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Description: THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY73CLASS OF 1907Admire-Neds, Mrs. Lenna, pa 230 WestHigh St., Elkhart
taught one year atPoland before graduation
1907-1910teacher of grades, Elkhart
1910-1911not teaching, homekeeper, married andwidowed
1911-1920 teacher of grades,Elkhart
1920-1921 assistant principalCentral Junior High School, Elkhart
1921-1930 principal Central Junior HighSchool. Elkhart
B. S. University ofChicago.Barbrc, William Thomas, ha Sheridan
1911-1912 student at Butler College
1908-1916 minister. Central ChristianChurch, Rockville
lr 1916.Black, Laura Belle, ha Anderson
1907-1912 taught in Anderson
1912 taughtin Los Angeles, Calif.
deceased May 6,1922.Brunken-Hunter, Mrs. Florence E., pa408 South 22nd St., Terre Haute
1907-1916 teaching in public schools, TerreHaute
1916-1928 married HermanHunter
at home and not teaching.Bryant-Walker, Mrs. Pansy, pa 2111North 13lA St., Terre Haute
1928-1930 teacher in Gerstmeyer TechnicalHigh School, Terre Haute.Eunce, Georgia, pa 419 South FourthSt., Terre Haute
1907-1916 taught inpublic schools, Terre Haute
1914 graduated from Northwestern University
1916-1930 assistant teacher of historyWiley High School, Terre Haute.Bunker-Smullen, Mrs. Bertha M., paMays
1907-1909 teacher in city schools,Raleigh
1910 received A. B. degree, Indiana University
1911 post graduatestudent, University of California
1911-1913 teacher in city schools, Los Angeles, Calif.
1913-1929 married to Dr.Charles Smullen in 1913
not teaching,homekeeper.Caseley, Lucy A., pa Knightstown
1907-1911 teacher in primary grades, Anderson
1911-1912 teacher in primarygrades, Knightstown
1912-1913 teacherin primary grades, Muncie
1913-1914teacher in primary grades, Newcastle
1918-1929 teacher in primary grader.,Indianapolis
now working on A. B. degree.Casto-Hamaker, Mrs. Margaret, pa 24 3West Argonne Drive, Kirkwood, Mo.
1907-1908 teacher of Latin and English,Western Normal College, Shenandoah,Iowa
1908-1909 substitute teacher ingrades, high school and Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute
1909-1926 not teaching, homekeeper
1926-1929 teacher in the Adams IntermediateSchool, Kirkwood, Mo.
attended summerschool, Washington University, St. Louis,Mo.♦Dell, Rosa E., ha Billings, Mont.
1908-1909 grade principal, Millersburg
1909grade principal, Billings, Mont.
1910 attending summer term, University ofChicago
1912-1916 president and instructor, Rosebud Camp School
deceased.Denny, Elsie, taught for some time inbloomington
no complete record available.Dodson, Emma A., pa 2705 South 7thSt.. Terre Haute
1907-1908 at home
1908-1924 teaching in public schools,Terre Haute: 1924-1929 teaching elementary grades, Rea School, TerreHaute.Dunkin, Edgar W., Goodland
1907-1908teaching in high school. Mitchell
1908-1911 principal of high school, Rockport:1911-1914 principal of high school Fowler
1914-1917 superintendent schools,Batesville
1917-1919 superintendentschools, Petersburg
1919-1930 superintendent schools, Goodland.Durrett-Sawyer, Mrs. Patsy Leslie, haSt. Louis, Mo.
1908-1909 teacher, Columbus
1909-1910 teacher, Mt. Vernon
1910-1913 assistant principal, highschool, Madison
1913-1924 married, notteaching, homekeeper
lr 1924.Failing-Swango, Mrs. Marie, pa 1310Arkansas Ave., Dormont, Pittsburg, Pa.
1907-1921 teacher of grades, LangeSchool, Terre Haute
1921-1929 marriedto Marvin E. Swango and living in Pittsburg.Fessant-Reveal, Mrs. Rose, pa 2436North Eleventh St., Terre Haute
1907-1920 teacher in public schools, TerreHaute
1929 married, not teaching,homekeeper.Fidlar-Cornelius, Mrs. Orrell, pa University of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn.
1907-1908 assistant in grammar, IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute,summers
1909-1912 supervisor of art,public schools, Brazil
1910-1912 assistant in writing and drawing, summers,Indiana State Teachers College
1912married David W. Cornelius, head ofphysics department. University of Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn.
1912-1930had several plays published and presented, also produced plays for clubs, college and Little Theater
attended University of Kansas and University ofMichigan.Filbey, Emery T., pa 1207 East 50thSt., Chicago, 111.
1907-1909 supervisorof manual training, Bluffton
1909-1916instructor in manual arts department,School of Education, University of Chicago, 111.
1916-1930 director of Institute of Meat Packing, University ofChicago.Fisher, Ernest Gotthilf, ha New Bremen, O.
1907-1908 student. Universityof Chicago
1908-1909 teacher of German .Vincennes
1910-1913 instructor inGerman, Michigan State AgriculturalCollege, East Lansing. Mich.
1910 Ph.B. University of Chicago
1913-1914Prussian Exchange teacher, Konigstad-tische, Oberrealschule, Berlin, Germany,student, Berlin University, Berlin Germany
1914 assistant professor of German, Michigan State Agricultural College, East Lansing, Mich.
lr 1914.Fuhr, Ruby, pa 146 Montrey Ave., TerreHaute: 1907-1908 teacher of German,King Classical, Terre Haute
1908-1910teacher of primary grades, Lange School,Terre Haute: 1910-1911 teacher of German in grades, Terre Haute
1912 graduated on college course, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute: 1912-1913 teacher of German, Wiley HighSchool. Terre Haute: 1913-1929 teacherin Garfield High School, Sarah ScottJunior High School, and at present atWoodrow Wilson Junior High School,Terre Haute: president of Indiana StateTeachers College Alumni Association1028-1929.C.ifford. Earl, pa 156 1st St., Shelbyville
1907-1910 teacher in high school, Mar-
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.