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THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY153Teachers Training School, Terre Haute 1923-1924 teaching in junior high school,Vincennes 1924 married Wallace Snyder 1926-1927 teaching in Mrs. PortersPrivate School for Girls, Long Beach,Calif. 1927-1929 teaching English andsocial science in Alexander HamiltonJunior High School, Long Beach, Calif. attended University of Wisconsin graduate work. University of California University of Southern California.Ellwanger, Walter H., ha Lanesville paSt. Louis, Mo. 801 DeMun Ave. 1921-1922 teacher in high school, Pontiac,111. 1922-1924 superintendent ofschools, Marengo 1926-1928 student inConcordia Theological Seminary, St.Louis, Missouri received A. B. fromIndiana University in 1921.Erwin-Hill, Mrs. Bessie, ha Terre Haute,2001 North 7th St. pa Logansport 1919-1920 teacher in high school,Frichton 1920-1922 teacher in juniorhigh school, Vincennes 1922-1929married Willard B. Hill, not teaching,homekeeper.♦Fail, Elsie Jane, ha Terre Haute deceased.Ferguson-Bedwell, Mrs. Frieda, A. B.ha Terre Haute, 640 Barbara Ave., paNew Lawrence Hotel, Chicago, 111. 1919-1922 teacher in high schools, Montezuma and Peru 1922-1923 teacher inMcrom Christian College, Merom 1923-1927 teacher of public speaking, Garfield High School, Terre Haute 1927-1928 not teaching, at home directorof the Little Theatre of Terre Haute.1928-1930 not teaching.Ferguson, F. Kell, B. S. ha Plainville pa East Chicago 1917-1922 teacher ofmanual training and principal of highschool. Plainville 1921-1922 teacher ofindustrial arts, Elkhart 1922-1929teacher of industrial arts, East Chicago.Ferguson, Mary Jewell, B. S. ha TerreHaute, 640 Barbara Ave. 1919-1920teacher English and history, high school,Riley 1920-1927 teacher of Englishand history, Clinton 1927-1929 teacherpublic speaking, Garfield High School,Terre Haute.Firsick-Myers, Mrs. lone, ha Shelbyville pa same taught four years indistrict schools, Shelby township, Shelby county before graduation taught fouryears second grade at helbyville 1919-1920 taught music and hygiene atjunior high school, Shelbyville 1920-1928 married Mr. Myers, not teaching,homekeeper.Fisher, Virgil, A. B., ha Burns City paWorthington 1913-1914 teacher in Linton schools, Linton 1914-1915 supervising principal and teacher of historyand mathematics, Decker 1919-1930principal of high schools, Bruceville,Ambia, Donovan, 111. and Worthington.Foulke, Homer, Ph. B. pa Cory 19291930 assistant principal, Cory forcomplete record, see class 1914.French, Clyde LeRoy, A. B. ha Osgood 1915-1916 principal Kewanna HighSchool 1923, Blind not teaching deceased.Frey-Quinlan, Mrs. Nina, ha East Chicago pa East Chicago 1919-1920 teacher in East Chicago for two months 1919-1921 married, not teaching, home-keeper 1921-1923 teacher of grades.East Chicago: 1923-1929 teacher of ele-mentray grades. East Chicago.Given, Hazel, ha Lapel, nr.Grenard, Hazel, ha Rosedale 1922-1928music teacher. Mace 1923-1924 musicsupervisor, Fortville mr Dec. 22. 1927.Grossman, Gertrude pa 608 North 2ndSt.. Boonville 1916-1917 teacher ruralschool, Skelton township: 1919-1922 teacher, home economics, high school, TellCity 1922-1930 teacher home economics,Clarke School, Booneville.Gleeson, Albertine, ha Leopold pasame: 1919-1930 teacher of English ondhistory, high school, Leopold.Haas, Olivia, A. B. ha Boonville 1919-1926 teacher of Latin and English inhigh school, Elberfield 1926-1928 attending Indiana University, receivedmasters degree in Latin 1928-1930teaching Latin and English, Boonville.Hance, Esther Lee, A. B. ha Terre Haute,916 North 7th St. pa Evansville, 112Powell Ave. taught one year in Marshall, 111. three years in Areola, 111. one year in Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute three years and atpresent in Bosse High School, Evansville received M. A. degree from University ofIllinois in June, 1924.Hanna, Carlton, ha Coal City pa TerreHaute, 1202 Lafayette Ave., 1919-1923principal, also taught Latin and history,high school, Coal City 1923-1928 sporting editor, Terre Haute Star 1928-1930publicity manager, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Harbaugh, Madola, pa Clay City 1916-1922 teacher of grades, Clay county 1922-1925 teacher of English, mathematics, history, geography and physics,high schools, Clay and Daviess counties 1925-1927 student, Indiana University A. B. 1927-1930 teacher of mathemati-ics, high school, Greene county.Hargis, Elizabeth, A. B. ha Tulsa, Okla. 717 South Phoenix Ave. pa same lr1928 teacher in junior high school, Tulsa Oklahoma.Harris, Opal K., ha Terre Haute, 1720Chestnut St. 1919-1930 critic teacherof elementary grades. Hook and Demingschools A. B. Indiana State TeachersCollege, 1926.Hart-Singer, Mrs. Elizabeth, ha Sand-bom pa Tulsa. Okla. 1919-1920 teacher in schools, Sandborn 1920-1929 notteaching, married, homekeeper.Hays-Shields, Mrs. Maude, ha Mauck-port 1919-1920 assistant principal highschool, Mauckport 1920-1923, principalhigh schools, DePauw and Mauckport 1923-1929 married, at home, not teach-Hazzard, Lillie, ha Scottsburg pa 725Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis taughtin rural schools of Scott county from1911-1918 and one year grades at Ot-terbein before graduation 1919-1926taught grades at Otterbein, Muncie andIndianapolis 1926-1927 on leave of absence attending Columbia University New York 1927-1929 teaching in Indianapolis.Hein, Eva, A. B. ha Terre Haute, RFDF pa South Bend, 310 E. Howard St. 1923-1928 teacher of mathematics injunior high school, South Bend.Hendricks, Effie, ha Vernon pa Evansville lr teaching in public schools,Evansville. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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