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mmCatch Us if You CanThe 1980 Girls Track Team was very successful. The team finished with a record of sevenwins and three losses in duals, won their firstever Conference championship, finished secondin the Sectional, and 11th in the Regional.Tina Debro and Shirley McGrude representedNorth in the State meet. The Maroon and Goldwinners were Amy Crozier and Tina Debro. Theteam was led by seniors Stacy Minkdeim andShirley McGruder.To show the quality of the team, the followingpeople qualified for the Sectionals: CatlinBarnes, 100m hurdles; Stacy Mindheim, 200mdash; Tina Debro, 400m dash and long jump;Debbie King, 800 & 1600 meter run; Amy Crozier, 800 & 1600 meter run; Lisa Lair, 800 & 1600run; Shirley McGruder, discus; Lynn Bridgewaters, high jump; Amy Fulton, long jump. Alsoqualifying were the 440 yd. relay of CatlinBarnes, Heidi Allen, Gert Winters, and StacyMindheim, the 800 yd. relay of Heidi Allen,Jeanie Parnell, Gert Winters, and Lynn Bridge-waters, and the 800 medley relay of CatlinBarnes, Gert Winters, Heidi Allen, and TinaDebro.The following girls became Regional qualifiers: Catlin Barnes, the sectional champ in thehurdles; Lisa Lahr, champ in the 800m run; TinaDebro, 2nd in long jump and 3rd in the 400;Amy Crozier, 3rd in the mile; Debbie King, 4thin the mile; Shirley McGruder, 4th in the discus,and the 2nd place 800m medlay of Catlin Barnes,Heidi Allen, Gert Winters, and Tina Debro.In the regional, Tina was 4th in the 400 andShirley was 4th in the discus. The track team wascoached by Ralph Sieboldt and Karen Ritz.Girls Track RecordNorthOpponentBrazil7728B.N.L.6243Columbus East5649T.H. North4560Edgewood7727Owen Valley7233Martinsville4362Columbus North5352Bloomington South4461Center Grove54^50VSH.H.C.1stSectional2nd1. Amanda Keller hits us with her best shot!2. Another first for strong hurdler Catlin Barnes.119 |
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Bloomington High School North |
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