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Search Results - (( a state street...
Showing 21 - 40 of 392 results
118THE NORMAL ADVANCETHE TONGUE IS A FIRE.Pahson Johnson, I wish you would preachon de tex, BehoP, how great a matter a little fire kin...
the bad writing!Some one wants to know whether or not La-follete is carrying the same extra subject thathe carried last term.-THIS <5...
Indiana State University Archives
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248THE NORMAL ADVANCEture that the smaller the chance of reachingmaturity the greater is the number of youngproduced. We see this same fact ...
the color is grayish with small dark-coloredspots. The little toads are very sensitive toheat and secrete themselves under stones, leavesand rubbish...
but let a showercome up and they appear in great numbers.Their sudden appearance after a shower hasgiven rise to the widely credited belief&...
but conclusive evidence ofsuch stories has never been produced.The toad has a well developed sense of locality, and uses the same place of...
but there is not positive proofthat it was the same toad.The toad may be considered as a nocturnalanimal, although it is frequently seen...
only living and movingthings are devoured. The toads tongue is attached in front and free behind, and is coatedwith a sticky secretion so...
when the supply isplentiful it spends the time alternately feedingand resting. In one night it consumes foodequal to four times the capacity ...
Indiana State University Archives
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26 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.11. It is important that every student expecting to attend
the Normal School should be present the first day of...
Indiana State University Archives
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26INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.enter a few days after the beginning of the term take, in their
examination, the time of teachers which shou...
which diploma shall be considered sufficient evi¬
dence of qualification to teach in any of the schools of this
State.By a rule of&...
Indiana State University Archives
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—. 411 uuina |STATE NORMAC-v Library. ^THE NORMAL ADVANCE65Cfje Cfjrfetma* poxBy MARTHA MOOREAUNT Marys box had not arrived and itwas...
I shall change the cards and giveBetty the bracelet, I said, as I rapidly tore thecards from the two gifts.After I had hurriedly made...
Indiana State University Archives
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INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.45Eighth. The diploma of the Normal School is, by law
of the State, equivalent to a State certificate, reliev¬...
Indiana State University Archives
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ANNUAL REGISTER.45Ninth. No student will be admitted to the Normal School
who does not intend, in good faith, to qualify himself or hersel...
Indiana State University Archives
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28 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.5. Observation and Practice in the Training Schools.—Stu¬
dents are required to observe until they can accurately ...
to practice teach¬
ing under criticism until they can plan and conduct recitations
and manage classes efficiently.6. Successful undergraduates obt...
Indiana State University Archives
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42ANNUAL REGISTER.the Normal School should be present the first day of the term,
that all may be examined at once and classified. Those...
Indiana State University Archives
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ANNUAL REGISTER. 20Eighth. The diploma of the Normal School is, by law of the
State, equivalent to a State certificate, relieving the hold...
Indiana State University Archives
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32INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.7. Graduates are commanding from $50 to $160 per month.8. The diploma of the Normal School is, by law...
Indiana State University Archives
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STATE NORMAL SCHOOL > 41OUTLINE OF THE IDEA.First—Students enter by examination, and are classed accord¬
ing to ability and attainme...
if they have not, after a fair trial,
they are kindly notified that it will be better to try some other
occupation.Third—Study of...
(1) physical
(2) intellectual
(3) moral
(4) aesthetic,
(c) Methods by which each kind is secured.Fifth—Examination of School studies, with a view of deter¬
Indiana State University Archives
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14STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.INSTITUTE CLASS.For the benefit of those teachers who can attend the Normal
school but one term, a special course of ...
which course will be such as
shall best meet the wants of the classes entering at the time.REMARKS.It is important that every student ...
Indiana State University Archives
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24STATE NORMAL SCLLOOL.Those who enter a few days after the beginning of a term, take,
in their examination, the time of teachers which...
but, in future, no student will, as a rule, be
admitted to a new class thus formed, who shall not present himself
for examination...
Indiana State University Archives
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34THE NORMAL ADVANCE.found themselves too busily engaged to attendone of Professor Dryers Cross Country lectures onGeography
the Dr. was compelled to give another one when they had more time at their disposal.On November 14, Professor Henry was calledto his co...
Indiana State University Archives
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48INDtANA STATE NOKMAL SCHOOL.WHAT TO DO ON ARRIVING.Any one coming as a student, and unacquainted in the city,
can report at the Normal...
Indiana State University Archives
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68 ANNUAL CATALOGUE.WHAT TO DO ON ARRIVING.Any one coming as a student, and unacquainted in the city,
can report at the Normal building...
Indiana State University Archives
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STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.23REMARKS.1. A careful study of the contents of this catalogue will
enable the majority of persons to gain the information&...
but, in future, no student will, as a rule,
be admitted to a new class thus formed, who shall not present
himself for examination...
Indiana State University Archives
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STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.23REMARKS.1. A careful study of the contents of this catalogue will enable
the majority of persons to gain the information&...
but, in future, no student will, as a rule,
be admitted to a new class thus formed, who shall not present
himself for examination...
Indiana State University Archives
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78THE NORMAL ADVANCELLAMARADA.The Llamaradas were entertained with athimble party at the home of Miss May ClineSaturday afternoon, November 23. A very...
knowst thouwhen FateThy measure takes, or when shell say to thee,I find thee worthy
do this deed for me ?R. Lowell.
Indiana State University Archives
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