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Showing 1 - 20 of 509 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( c price et car...
Showing 1 - 20 of 509 results

  • Baby Flame Contest Winners. 1st place for 1-2 years old. L-R: Mr. & Mrs. Paul Murman holding their twin daughters, Marilyn Lou and&...

    Fire Fighter Photographs

  • SCOREBOARDMart/Moore60-50-492ndBlgtn. North97-302ndBrown County81-461stCas/S. Put74-43-391stNorthview69-582ndBNL97-302ndCloverdale97-301stMitchell InvSecond placeTHS/Eas/Bloom90-87-44-72ndEdgewood Inv...

    Edgewood High School
    No subjects listed

  • 1929-1931 N. Talbott St., Hollingsworth-Allen Double Residence, 1986 [partial view right: 1925 N. Talbott St.]


    Hollingsworth-Allen Double Residence1929-1931 North Talbott Street1908Charles Hollingsworth built this 2 1/2-story double with a carriage house in 1908. Al...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1704 N. Pennsylvania St., The Allen Apartments, 1986


    The Allen Apartments1704 North Pennsylvania Street1913The Allen Apartment building was built in 1913 by Matilda Allen for Fredonia Allen who had ...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1704 N. Pennsylvania St., The Allen Apartments, 1986


    The Allen Apartments1704 North Pennsylvania Street1913The Allen Apartment building was built in 1913 by Matilda Allen for Fredonia Allen who had ...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1704 N. Pennsylvania St., The Allen Apartments, 1986


    The Allen Apartments1704 North Pennsylvania Street1913The Allen Apartment building was built in 1913 by Matilda Allen for Fredonia Allen who had ...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1704 N. Pennsylvania St., The Allen Apartments, 1986


    The Allen Apartments1704 North Pennsylvania Street1913The Allen Apartment building was built in 1913 by Matilda Allen for Fredonia Allen who had ...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1704 N. Pennsylvania St., The Allen Apartments, 1986


    The Allen Apartments1704 North Pennsylvania Street1913The Allen Apartment building was built in 1913 by Matilda Allen for Fredonia Allen who had ...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1704 N. Pennsylvania St., The Allen Apartments, 1986


    The Allen Apartments1704 North Pennsylvania Street1913The Allen Apartment building was built in 1913 by Matilda Allen for Fredonia Allen who had ...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1704 N. Pennsylvania St., The Allen Apartments, 1986


    The Allen Apartments1704 North Pennsylvania Street1913The Allen Apartment building was built in 1913 by Matilda Allen for Fredonia Allen who had ...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1704 N. Pennsylvania St., The Allen Apartments, 1986


    The Allen Apartments1704 North Pennsylvania Street1913The Allen Apartment building was built in 1913 by Matilda Allen for Fredonia Allen who had ...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • 1929-1931 N. Talbott St., Hollingsworth-Allen Double Residence, 1986


    Hollingsworth-Allen Double Residence1929-1931 North Talbott Street1908Charles Hollingsworth built this 2 1/2-story double with a carriage house in 1908. Al...

    multi-family dwelling

    Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection

  • LSTA-Indiana State Library.

    Knox County has won 1st place eight out of ten years.

    Indiana State Fairgrounds and Event Center

  • 8THE INFORMEREARP MAXRSONJOINS THE ARMYDisappointment in Love Is theCause of Sudden DepartureWill Be Regular at Age of 49The citizens of Bloomington&#...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed

  • mmCatch Us if You CanThe 1980 Girls Track Team was very successful. The team finished with a record of sevenwins and three losses in&#x...

    Bloomington High School North
    No subjects listed

  • With the PinWrestling team sends three to State, putstogether strong record ~by Jeff CarterThree members of the team,senior Nate May and jun...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • 170THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYteaching, homekeeper, married.Elrod, Edith R., 2IG, ha Coatesville

    pa271 Belleview Place, Indianapolis

    1922-1929 teaching grades at Indianapolis.Engleman, Delia, 2IG, ha 211 Lewis St.,Hammond

    pa same

    lr 1928 teachingin grades, Hammond

    mr 6-7-29.Evans-Wagner, Mrs. Victoria, B. S., ha2201 South 6% St., Terre Haute

    la3405 Gate Place, New York City

    lr1928 teaching at Scarsdale, N. Y.Fleener, Ray E., A. B., ha Little York

    pa Petersburg

    1922-1924 teacher history and athletics at Butler

    1925-1927teaching at French Lick

    1927-1930teaching science tand coaching, Petersburg.Flood, Georgia S., A. B., ha 1125 South7th St., Terre Haute

    pa Evansville 1922-1929 teacher of Spanish and Latin, Central High School, Evansville.Freitag-Sahm, Mrs. Anne, 2M, pa 121/.Kent Ave., Terre Haute...

    1922-1923teacher of music, Bainbridge

    1924-1926teacher of music, Prairie Creek

    1926-1929 married, not teaching, at home.French, Findley, B. S., ha Riley


    1922-1930 teacher of industrialarts in Emerson High School at Gary.♦Gillespie, Katherine, A. B., ha 420North Lafayette Blvd., South Bend...

    deceased Sept. 24, 1926.Greanleaf, June L., A. B., ha 2218 Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1930 teaching Latin in Wiley High.School, Terre Haute.Greer, Emath Bell, 2IG, ha 1204 ElizaSt., Fort Wayne

    pa 2153 North ArsenalAve, Indianapolis

    1922-1923 teacher ofgrode work at Seymour

    1924-192 9teacher of grade work, Indianapolis.Grenard, Hazel, 2M, ha Hillsboro


    1919-1920 music and domestic science, New Richmond

    1920-1922music and domestic science, Rosedale

    1922-1923 music and domestic scienceMace

    1923-1924, music supervisor,Fortville

    lr 1924.Griffith, Helen Mary, 2IG, 2 East PearlSt. Washington: pa same

    1922-1930teacher of elementary grades, Washington.Grogan, Anne Patricia, 2IG, ha 344 Central Ave., Whiting, lr 1923 teaching elementary grades at Fort ...


    lr 1923 teaching grades, TerreHaute.Hamilton, Allen T., B. S., ha Danville

    pa Bloomington

    1922-1930 industrialarts supervisor, Bloomington.Hampton, Charles, A. B., ha 621 North7th St., Terre Haute

    pa Muncie

    1922-1923 principal Burns City

    1927-1930history department, Muncie.Harris, Ernestine R., 2IG, ha 1501 FirstAve., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1922-1923grades, Burnette, School No. 8.

    1923-1924 student Indiana State Teachers College

    lr 1924.Hill, Thelma, 2IG, ha 201 Riggs Ave.,West Terre Haute

    pa same

    did notteach before graduation

    1922-1923 teacher of grades, West Terre Haute

    1923-1924 saleslady

    1924-1929 teacher ofgrades, West Terre Haute.Healey, Margaret, 2IG, ha 1429 MarketSt., Logansport

    pa 830 North EuclidAve., Dayton, Ohio

    1921-1929 socialscience, Jackson elementary school,platoon organization, Dayton, Ohio.Hirth, Albert S., A. B., ha Linton

    paKilbourn, Ohio

    1922-1927 mathematics,coaching at Raub

    1927-1930 instructormathematics and supervisor mathematicsOhio Wesleyan University, Delaware,Ohio.

    M. A. degree Columbia University, summer 1929.Hoberg, Minnie, A. B., ha Terre Haute

    pa 1323 South Center St., Terre Haute

    1911-1915 teaching grades, Terre Haute

    1915-1916 student in University of Wisconsin

    1916-1921 teaching fifth grade,Terre Houte

    1921-1922, attending Indiana State Teachers College at TerreHaute

    1922-1925 teaching history injunior high school at Terre Haute

    1925-1929 not teaching, Terre Haute.Holladay, Maude, A. B., ha Monticello

    pa 3 Main Arms, South Bend 1922-1929 teacher of home economics, SouthBend.Hoiler, Carl Wise, A. B., ha Terre Haute

    pa West Terre Haute, RFD A, 1918-1920teacher in the Midlothian High School,Richmond, Va.

    1922-1923 principal highschool. West Terre Haute

    1923-1929superintendent of schools, West TerreHaute

    1929-1930 principol, ConcannonHigh School, West Terre Haute.Holies, Hobart, A. B., ha Ft. Branch

    pa Culver

    1922-1923 not teaching

    1923-1924 assistant principal at Culver:1924-1929 principal of high school andhead of English department at Culver

    graduate student of Columbia University.Hudson, Burgess, A. B., pa Crawfordsville

    1929-1930 district sales managerStandard Oil Company, Indianapolis, forcomplete record see class 1918.Hunt, Edgar J., A. B., ha Terre Haute

    pa 1135 Hulman St., Terre Haute

    1920-1921 teacher of science, Brazil HighSchool, Brazil

    1921-1922 assistant professor of science, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute

    1922-1923 studentIndiana University

    1923-1924 studentmedical college, Indianapolis

    1925-1926assistant professor of physiology, Indiana State Teachers College

    1926-1927student Indiana Medical College, Indianapolis, M. D.

    1927-1928 interne. CityHospital, Indianapolis

    1929-1930 practicing medicine, Terre Haute.Hunt, Marcus, A. B.

    ha RFD B, TerreHaute

    pa La Cross

    taught two years,Vigo county before graduation

    1922-1925 principal high school, Stillwell:1925-1926 principal high school, Monterey

    1926-1927 teacher, mathematics,Lawrenceburg: 1927-1930 teacher .history and mathematics, assistant principal, high school, LaCrosse

    attendedUniversity of Chicago summer 1924 to1929, working on A. M. in education.Hunter, Mrs. Essa Coffman, 2IG, haWashington

    pa Paris, 111.

    1912-1914teacher grades. Bowman

    1914-1915 teacher grades, Petersburg

    1915-1919 substitute teacher, Washington

    1919-1920teacher grades, West Washington

    1920-1925 teacher grades. Washington

    1925-1926 student, Indiana State TeachersCollege, B. S.

    1926-1929 teacher artand English, high school, Paris, 111.

    1929-1930 at home, not teaching.Irons, Minnie L., A. B., ha Rockford,111., 331 Forest Ave.

    pa 522 Abbott Rd.,East Lansing, Mich.

    1923-1924 studentColumbia University, New York, N. Y.,A. M. degree

    1924-1930 home economics education, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigon.Jackson, Inez, A. B., ha Osgood


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • This is an issue of The National Union Republican and Soldier-Labor-Rights Advocate, a periodical for the Republican Party that was published in&...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection

  • This is an issue of The National Union Soldier-Labor Advocate, a periodical for the Republican Party that was published in Terre Haute, Indi...


    Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection