Apartment Building2060 North Delaware Streetc. 1925This apartment building was constructed between 1924 and 1927 by Phillip Yant. This 3-story brick b...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Apartment Building2060 North Delaware Streetc. 1925This apartment building was constructed between 1924 and 1927 by Phillip Yant. This 3-story brick b...
multi-family dwelling
Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission Image Collection
Mr. Kenneth Young, who took Mrs. Bagleys place during the first semester, rehearses the Madrigals.Music Provides a Universal LanguageFor the enjoyment...
Bands Have Successful YearThe Bloomington Northband, as usual, had a veryactive season during the1988-89 school year. Each ofthe programs received sev...
Marching band meets goal, receives awardsIn 1982-83 the BHS South MarchingPanthers had a season full of contestsand fund-raising activities.In June 19...
Pompettes show support for SouthThe 30-member Pompette corpswas sponsored by Mrs. Bea Johnson,assisted by BHS graduate Debbie Gallo. The group elected...