, Clinton township, Vermillion county.Russell, Ruth Charity, B. S., ha Dana

    pa 664 6th Ave, Terre Haute

    1923-1930teachef primary grades, Rea School,Terre Haute.Rycroft, Bertha F., 2P, pa Dayton:taught rural school, Tippecanoe county,one year, before graduation...

    1914-1930teacher grades, Dayton.Sanders, Doris E., 2P, ha Box 18, Burnet tsville: pa Yoeman

    1923-1927 taughtgrades, Yoeman

    1927-1929 taughtgrades, Meadow Lake

    1929-1930 teacherprimary grades, Yoeman.Sanders, Everett H., 21G, ha 2601 EastDelaware St., Evansville

    pa Knox

    taught rural schools, Posey county, twoyears

    grades, Petroleum county, Win-nette, Montana one year

    grades. Ft.Wayne, one year

    1927-1930 teocher departmental work, Knox.Saulmon, M. Eloise, 2P, pa Box 103,Wadesville

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Wadesville.Sawyer, Nellie L., 2IG, pa 1652 SixthAve, Terre Haute

    taught grades, Stockton township, Greene county, six months

    grades, Linton, one year

    grades, Harrison township, Vigo county, five years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfifth grade, Thornton School, TerreHaute.Schauss, Mabel, 2IG, pa Wadesville

    taught rural schools, Robinson township,Posey county, two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher rural schools,Robinson township, Posey county.Scheid, Herman C, B. S., pa Staunton

    1929-1930 teacher history, coaching,Posey township, Staunton

    for completerecord see class of 1926.Schneck, Juana M., 2IG, pa Wadesville

    taught rural schools, Marrs township,Posey county, one year

    1927-1930 teacher primary grades, Center township,Posey county.Schwartz, Jessie, A. B., pa 1206 South3rd St.. Terre Haute

    1929-1930 at homeand not teaching.Scott, Rachel I., B. S., ha Casey, 111.

    pa Rossville, 111.

    taught rural schools,Clark county, 111.

    two years

    commerceOlney, 111., one year, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher commerce, Rossville,111.Scott, Walter L., A. B., ha Scircleville

    pa Columbia City

    1923-1926 teachergrades, Scircleville

    1926-1929 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 teacher science, coaching, Washington Center High School,Whitley county.Seath, Nelle, B. S., pa 1130 South 8thSt., Terre Haute

    taught elementarygrades, Terre Haute, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher fourth grade, Sandi-son School, Terre Haute.Sechrest, Ada Lena, 2IG, ha Patriot

    paKingsford, Mich

    taught grades, Patriot-Posey township, consolidated school.Patriot, one year, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher intermediate grades,Kingsford, Mich.Seeman-French, Mrs. Arvilla, B. S., ha1810 South 5th St., Terre Haute

    pa106 West Walnut St., Fairbury, 111.

    1929-1930 not teaching, homekeeper,married Doyle T. French, summer 1929.Seeman, Lena Elmo, 2P, ha RFD 3, Box665, Terre Haute: pa Grafton, 111....

    taught Lyman, Pleasant Hill, Pimento,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfirst grade, Gafton, 111.Sendmeyer, Mrs. Marie Kattman, 2P,pa Poland

    taught grades, Polond, twoyears, before graduation

    1929-1930teacher primary grades, Poland.Shake, Shelby S., B. S., ha Cloverdale

    pa 301 North Byrkit Ave., Mishawaka,-1917-1918 teacher Stinesville

    1918-1919teacher Eminence

    1919-1920 teacherDana

    1920-1921 teacher Marion, la.

    1921-1928 teacher Cloverdale


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1923-1925 at home

    not teaching on account of illness

    1925-1926teacher of English and home economicsat Huntsville

    1926-1929 teacher ofbiology and home economics, WaltonHigh School

    A. B., Indiana University,1918.Scott-Lake, Mrs. Ethel, pa 2129 E. Gordon Ave., Spokane, Washington

    taughttwo years in rural schools and fiveyears in g>Vde schools, Hadley andCoatesville before graduation

    1913-1915 teacher, grades, Hammond

    1916-1917 teacher, grades, Panama CanalZone: 1917-1920 teacher, grades, Spokane, Washington

    1920-1930 not teaching, homekeeper, married in 1920

    attended Illinois University, summer of1916.Scudder, Carl, ha Windfall

    in the springof 1912 superintendent of schools. BlackHawk: 1912-1913 principal, high school,Kempton

    1914-1916 cashier, PeoplesState Bank, Windfall

    1916-1924 manager of a canning factory

    1924-1928,operating three canning factories in Central Indiana.Seever, Lula M., ha Carlisle

    1913-1916principal, high school, Bippus, also supervisor of county schools of Polk township, Huntington county., lr 1916.Sheets-Dilts, Mrs. Mary, ha 3121&#...

    1913-1914 taughtin high school, Wallace

    1914-1915 taughtin public schools, Lenark, Illinois

    1915-1924 married

    not teaching

    homekeeper.Shields, Ralph C, pa 13th and LincolnSts., Anderson

    1913-1914 principal, highschool, Marshall

    1914-1916 teacher ofhistory, Latin and German, Hymera

    1916-1919 principal, Helt Township HighSchool, Dana

    1919-1929 English andcommerce, Anderson.Simpson, Emmett, pa 5856 Lowell Ave.,Indianapolis

    1913-1914 teacher of manual training and English, Aurora

    1914-1916 teacher of manual training andEnglish, Mitchell

    1916-1929 teacher ofmanual training, Thomas D. GreggSchool, Indianapolis.Singleton-Murphy, Mrs. Jessie, pa Edge-ley, North Dakota

    1913-1918 teacher ofgrades, Hammond

    1918-1919 clericalwork, war department, Washington, D.C

    1919-1929 married

    at home and notteaching.Smith-McGalliard, Mrs. Belle, pa 2502 E.McGraw St., Seattle, Washington

    1913-1915 teacher of third grade, Terre Haute

    1915-1916 special teacher, Seattle public schools, teaching boys in juvenile detention home

    1916-1922 taught gradesin Seattle, Washington

    1922-1928 married in 1922

    homekeeper and substituteteacher in grades in Seattle, Washington.Smith-Wildauer, Mrs. Addie Hazel, pa1014 S. 2nd St., Elkhart

    1913-1918taught primary work in Elkhart schools,Elkhart

    1918-1920 principal of schools,Elkhart

    1920-1929 married, housewife,not teaching.♦Smith, Ralph H., deceased August 2,1914

    nr.Smyers, Nell Vera, ha 2301 N. 12th St.,Terre Haute

    1913-1916 teacher in TerreHaute schools: 1916-1920 student, OhioWeslyan, working on B. A. and M. A.

    1920-1922 teacher junior high school,Terre Haute

    1922-1924 missionary research in preparation of a world missionary atlas

    1924-1930 teacher reading andvocational guidance, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute

    1916-1918 receivedA. B. from Ohio Wesleyan University

    1918-1920 received A. M. from OhioWesleyan University

    1924 attended Columbia University summer school.Soules, Esther, ha RFD E, Terre Haute

    1913-1916 taught intermediate grades,East Glenn

    1916-1924 taught in HookSchool, Terre Haute

    1924-1927 taughtelementary grades in Hook School, TerreHaute

    1927-1929 taught elementarygrades in Deming School, Terre Haute.B. S., 1927, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Staff, Katherine, nr.Stark, Bessie,...

    1913-1917 teacher ofgrades, Spokane, Washington

    1917-1918teacher of grades, Clinton

    1918-1923teacher of grades,Spokane, Washington

    1923-1925 teacher of grades, Lowell

    1925-1929 teacher of grades, Hammond.Steele, A. E., pa Lafayette, Ind.

    1913-1914 superintendent of schools, Robinson, Illinois

    1914-1916 superintendent,consolidated schools, Oaktown

    1916-1919head of mathematics department in thehigh school, Sullivan

    1919-1926 head ofmathematics department, Jefferson HighSchool, Lafayette

    1926-1929 principalat Hebron: 1929-1930 principal at WeaTownship High School, Lafayette.Stephenson, Harry, ha Peoria, Illinois

    paPort Orchid, Washington

    1913-1915teacher of manual arts, high school,Marion

    1915-1916 student, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois, B. S.

    1916-1917 teacher, vocational work,mathematics, high school, Murphysboro,Illinois

    1917-1918 teacher, vocationalwork, Ellensburg Normal

    1918-1921United States Navy, Bremerton NavyYard, Bremerton, Washington

    1921-1923 teacher, vocational work, highschool. Port Orchard, Washington

    1923-1930 proprietor, The Tire Shop, PortOrchard, Washington.Stevens, William D., ha Morocco

    lr 1916superintendent of schools, Morocco.Strole-Gasway, Mrs. Beulah, ha SouthBend

    1913-1916 primary teacher, NewGoshen

    1916-1923 married

    not teaching, homekeeper

    lr 1923.Strole, Carrie, 1281 Davis Ave., Whiting

    1913-1920 teacher of primary grades,Terre Haute

    1920-1929 teacher in primary grades, Hammond.Sutton, Helena B., ha 44 S. 18th St.,Richmond

    lr 1924 taught German andmathematics in the high school at Richmond.Syester, Luvina, ha Hymera

    1913-1914teacher of sixth and seventh grades,Hymera

    1914-1915 teacher of grammar,reading in seventh and eighth gradesand physiology, spelling and geographyin the seventh grade, Hymera

    1915-1916 taught grammar in sixth, seventh,and eighth grades. Hymera

    1916-1919teacher of seventh grade, Hymera

    1919-1920 taught in the high school, Hymera

    1920-1921 government clerk, Washington,D. C.J 1921-1922 taught in the highschool at Fairbanks

    1922-1923 taughtin the high school. Pleasant ville: 192*-1925 taught in the high school atHymera: 1925-1929 principal of gradeschool, Hymera.Teic...

    1915-1980 teacher of home economics.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 274THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYpa Churubusco

    1927-1928 teacher primary grades. Crown Center, Morgancounty

    1928-1929 teacher rural school,Ashland township, Morgan county

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Churubusco.White, Homer A., 2IG, pa Freedom

    1928-1980 teacher grades, five, six,Franklin township, Owen county.White, Nell G., 2IG, pa RFD 1, Paragon

    taught rural schools, Morgan county, two years

    consolidated schools, Morgan county, two years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher primary grades,Monrovia.White, Sarah C, 2IG, pa 1420 SouthSt., Lafoyette

    1918-1919 teacher grades,Mt. Tom

    1919-1920 teacher grades, Colfax

    1920-1921 teacher grades No. 10

    1921-1924 teacher grodes. Octagon

    1924-1925 teocher grades, No. 10

    1925-1926 teacher grades, Ouiatenan

    1926-1927 teacher grade five, Klondike

    1927-1930 teacher grades four, five, LongloisSchool, Lafayette.Wibbeler, Benjamin H., ha Holland

    poHannibal, Ohio

    1929-1930 entered ministry, Hannibal, Ohio

    for complete record see class of 1920.Wickwire, Gladys, 2P, pa 608 Main St.,Vincennes

    taught grades, De Sotocounty, Florida

    grades, Vincennes, before graduation: 1929-1930 teacher primary grades, Vincennes.Williams, Marcus, A. B., ha PrairieCreek

    pa Clinton

    1929-1930 teacherphysics biology, physiology, Clinton.Williams, Opal Irene, 2IG, pa 617 Mulberry St., Clinton

    taught fifth grade,University, three years, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher grades, Crom-pton Hill, Vermillion county.Willis, Fred L., B. S., ha 1920 SouthSixth St., Terre Haute

    pa 159 SheetsSt., West Lafayette

    laborotory assistant,physiology, Indiana State Teachers College before graduotion

    1929-1930 assistant in bacteriology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, and working toward Masters degree.Williamson, Jessie Florence, 2P, haRemington

    pa East Chicago

    1929-1930teacher primary grades. East Chicago

    for complete record see class of 1923.Wilson, Doris, 2P, ha Box 17, RFD E,Terre Haute

    pa 115 West Pike St.,Goshen

    1929-1930 teacher first grade,Jefferson School, Goshen.Wilson, Irene O., 2P, ha Riley

    pa Center Point

    1929-1930 teacher primarygrades, Center Point.Windley, Ilona Anna, A. B., ha 2534North 13th St., Terre Haute

    pa Wood-burn

    taught in Darlington


    Newberry, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher music, home economics, Woodburn.Winegar, Margery E., 2IG, pa Carlisle

    1925-1930 teacher grades, Carlisle.Winkles, Dole Mae, 2P, ha Sandborn

    pa 703 River Lane, Rockford, 111.

    1929-1930 teacher first grade, Loves ParkSchool, Rockford, 111.Wittenberg, W. Winifred, B. S.. pa 826Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher commerce, Sarah Scott JuniorHigh School, Terre Haute.Wolf, Paul, B. S., pa 1631 South 9thSt., Terre Haute

    1928-1930 teacherphysical education, coaching, IndianaState Teachers College Training School,Terre Haute.Wolfe, Nellie Elizabeth, 2P, ha RFD 4,Carlisle

    pa Poxton

    1919-1922 teacherrural schools, Sullivan county

    1922-1923 teacher primary grodes, Paxton

    1927-1930 teacher primary grades, Paxton.Wolff, Freda Elizabeth, A. B., ha Vallonia

    pa Staunton

    1920-1921 teacherVallonia

    1921-1922 teacher Springvicw,Nebraska

    1922-1924 teacher, Thermop-olis, Wyo.

    1925-1927 teacher Vallonia

    1927-1930 teacher English, Latin, Staunton.Wolverton, Ralph, 2IG, pa RFD 2, TerreHaute

    taught grades, Maryland School,Honey Creek township, Vigo county, before graduation

    1929-1930 teachergrades, Honey Creek township, Vigocounty.Woodcox, W. Gray, B. S., pa Garrett

    1914-1917 teacher rural schools, DeKalbcounty

    1920-1921 teacher rural schools,Van Wert county, Ohio

    1921-1924 teacher grades and high school, Butler

    1924-1929 teacher manual training ingrades and high school, Garrett

    1929-1930 teacher monual training, junior andsenior high schools, athletics, Garrett.Woodward-Scott, Mrs. Mary K., 2P., haEvansville

    pa 421% South 16th St.,Terre Haute

    192G-1929 teacher grades,Newton

    September to December, 1929teacher grades, five, six, Grandview

    1930not teaching, homekeeper, married toFrank Scott Dec. 24, 1929.Wooiard, Claire H., B. S., ha RFD 3,Brazil

    pa Eowling Green

    1926-1930teacher music English, Washingtontownship High School, Bowling Green.Wooiard, Hilda, B. S., ha RFD 3, Brazil

    pa Clinton

    taught home economics,junior high school, Clinton, before graduation

    1929-1930 teacher home economics, junior high school, Clinton.Woolridge, Josephine Vietta, 2P, pa 1302West Sixth St., Bloomington

    1929-1930at home and not teaching.Wright, Dennis O., B. S., ha Cloverdale

    pa South Whitley

    taught rural schools,Putnam county, one year

    industrial arts,Bloomington. one year

    1921-1930 teacher industrial arts, mathematics, SouthWhitley.Wright, Mary Elizabeth, 21G, ha Edwardsport

    pa 210 West Ellsworth, Columbia City

    1929-1930 teacher grades,Whitley county.Wright, Nora R., B. S., ha RFD 6, Sullivan

    pa 632 Walnut St., Terre Haute

    1929-1930 city school nurse, TerreHaute

    for complete record see class of1914.Yager, Lucille Clarice, B.S., pa Advance

    taught grades three months, Advance,before graduation

    1929-1930 teachermusic, Jefferson township, consolidatedschool, Boone county.Yocum, Verine Celeste, 2P, ha 109 NorthMain St., Clay City

    pa Mishawaka

    taught grades, Clay City, three years,before graduation

    1929-1930 teacherfirst grade, Mishawaka.Young, Beatrice L., A. B., ha Riley


    1929-1930 teacher science ineighth grade, Clinton.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1927-1930 principal, high school,Shelbyville.Lover, Clarence, nr.McClanahan-Campbell, Mrs. Gladys, paPimento

    taught one year in countryschools, Vigo county

    two years in Pimento and three years in Farmersburgbefore graduation

    1915-1916 teacher ofgrades, Clinton

    1916-1917 teacher ofgrades, Muncie

    1917-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married in 1917 to Ross G.Campbell.McClerney, Adelia, pa Evansville

    taughtprimary grades at Summitville beforegraduation

    1915-1917 teacher of primary grades, Evansville

    1917-1929 criticteacher, first grade, Evansville.•McCloud-Scott, Mrs. Pearl Ethel

    1915-1916 supply teacher, high school, Amo

    1916-1917 teacher, Mooresville

    1917-1922 teacher, high school, Martinsville

    1922-1927 married, at home, not teaching

    deceased 1927.McDonald, Louise, ha Indianapolis

    nr.McElroy, Lilia Ruth, ha Evansville

    1915-1920 teacher of grades, Evansville

    1920-1924 teacher of grades, Gary

    lr 1924.McFall-Small, Mrs. Rose, A. B., 141 y2Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    for complete information, see class of 1912.McFarland, Claude O., A. B., ha Elon

    1915-1916 student, University of Chicago

    1916-1917 instructor in geologyand geography. University of Cincinnati

    summer of 1917 assistant in geographydepartment, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    lr 1917.McKeever-Jensen, Mrs. Helen F., pa 2219Crawford St., Terre Haute: 1915-1919teacher of city schools, Terre Haute

    1919-1928 not teaching, homekeeper,married to Otto Jensen.McQuinn-Ward, Mrs. Lenore Babcock, A.B., ha Toledo, Ohio

    1915-1916 director,Sandusky County Normal School, Green-spring, Ohio

    1916-1917 teacher of algebra, Greenspring, Ohio

    1917-1918county normal director

    1918-1923 received A. M. and Ph. D., University ofMichigan

    assistant in zoology department^ University of Michigan

    1922married to Henry T. Ward

    lr 1923.Mackell, James F., A. B., pa RFD A,Terre Haute

    for complete informationsee class of 1912.*Madden, Mona G., ha Princeton

    1914-1915 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1915-1918 teacher of grades, Francisco

    1918-1923 teacher of grades, Princeton

    1923-1924 did not teach because of poorhealth

    deceased.Maehling, Hildegarde, pa 1357 3rd Ave.,Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher at McKeen School, Terre Haute

    1916-192 3teacher in grades, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 critic teacher, Voorhees School,Terre Haute: 1926-1930 teacher, McLeanJunior High School, Terre Haute.Medsker, Sylvia, pa E. Lansing, Michigan, B...

    1915-1918 elementarygrades, Sullivan county

    1918-1927 teacher of home economics, high school, Sullivan county

    1927-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, Michigan State College, East1 ansing, Michigan

    received A. M.,Teachers College, Columbia University.Melton, Charles E., pa Walnut, Illinois

    1915-1917 teacher in high school, EastChicago

    1917-1918 teacher in highschool, Ottawa, Illinois

    1919-1920 Culver Military Academy, Culver

    1920-1921 teacher in high school, LcMars,Iowa: 1921-1929 superintendent ofschools. Walnut, Illinois.Melton, Monroe, A. B., pa Normal. Illinois

    for complete information, see classof 1911.Mercker, A. M., A. B„ pa 720 S. 22ndSt., Quincy, Illinois

    1915-1918 supervisor of industrial arts, high school.Peru: 1918-1929 teacher of mechanicaldrawing, high school, Quincy, Illinois.Michael, Mr. Joy E., ha&#x...


    1915-1916 supervisor ofmanual training, Bremen

    1916-1924manual training, Huntington

    1927-1929teacher of industrial arts, Huntington.Miller, Carl N., pa 1920 S. Center St..Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher in highschool, East Chicago

    1916-1930 insurance business, S. C. Miller & Sons, sixmonths in army.Moery, Otto E., A. B., pa 1421 N. 7thSt., Terre Haute

    for complete information see class of 1908.Montgomery, John E., pa DeKalk, Illinois

    1911-1915 teacher in New Winchester, Hendricks county

    1915-1917teacher in Tobinsport

    1917-1919 teacherin Arcadia

    1919-1920 teacher in Burlington, Illinois

    1920-1929 teacher inDeKalb, Illinois, student, Chicago University 1919-1921 and 1923.Mooney-Foltz, Mrs. Alma, pa 306 N. 3rdSt., Clinton

    1913-1914 teacher of grades,Clinton township schools before graduation

    1915-1916 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1917-1922 at home, not teaching

    1922-1926 teacher of grades, FairviewPark School, Clinton

    1926-1927 principal of grades, Crompton Hill, Clinton

    1927-1928 principal of Fairview School,Clinton

    attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, spring terms of 1925-1927.Moran, Dorothy, pa Bedford

    tr 1914-1919 principal, department school, Bedford

    1919-1929 principal, junior highschool, Bedford.Morrill, Clinton, A. B., pa 45 N. RitterAve., Indianapolis

    practicing law in Indianapolis

    for complete information seeclass of 1910.Mullins, Virgil R., pa 2215 S. 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1910-1911 teacher of elementary grades, Swayzee

    1911-1912student, normal school, Marion

    1912-1914 teacher of mathematics, and English, high school, Swayzee

    1914-1925superintendent of schools, Summitville

    1925-1930 director of extension, placement and alumni secretary, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    graduatestudent, Columbia University, graduatestudent, Indiana University.♦Nesbit, Grace Lois, ha 1902 N. CrossSt.. Sullivan

    1915-1916 teacher of mathematics, high school, Nashville

    1916-1918 teacher of science, East Chicago

    deceased 1918.♦Nichols, George Otha, ha Morocco

    1915-1916 superintendent of schools, Otter-bein

    1916-1918 superintendent ofschools, Pittsboro

    1918-1919 superintendent of schools, Brownsburg

    1919-1921 superintendent of schools, Morocco

    1923-1924 principal, high school, NewAugusta

    1925-1926 principal, We3t Lebanon

    1927-1928 graduate student, Indiana University

    deceased 1928.Nickels, Willard E., pa Lawrenceburg:1915-1927 superintendent of schools, Fulton

    1927-1929 principal, Bright School,

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 30THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYIllinois Normal Summer School 1914-1916.Lahn-Stahl, Mrs. Minnie, reported living in Paris, 111.

    nr.Lambert, Louis, nr.Lambeth-DeBauge, Mrs. Mary J., nr.Lollar, Ezra Eliot, la 403-27th Ave.,Spokane, Wash.

    1896-1899 principal ofhigh school, Garrett

    1899-1905 superintendent of schools, Garrett

    1906-1916instructor in English, Lewis and ClarkHigh School, Spokane, Wash.

    nr since1916.Lowry, Mary F., nr.Lynch, William O., pa Bloomington

    taught three terms in ungraded countryschools, Carroll county, one term asprincipal of town schools, Yeoman, andone term as principal of town sch...

    1896-1900 general assistant high school, Elkhart

    1900-1907 head of department ofhistory, high school .Elkhart

    1908-1918assistant professor of history, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1918-1920 professor of history and headof department, Eastern Division, BallTeachers College, Muncie

    1920-1929professor of history, Indiana University.Scholastic record since 1896: student,Indiana University, 1901-1903

    graduatestudent, University of Wisconsin, 1907-1908: graduate student, Harvard University, 1911-1912

    graduate student.University of Wisconsin, summer session, 1922

    A. B. and A. M., IndianaUniversity.McCollough, William C, pa Stock well

    1896-1904 superintendent of city schools,Sullivan

    1904-1928 engaged in farming,Stockwell.Manch, Charles, nr.Mangrum, William Valentine, la Evansville

    1896-1897 principal schools, Bring-hurst

    1897-1898 principal schools,Haubstadt

    1898-1900 superintendent ofschools, Cynthiana

    1900-1903 superintendent of schools, Waveland

    1903-1904 student Indiana University andassistant teacher arithmetic, IndianaState Teachers College, spring term

    1904-1906 superintendent of schools,Carthage

    1906-1907 superintendent ofschools, Roachdale

    1907 superintendentof schools, New Harmony

    summer 1916student University of Chicago

    spent fivesummer terms, Indiana University

    1920-1930 elementary principal Evansvilleschools.May, Adda, nr.Meyer, Emilie L., pa 1824 Ohio St.,Terre Haute

    1896-1903 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute

    1903-1925 teacherWiley High School, Terre Haute

    1925-1929 teacher of commercial subjects,Geretmeyer High School, Terre Haute.Milhouse, Ludvic A., nr.Moran-Frey, Mrs. Josephine Irene, la1402 East Washington S....

    1896-1898 departmental work, English,Vincennes

    1898-1908 departmentalwork, Indianapolis

    1908-1928 married toF. J. Frey, at home, not teaching

    received degree from Butler University,Indianapolis, 1928.Nesbit, Mary, nr.Nicewanger, Henry D., pa 919 FidelityBldg., Tacoma, Wash.

    1896-1900 superintendent of schools, Dublin

    1900-1907in mercantile business, Van Buren:1907-1910 in mercantile business, Seattle, Wash.

    1910-1916 in mercantilebusiness Kennewick, Wash.

    1916 inmercantile business Tacoma, Wash.

    1925-1929 Christian Science practitioner,Tacoma, Wash.Nuner, John Franklin, ha South Bend

    1896-1897 teacher, Henry county

    1897-1901 teacher high school, Montpelier

    1902-1903 teacher high school, Mishawaka

    1903-1916 superintendent ofschools, Mishawaka

    1916-1920 superintendent schools. South Bend

    deceasedabout 1920.Owens, Dosie, reported to be living inFranklin

    nr.Owens, John, taught school severalyears: at one time laboratory assistant,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, and for several years state f...

    1896-1899teacher in Morocco

    1899-1901 teacherBrook

    1902-1924 teacher grades, Denver, Colo

    1927-1929 teacher in ByersJunior High School, Denver, Colo.Piercy, Charles M., nr.Poer-Leighton, Mrs. Lena L., la Montpelier

    1896-1898 teacher grades, Alexandria

    1898-1899 teacher grades andhigh school, Greensboro

    1900-1901teacher of grades, Salem

    1901-1902teacher of grades, Flora

    1905 teacherof grades, Montpelier

    granted two yearsleave of absence on account of sickness

    married Scott Leighton

    lr 1905.Quinslisk-Johnson, Mrs. Belle, la Brazil

    taught primary grades, West TerreHaute before graduation

    1896-1899teacher in high school, Portland

    1899-1928 not teaching

    married and home-keeper

    attended Indiana Universitysummer term 1897 and attended summer term Winona in 1898.Radcliffe, Henry Herbert pa 1346 W.Macon St., Decatur, 111....

    1896-1898teacher of schools, Henry county

    1898-1900 principal of academy, Demarcus,O.

    1900-1902 teacher of science andmathematics, Aurora

    1902-1904 attended Indiana University, received B. S.1904

    1904-1907 teacher of science.Mount Morris College, Mount Morris,111.

    1907-1908 principal high school,Oregon, 111.

    1908-1910 principal highschool, Taylorville, 111.

    1910-1918teacher of science, high school, Connersville

    1918-1929 head of department ofscience, Decatur Senior High School.Ridenour, John, nr.Ridenour-Stailey, Mrs. Maggie, la Wabash: taught eight years in ...

    1896-1900 teacher of grades, East Chicago

    1916-1928 at home, not teaching

    living on farm and assisting in poultryand dairying.Royse, Charles S., pa Versailles

    1896-1897 principal New Marion school

    1897-1903 county superintendent schools, Ripley county

    1903-1910 in insurance business

    1910-1929 attorney at law, Versailles.Russell-Dickson, Mrs. Lulu, nr.Saal, Joseph, nr.Sankey-Faurot, Mrs. Anna Blanche, pa649 Poplar St., Terre Haute...

    1896-1902professor of Latin and German, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1902-1929 at home and not teaching

    married to A. A. Faurot, Aug. 7, 1928.♦Schafer, Mary, taught several years.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    pa Williamsport

    1929-1930 teocher industrial arts ond science, highschool, Williamsport

    for complete recordsee class 1924.Hyde-Spears, Mrs. Cylena Mae, 2IG, paGeneral Delivery, Pontiac, Mich.

    1917-1927 teacher of elementary grades, Vigocounty

    1927-1928 supply teacher, Oakland county, Pontiac, Mich.Iahn, Lydia, 2IG, pa 2324 North 11th St.,Terre Haute

    1924-1926 teacher of ruralgrades, Quaker

    1926-1927 student, Indiana State Teachers College

    1927-1928teacher of intermediate grades, Hagerstown

    1928-1930 teacher of intermediategrades, Warren School, Terre Haute.Ireland, Florence, A. B., RFD C, Box4, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacher ofelementary grades, Terre Haute.Irons, Vernal, A. B., pa Jasonville

    1927-1929 teacher of history, Jasonville

    1929-1930 student, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, Md.Jackson, Clell, 2IG, pa Poland

    1924-1930 teacher of grades, Poland.Jackson, Edna, 2P, pa Kempton: 1927-1929 teacher of primory grodes, PrairieTownship Consolidated School, Tiptoncounty.Jackso...

    pa Ellettsville

    1924-1927 teacherof elementary grades, Clay county

    1927-1929 teacher of Latin and English, Put-namville

    1929-1930 not teaching, home-keeper, married summer 1929.Jackson, Myrtle Roach, 2IG, la 619South 4th St. Terre Haute

    lr 1928 notteaching.James, Anna M., A. B., ha Magnet

    taught three years in grades beforegraduotion

    1927-1930 teacher of English, Union High School, Dexter.Jewell, Wanda M., 2IG, pa Wallace

    1922-1923 assistant in physical education, Crawfordsville

    1924-1926 teacherof grades, Wallace

    1927-1929 teacherof mathematics, geography, Physiologyand art, junior high school, Wallace.Johnson, Thelma A., 2P, pa 620 E*stTaylor St., Kokomo...

    1927-1930 teacherof primary grades, Kokomo.Jones, Evelyn C, B. S., pa 116 KentAve., Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacherof commerce, Ft. Branch.Jones, Harley, A. B., pa 1425 NorthDrexel Ave., Indianapolis

    taught threeyears rural schools and high school before graduation

    1927-1930 teocher ofhistory and printing, Technical HighSchool, Indianapolis

    Indiana Universityextension courses toward M. S. degree.Jones, Lawrence G., B. S., pa 207 Hudson Ave., Terre Haute: 1907-1911 teacher of elementa...

    1911-1930 teacher of elementary grades andprincipal in Terre Haute public schools

    at present, principal Sarah Scott JuniorHigh School.Jones, Mary V., B. S., pa 1039 EighthAve., Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacherof physical education, Wiley High School,Terre Haute.Jones, Mildred, 2P, pa Linton

    1927-1929teacher of primary grades, Linton.Jones, Orville Pearl, B. S., pa 2130 Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    1919-1920 teacher of industrial arts and mathematics,high school, Hendricks county

    1920-1924 teacher of industrial arts, physicaleducation, Glenn High School, Vigo county

    1924-1930 teacher of mechanicaldrawing, Garfield High School, TerreHaute.Julian, Max., A. B., pa 432 East 109thSt., Cleveland, Ohio

    1927-1930 teacherof history, Cleveland, Ohio.Kellar-Knapp, Mrs. Hazel, 2IG, pa Versailles, Mo.

    1927-1928 not teaching,homekeeper, married.Kerr-Wilson, Mrs. Helen Virginia, A. 252 South St., Pittsfield, Pa.

    1927-1928 teacher of home economics andEnglish, Ellettsville

    1928-1930 marriedhomekeeper.Kerr, Mable E., B. S., pa 1916 East 93rdSt., Cleveland, Ohio

    1921-1922 teocherof rural school, Parke county

    1923-1924 teacher of grades, Bridgeton

    1924-1928 teacher of commerce, high school,Danville

    1924-1927 critic teacher forCentral Normal College, Danville

    1927-1929 teacher in Cleveland, Ohio.Kibby, Doris Galena, A. B., pa Clinton

    1927-1930 teacher of home economics,Clinton.Kitch, Lois Earl, A. B., pa Owens ville

    1927-1929 teacher of science, Owens-ville

    1929-1930 principal high school,Owensville.Koehler, Albert W., B. S., pa RFD 1.New Albany

    1923-1925 teacher in ruralschool, grades, Floyd county

    1925-1927student, Indiana State Teachers College

    1927-1930 teacher of science, New Albany.Koehler, Emma F., 2HE, ha RFD 1,Box 44, New Albany

    pa care of M. B.Simon, Bloomdale, Ohio

    1925-1929 student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute

    1929-1930 teacher, homeeconomics and English, junior ond seniorhigh schools, Bloomdale, Ohio

    B. S., Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, 1929.Kruzan, Charlotte A., B. S., pa 2307South 6y2 St„ Terre Haute

    1929-1930teacher grades, Fairbanks School, TerreHaute

    for complete record see class1920.LaFollette, Cecil T., B. S., pa 1645 Second Ave., Terre Haute

    1918-1919 teacher of grades, Turner

    1919-1920 teacherof grades, Staunton

    1920-1926 teacherof grades, Rea School and King ClassicalSchool, Terre Haute

    1927-1930 teacherof home economics, Indiana State Teachers College Training School

    graduatestudent Columbia University.Lamar, Lida, A. B., pa Evansville

    forcomplete information, see class of 1905.Lamb, Herbert Ingram, B. S., pa 1004Sixth Ave., Terre Haute

    1927-1928 teacher of history, high school, Bridgeton

    1928-1929 graduate student, IndianaState Teachers College

    1929-1930 teacher history and coach Rockport.Lambright, Cleo

    2IG, ha Marco


    1927-1928 home, not teaching

    1928-1930 teacher, home economics and English, Pleasontville

    B. S.Indiana State Teachers College, 1929.Larson, Margaret A., 2P, pa RFD 1, Box40, Chesterton

    1927-1929 teacher ofprimary grades, Chesterton.Laubascher, Mary, B. S., pa RFD 5,Evansville

    taught six years in Von-derburg county before graduation

    1927-1928 did not teach, at home.Lawson, Margaret, 2P, pa 1503 SeventhAve., Terre Haute: 1927-1928 teacher ofprimary grades, Elkhart

    1928-1929 tea-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed