
Description: 118THE NORMAL ADVANCETHE TONGUE IS A FIRE.Pahson Johnson, I wish you would preachon de tex, BehoP, how great a matter a little fire kindleth.Why so, Deacon Jones?Pahson, look acrost ter Terry Hut, in Indi-any, Some folks tongue done set out fire overyonder.But whats dat got ter do wid Kansas City,Deacon Jones?Hits got a lot ter do with it, pahson. Defire what started in Terry Hut, hit might gitstarted here ef der folks gits ter blabbin toomuch.—Kansas City Star.Hahn (just after the last ball) : What isthe latest ball news?Sigler: Which do you mean cannon ballor basket ball?Dome, examining a class in grammar, wrotea sentence on the blackboard and asked if anyone noticed anything peculiar in it.After a short silence a small boy exclaimed:Yes, sir
the bad writing!Some one wants to know whether or not La-follete is carrying the same extra subject thathe carried last term.-THIS <5 THE WAY THE PUPILS OF THF TR/MrH|N<j SCHOOLLOOK TO THE BEGINNING TKACXICE STUDENTS,D/\Efc STIFFLER 5 ELUCIDATING 10 THE- CLASS.Stiffler (teaching) : )The equator is animaginary line runing around the earth.(Several days later) What is the equator,Mary?Mary: It is a menagerie lion runningaround the earth.Stiffler: Now dont try to hand me anything like that.Shaw: Did you know that they could makeshoes out of all kinds of skins?Adam Bowles: How about banana skins?Shaw: They make slippers out of them!Prof. Baxter (in analytics class) : Shotwell,an Indian woman is called a squaw. Nowwhat would you call a baby?Shotwell: A squawk.Robert Louis Stevenson got married andwhile on his honeymoon wrote, Travels Witha Donkey.—Exchange.Is Marjorie Cuppy a Koch (coke) fiend?Is John addicted to his cups?
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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