Search Results - (( air takes time...
Search alternatives:grade working » garage working, drake working, grade lookingclass working » coates working, crews working, class outingworking first » spring first, working fromtakes time » take time, saves timeorr during » car during, air during, bar duringair takes » fair takes, fire takes, air basestime orr » time out, time car, time off
Showing 141 - 160 of 447 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( air takes time...
Showing 141 - 160 of 447 results

  • A Word About Our CourseAs an educational institution, our high school ranks well up near the top of the roll of high schools and a...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed

  • 38THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYPeterson, Jessie A., ha Evansville: nr.Petty, Elmer, pa 2301 South Maple St.,Sioux City, Iowa

    taught five years incountry schools before graduation

    1903-1907 teacher at Elwood, Swayzee andFrankfort

    190 7 graduated from IndianaUniversity

    1907-1922 teacher of historyin high school, Sioux City, la.

    1922-1929, engaged in the stationery business

    graduated from University of Chicago 1919.Polk, Dee, nr.Quigle, Edward A., la 1928, 3308 HunterBlvd., Seattle, Wash, nr.Rentschler-Hughes, Mrs. Alta O.,&#x...

    taught primary three years, Patricksburg, one year grades, Elwood, beforegraduation

    1898-1901 teacher of grades,Anderson

    1901-1903 teacher of grades,Marion

    1903-1905 teacher of grades,Indianapolis

    1905-1929 not teaching,homekeeper

    married June 28, 1905 toW. F. Hughes of the class 1896.Rhodes, Gertrude, nr.Scearce, Martha, pa Danville

    taughtthree years in township schools and primary grades, Mooresville before graduation

    taught a number of years aftergraduation in Indiana

    1916-1929 notteaching, homekeeper and assistant inpublic library.Schweitzer-Burford, Mrs. Charlotte B.,pa 1508 South 8th St., Terre Haute

    after graduation taught in grade andhigh schools, Waveland

    general assistant and assistant professor of English,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1910-1930 dean of women, Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    1908-1910 student, University ofChicago

    A. M. Indiana University, 1929.Scott, Sarah, ha Terre Haute

    teacherof mathematics, Wiley High School,Terre Haute for a number of years andat time of her death

    the Sarah ScottJunior High School stands as a monument to her long years of service

    deceased Aug. 27, 1915.Shanahan-Dagcs, Mrs. Ellen, pa 929Pine St., Marysville, Calif.

    taught fourteen years before graduation

    1898-1903teacher in eighth grade and first yearhigh school, Cannelburg

    1904-1930, notteaching, homekeeper, married to Frederick Dages of Montgomery.S-.bel, L. Carrie, la Crawfordsville

    taughtcontinuously from time of graduation to1926

    taught in the schools of New Harmony, Huntington, Newport and Win-gate

    also North Bend, Oregon

    last position, teacher of Latin and English inthe Wingate High School

    lr living inCrawfordsville.Smith, Robert A., nr.♦ Spears-Broderick, Mrs. Retta E., ha Elkhart

    taught two years rural school before graduation

    taught one year inElwood and several years in Elkhart

    married in 1912 and manager of acafeteria

    died February 12, 1930.Stuart, Hattie, nr.Stuart, William, nr.♦Test, Alice, lr teacher of school ofRichmond until a few weeks before herdeath i...

    1898-1899 principal wardschool, Salem

    1899-1903 principal highschool, Lesterville

    1903-1904 student,Indiana University

    1904-1913 superintendent of schools, Webster and ClarkS. D.

    1913-1916 principal high school.Little York

    1926-1929 superintendentat Webster, S. D.Thornburg, Curtis A., nr.Tout-Boobar, Mrs. Katherine, nr.Turner, Edwin, pa Normal, 111.

    1898-1899 teacher in high school, Kentland

    1899-1900 principal schools. Oak Park

    1900-1902 teacher of science, highschool, Bedford

    1902-1903 teacher ofbiology, Logansport

    1903-1905 principalhigh school, Connersville

    1905-1906 didgraduate work in Columbia University,A. M. degree

    1906-1907 principal highschool, Connersville: 1907-1908 superintendent schools, Connersville

    1908-1929head of practice department, IllinoisState Normal University, Normal, 111.

    received A. B. degree, Indiana University 1905.Umbach, William H., nr.Underwood, Oscar B., nr.♦Wagner, Clyde L., ha Attica

    1898-1900superintendent of schools, Newport

    1901-1903 principal high school, NorthManchester

    1903-1905 principal highschool. Lead, S. D.

    1905-1906 receivedA. B., Indiana University

    1906-1907principal high school, Owensboro, Ky.

    1907-1909 superintendent schools, Attica

    deceased Dec. 10, 1910, accidentallyshot while hunting.Wasson-Hunt, Mrs. Helen P., la Rensselaer

    1898-1901 teacher in Veeders-burg

    since then married and not teaching.Week, Frederick William, la 1916 LaCrosse, Wis.

    1898-1899 principalschools, Matthews

    1899-1900 principalhigh school, Washington, 111.

    1900-1904taught in modern language department,Chicago, 111.j 1904-1905, student, IndianaUniversity

    1905-1906 Wm. Curtis HighSchool, Chicago, 111.

    1906-1913 instructor, University of Michigan

    1913-1916department of education and psychology,LaCrosse State Normal School, LaCrosse,Wis.

    lr 1916.Whiteneck-Brown, Mrs. Emma, pa1103 y2 Woodland Ave., Toledo, O.


    manager of laundry office.Wilson, Albert M., pa 3630 Shaw Ave.,St. Louis Mo.

    1898-1900 attended Indiana University

    A. B. degree 1900

    1900-1901 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Fairmount

    1901-1903 principalof high school, Covington

    1903-1904teacher of mathematics, Orchard LakeMilitary Academy, Orchard Lake, Mich.

    1904-1923 teacher of mathematics, Mc-Kinley High School, St. Louis, Mo.

    1923-1929 principal of Monroe HighSchool, St. Louis, Mo.: A. M. degree,Indiana University 1903

    attended University of Chicago summer terms 1904-1905

    University of Colorado, summerterm 1914, Columbia University, summerterms 1923-1924-1925.♦Wood-Tharp, Mrs. Lon, ha Farmland

    after graduation taught in Anderson,Muncie and Farmland

    married in 1910


    deceased Oct. 17, 1926.Woodmansee, Wilson Robert, la 1916Ripon Wis.

    lr teacher of mathematics,Ripon, Wis.

    Indiana State University Archives
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  • 60THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYsummer schools Wisconsin

    1915-1919summer school, Chicago

    1922 severalweeks at Oxford University, England.Freeman, Myrtle M., pa 1120 NorthPennsylvania St., Apartment 131 Indianapolis

    1904-1929 teaching primarygrades, Indianapolis

    attended Northwestern University two summer termsand Columbia University one summerterm.Harris, Martha D„ pa 208 Potomac Ave.,Terre Haute

    1896-1903 teacher ruralschools, Vigo county

    1903-1930 teachergrades, Terre Haute

    A. B. Indiana StateTeachers College, 1929.Hartman, Mary, nr.Hickman, Frances M., pa Greentown

    taught in Union township, Howardcounty schools for eight years beforegraduating from the Miami Universityin 1898

    1904-1915 superintendent ofschools at Laurel and Windfall

    1915-1921 principal of schools at BunkerHill

    1921-1929 principal of consolidatedschools Union township

    attended University of Chicago, summer terms, 1917and 1918.Higgins, Anna C, pa 223 South 13 St.,Terre Haute

    1890-1895 teacher of ruralschools, Posey county

    1895-1901 teaching grades, public schools, Terre Haute

    1901-1922 principal and eighth gradeteacher, Terre Haute

    1922-1930 supervising principal, Davis Park School,Terre Haute.Horn, Fay C, ha North Manchester

    1904-1905 teacher in Bloomington

    1905-1910 departmental work, Marion

    1911received A. B. degree from Indiana University

    1911-1914 head of Latin department. Central Normal College, Danville

    1914-1916 head of Latin department anddean of women, Danville

    1916-1928 residing in California, not teaching.♦Huber, Henry C, 1904-1905 teacher ofhistory and English, high school, Warren

    1905-1907 superintendent, Ossian

    1907-1912 ward principal, Huntington

    1912-1916 deputy county auditor, Huntington

    1916-1922 in business

    1922-1923 teacher of English and algebra,high school. Van Buren

    deceased 1923.Inman, Austin W., pa Fillmore

    1904-1906 student, Indiana University

    1907-1909 superintendent. Clay City

    1909-1910 attending University of Chicago

    1910-1911 superintendent, Fairbury, 111.

    1911-1913 attending University of 111.

    1913-1914 chair in history, Toledo, Iowa

    1914-1929 cashier, Citizens NationalBank, Fillmore.Jennings-Johnson, Mrs. Frank, pa 1400East 9th St., Long Beach, Calif.

    1904-1909 teacher in grades, Rochester

    1909-1910 teacher, departmental work ingrades, Indianapolis

    1910-1911 teachergrades, San Mateo, Calif.

    1911-1912teacher of grades, Oakland, Calif.

    1912-1929 married to O. A. Johnson, notteaching, homekeeper. Long Beach, Calif.Keeney, George A., pa Danville

    1904-1905 superintendent, Pittsboro

    1905-1906 Indiana University: 1906-1907superintendent, Clayton

    1907-1909 superintendent, North Salem

    1909-1922hardware and implement merchant, Danville

    1922-1924 traveling salesman

    1924-1929 traveling salesman, HomeStove Co., Indianapolis.Kelley, Clement Earl, la 806 North Delaware St., Indianapolis

    1904-1907 principal, Breaks schools, Montgomery county

    1907-1908 superintendent. New Market: 1908-1910 superintendent Jamestown

    1910-1911 superintendent, Fortville

    1911-1926 secretary-treasurer.Peoples Bank & Trust Company, Clayton

    1926-1928 president, Irvington StateBank, Indianapolis.Knox, M. Pearl, la Grand Rapids, Mich.

    1904-1906 grade teacher, Elwood

    1906-1916 grade teacher. Grand Rapids, Mich.

    lr 1916.Lambeth, Lida, la Apache, Okla.

    1904-1905 primary teacher, Vigo county

    1905-1907 taught in schools of TerreHaute

    1908-1909 taught in schools, ElReno, Okla.

    1910-1916 taught in schools,Apache, Okla.

    lr 1916.Lewis, Isaac McKinney, pa Austin, Tex.

    1906-1909 attended Indiana Universityworking on A. B. and Ph. D. degrees

    1908 instructor in botany, New Hampshire College

    1909-1912 instructor inbotany. University of Texas

    1912-1914adjunct professor in botany, Universityof Texas

    1914-1920 associate professorof botany. University of Texas

    1920-1929 head of department of biology. University of Texas, Austin, Texas.Lewis, Morton A., pa 2232 TippecanoeSt., Terre Haute

    1904-1906 teacher inrural schools. Lost Creek

    1904-1907principal, Franklin

    1907-1918 teacherof grades, Terre Haute

    1918-1930 principal, Lincoln School, Terre Haute.Linn, Versa, pa 1020 East Denny St.,Seattle, Wash.

    1904-1910 teacher inThompson School, Terre Haute

    1910-1929 teacher, Warren Avenue School,platoon system, Seattle, Wash.Locke-Carey, Mrs. Bessie, pa 140 IllinoisAve., Dayton, O.

    1904-1914 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute

    1914-1915 marriedto Albert Bailey of Cincinnati, home-keeper

    1915-1918 taught in grades,Cincinnati, O.

    1918-1922 widowed

    taught in grades, Cincinnati, O.

    1922-1924 married to Charles H. Carey, Dayton, O.


    1924-1925 taughtopportunity classes, city schools, Dayton, O.

    1925-1929 homekeeper.Love-North, Mrs. Manta, la 1487 LimeSt., Riverside, Calif.

    1904-1905 principal,high school, Waveland

    1905-1908 teacher in public schools, Terre Haute andorganist at First Methodist Church,Terre Haute

    married to Mr. North in1908

    1908-1924 organist First MethodistChurch, Riverside, Calif.

    lr 1924.Lower, William I., nr.McGraw, Alva, pa Greensburg

    1904-1907 principal, Orange High School, Fayette county

    1907-1908 principal, MilfordHigh School, Decatur county

    1908-1909principal, Sandusky High School, Decatur county

    1909-1916 instructor inhigh school, Greensburg

    1916-1929teacher and supervisor, high school,Greensburg.McMahon-Jeffers, Mrs. Mary, la 11Bellevue Court, Pasadena, Calif.

    1906-1909 teacher in city schools, LosAngeles, Calif.

    1909-1924 married, notteaching

    lr 1924. Major-jenks, Mrs. Lucile, la 88 NorthProspect St., Burlington, Vermont

    1904-1906 teacher, Shelbyville

    1906student, Indianapolis Conservatory ofMusic

    1906-1909 supervisor of music


    1909-1924 married, homekeeper,not teaching

    lr 1924.Malone, H. Rollin, nr.Mallott, Maude, pa Bloomington


    Indiana State University Archives
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  • Ball State University works to go green : Trees around North Hall to be converted to wall, door trim; Gridiron learning : Bal...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • 126THE NORMAL ADVANCE^catremit RequirementsBy J. O. ENGLEMANA study of the scholastic requirements foradmission into the normal schools exhibits thegreates...

    and second, the caution necessary to keep them fromsetting up higher entrance requirements in anygiven community than the community idealsand the ...

    Indiana State University Archives
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    Indiana State University Archives
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  • ■J • ’IJORDANNUS STAFFThe Jordannus staff is composedof members of the Senior class. Theirduty is to edit and publish a yearbookf...

    University High School
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  • Tumbling down : Demolition has begun on University square to build a new multi-use structure; Video boards coming soon : Scheumann ...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY19Young University, Provo, Utah

    nowworking on Masters degree, State University of Utah.Sparks, G. R., nr.Taylor-King, Mrs. Myrtle, pa 387 East6th St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

    taught oneyear before graduation in Princeton

    1894-1896 teacher of grades, Decorah,Iowa

    1896-1929 not teaching, home-keeper.Torr-Tompkins, Mrs. Clara, nr.•Troth, Will V., ha West Baden

    taughtcountry schools three years before graduation

    1892-1894 superintendent ofschools, Wheatland

    1894-1895 superintendent of schools, Bicknell

    1894-1895attending Illinois University

    1895-1896tiaveled in the West

    1896-1910 druggist, Orleans

    1910-1925 owner of hotel.West Baden: died Oct. 29, 1926.Voris, J. H., pa Marengo

    1892-1894principal at Poseyville

    1894-1896 student, Indiana University, A. B. degree

    1896-1903 teacher of science in highschool, Huntington

    1903-1905 teacherof biology, high school, Evansville

    1905-1907 principal of high school, Rochester

    1907-1921 superintendent of schools,I Rockwell, Iowa

    1921-1924 salesman

    1924-1930 superintendent of schools,Marengo.Waldrow-Davis, Mrs. Lessa, nr.Walker, Laura Jean, ha Rosedale, RFD2: nr.Walkup, Mary Elizabeth, pa 2052 Central ...

    taught five yearsin rural schools before graduation

    1892-1893 ward principal, Elwood

    1893-1894teacher in high school, Elwood

    1894-1895 attending Indiana University

    1895-1903 teacher of English, high school,Crawfordsville

    1903-1910 teacher ofEnglish, Latin and botany, high school.New Ross

    1910-1916 principal of highschool. New Ross

    1916-1918 teacher ofLatin and history, high school, Darlington

    1918-1920 teacher of English andscience, high school. New Market

    1920-1929 instructor in methods and psychology, Teachers College of Indianapolis

    A. M. degree, Indiana University,1903.Wallace-Allen, Mrs. Mary, la Urumia,Persia

    1892-1893 grade teacher atHuntington

    1893-1894 supervisor ofmusic and physical education, Huntington

    1894-1897 superintendentof Armenian Girls School, Tabriz, Persia

    1897 returned to America, taughtat Huntington

    1898 married and went toPacific Coast, first to Portland, Ore.,and then Tillamook

    1899-1900 superintendent of school, Tillamook, Ore.

    1900-1902 district school at San Anselmo.Calif.

    1902-1905 duties as wife andmother, also had normal classes andclasses in Y. W. C. A. in Portland andin Irrigan, Ore.

    1906 taught summerschool at Stevenson, on Columbia River,below the Cascades

    1907 returned toHuntington for extended visit and actedas supply until late fall

    1908 moved toSouth Chicago with family, not engagedin any active school work

    1911 removedwith family to Urumia, Persia

    had nodirect school work, except school eachmorning for own children and this year(1916) a class in history of educationwith the seniors...

    noreport since 1916.•Wark, Nathan G., ha Spencer

    1892-1893 principal of schools, Monroe City

    1893-1895 superintendent of schools,Kansas, 111.

    1895-1897 superintendent ofschools, Watertown, S. D.

    1897-1916 inreal estate and insurance business,Spencer

    deceased Aug. 14, 1921.Wheeler, Lewis Elmer, nr.•Whigam, William M., la 2025 LeclaireAve. Chicago, 111.

    1892-1893 taughtschool half day

    1893-1903 teacher inChicago elementary schools

    1903-1916teacher of physiography, Crane HighSchool

    deceased.CLASS OF 1893Benham, John S, pa Batesville

    1893-1900 superintendent schools, BateBVille

    1900-1903 student, Indiana Universityand University of Chicago, A. B. and M.S degrees

    1903-1907 county superintendent Ripley county

    1907-1919 in business

    1924-1929 county superintendentRiplev county, served as congressman1919-1923.Beroth, Olive, taught in the Indianapolis schools at one time, also in Anderson...

    graduated from Indiana Universityin 1897

    lr married and living in Utah.Bowden, W. J., pa Cambridge City

    elected principal of high school, Center-ville. in 1893

    1894-1896 assistant principal of high school, Salem

    1896-1899principal at Metamora

    1899-1901 superintendent at Brownsburg

    1901-1904principal at Hagerstown

    1904-1929teaching mathematics, Cambridge City.Bowman, Orange H. pa Pierceton

    1893-1899 superintendent of schools Mentone

    1899-1904 superintendent of schools.South Whitley

    1904-1905 insurancebusiness

    1905-1929 dairy farmer nearPierceton

    attended Tri-State College,Angola, 1890-1891

    attended DePauwUniversity, 1891-1892.Bufink-Chamberlain, Mrs, Mary, haRome City

    nr.Burke, Flora, nr.Caroon, W. E., pa Santa Fe, N. M.

    taught several years in Indiana, nineyears as ward principal at Crawfordsville

    principal two years at Neponset,111.

    1910-1913 principal of the highschool, Roswell, N. M.

    1913-1916 superintendent at Clovis, N. M.

    1916 chiefclerk in department of education, SantaFe

    1917-1929 deputy state treasurer,Santa Fe, N. M.Carter-Mauntel, Mrs. Bertha pa Alva,Ok la.

    married C. H. Mauntel, attorney,not teaching, homekeeper.Coffman, Henry N., pa Cloverdale

    taughtfive years before graduation

    1893-1896 student at Indiana University

    1896-1905 superintendent of schools,Middletown

    1905-1929 farming

    A. B.Indiana University 1895

    A. M. in 1896.Coltrin, Mary, pa RFD D Terre Haute

    1893-1912 teacher at Huntington:1916-1916 teacher in Indian school,Promise, S. D.

    1916-1917 teacher atTrail City, S. D.

    1922-1925 teacher inVigo county

    1927-1929 at home, notteaching.Coltrin-Keep, Mrs. Nina, nr.Davis, Elmer E., ha Dana

    deceased,March, 1919.Delay, Etta Hamilton, ha Howe

    1900-1907 principal of high school, La-Grange

    1910-1915 principal of high

    Indiana State University Archives
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  • Under the direction of Miss Patricia Fehl andMrs. Margaret Hubbard, the Booster Club organized in the early fall. Any girl in grades9-12 is&...

    University High School
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  • Mar. 24: -Exciting Class Meeting. Stanfield selected again.Mar. 26: -One week for vacation. Girls will select new hatsfor Easter.Apr. 5:...

    Bloomington High School
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    1928-1929 teacher of grades. Claycounty.Vcrtrees, Hervie A., B. S., ha Elnora

    po Fithian, 111.

    1923-1924 taughtin high school. Mitchell

    192 1-1927taught in Solsberry High School

    1927-1928 taught in Kempton High School

    1928-1930 teacher of physics and general science and industrial arts, OokwoodTownship High School, Fithian, 111.Vinson, Cecil, B. S., pa 217 South...

    1929-1930 principol,Cruft School, Terre Haute

    for completerecord see class 1910.Voight, Margaret E., ha Terre Haute,123 South 12th St.

    1928-1929 studentIndiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute.Wade, George V., B. S., ha Wadesville

    1928-1929 teacher mathematics and science, high school Bridgeton

    1929-1930employed by Budd Wheel Company, Detroit, Mich.

    attended Evansville College1924-1925.Wagner, Lloyd H., A. B., ha IndianSprings

    pa Hillsdale

    1928-1929 teacherof English, Hillsdale.Wagner, Ruth Virginia, B. S., ha Peru,280 West 7th St., 1923-1928 taught public

    schools, Peru

    1928-1929 teachercommercial work, Peru Senior HighSchool.Waldon, Jennie H., 2IG, ha Aurora:111 Mechanic St.

    1920-1922 teacher inrural school, Dearborn county

    1922-1928teacher of grades, Aurora

    1928-1930teacher of grades, Richmond.Walker, Opal, 2P, ha Scottsburg

    1928-1929 teacher grades, Grafton, III.Walker, Ruth Elinor, A. B., ha Loogootee, 404 West Wood St.

    taught oneyear in high school, Epsom, and oneyear in high school, Montgomery, before graduation

    1928-1930 teacherLatin and home economics, in highschool, Montgomery.Wall, Fred, B. S., ha Coal City

    1921-1924 taught Jefferson township

    1924-1925 taught Marion township

    1927-1928 taught high school, Dugger

    1923-1929 teacher geometry, physics and biology, Dugger.Wall, Lois B., 2P, ha Coal City

    1924-1926 teacher of all grades, Jeffersontownship, Owen county

    1926-1927 teacher of grades, Coal City

    1927-1928teacher of grades, Worthington

    1928-1930 teacher elementary grades, Put-namville.Walsh, Gertrude, B. S., ha Terre Haute,72 South 15th St.

    taught in FairviewSchool, Terre Haute, also GerstmeyerHigh School, Terre Haute, before graduation

    1928-1930 teacher English, Gerstmeyer High School, Terre Haute.Waish, Margaret A., B. S., pa 1527 OhioBlvd., Terre Haute

    nr.Walsh, Mary Lenore, A. B., ha 1527Ohio Blvd., Terre Haute

    pa same

    1928-1930 employed in office, Terre HautePure Milk Company, Terre Haute.Walters, Covart, 2IG, ha Dugger

    1923-1924 taught in rural schools, Casstownship, Sullivan county: 1924-1927taught in grade school, Sullivan county

    1927-1930 teacher of mathematics andhistory in junior high school. Fowler.Walters, Lee, 2IG, ha Cloverdale

    taughtone year at Quincy, three years at Freedom and one year at Cloverdale beforegraduation

    1928-1929 teacher in juniorhigh school, Cloverdale.Warren-McCluer, Blanche M., B. S., haMarshall

    pa 410 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Mass.

    taught four years in thesenior high school, Clinton, before graduation

    1924-1929 teacher and head ofhome economics high school, Clinton

    1929 married to Wilbert McCluer, research associate, applied chemistry,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Mass.Watson, Bculah, B. S., ha Terre Hau...

    1928-1929 teacher ofphysical education, Salem

    1929-1930graduate student, Indiano State Teachers College, Terre Haute.Watts, James Henry, 2IG, ha Brazil,RFD 2

    taught five years Posey township elementary schools, before graduation: 1928-1929 teacher grades, Poseytownship. Clay county.Watts, Minda James, 2IG, ha&#x...

    1923 teacher threemonths

    1926 teacher one month and1927-1928 teocher eight months beforegraduation

    1928-1929 teacher of allgrades, Dick Johnson township, Claycounty

    1929-1930 teacher of departmental art, Clinton.Waupsh, Bessie C, 2IG, ha East Chicago, 4023 Deadoe St.

    1928-1929 teacher of elementary science in grades inRiley School, East Chicago.Weaver, Edna F., 2IG, ha Kokomo, 413East Superior St.

    teacher of grades,Riley School, Kokomo, two years beforegraduation

    1928-1929 teacher of gradesRiley School, Kokomo.Webber, Viola Grace, 2P, ha Washington, West Walnut St.

    teacher in primary grades, Washington township,Washington, four years before graduation

    1928-1930 teacher first grade,Washington township.Webster, Helen Louise, B. S., ha BurnsCity

    pa French Lick

    1921-1924 teacher rural school, Martin county

    1925-1926 teacher science, Dugger

    1926-1927teacher of science ond English, Hume,111.

    1927-1928 teacher of science, Danville, 111.

    1928-1929 teacher of scienceand English, Perry county

    1929-1930teacher of science, French Lick.Weddle, Max H., 2R., ha Blackhawk

    paPimento, RFD 1

    taught three termsone in Sugar Creek township and twoin Pierson township before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher of grades, Blackhawk,Pierson township.Weedman, Sadie E., B. S., ha Bristow

    1916-1917 teacher of rural school, Clarktownship

    1917-1921 teacher of primary,Bristow School

    1921-1923 teacher ofgrades, Irvine, Ky.

    1923-1924 teacher ofClark township

    1924-1925 teacher inIrvine, Ky.

    1926-1927 teacher in Clarktownship

    1928-1929 teacher English,home economics, Rome.Welbaum, Bertram, B. S., ha Yoder, RFD1

    pa Fort Wayne

    taught two years inWilson Junior High School, Muncie

    three years in James H. Smart School,Ft. Wayne, and one year in CentralHigh School, Ft. Wayne

    before graduation

    1928-1929 mechanical drawing,Central High School, Fort Wayne.Welch, Ruth, 2P, ha Terre Haute, DavisApts., No. 5, 7th ond Sycamore Sts.

    1928-1929 teacher elementary grades,Shelburn.Weller, Dorothy, B. S., ho Bainbridge:pa Lebanon

    1922-1924 teacher musicand art in grades, New Maysville


    Indiana State University Archives
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  • Friday, Nov. 23. No need for the services of the first aid boys today. MissDucher is much better.Saturday, Nov. 24. Our team wins from&...

    Bloomington High School
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  • Initiative almost complete: 1 year after starting campaign, Ball State University raises 88% toward its goal; Guided vision: Ball State...

    This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...

    BSU Student Newspaper