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Search Results - (( a from ((books...
Showing 1 - 20 of 2,239 results
Original caption: This century surpassed all others for the beautiful writing found in its MSS. The Carolingian bookhand here represented, is...
Double columns with decorative blue and red initial letters and in the heading at top margin.; Provenance: Original leaves collected and...
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
Original Leaves From Famous Bibles
Imam Michael Saahir during a book signing for his book From Dusk to Dawn His Legacy Lives: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, A Social ...
Indianapolis Imam Warith Deen Muhammad Community
The third collection in a series of zines from JUSTARIP Press dealing with the early history of women in baseball, aviation, racing, and...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
A narrative poem illustrated with Pati Scobeys copper etchings (including one on a fold-out page) relief rolled and printed on Rives He...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
The view from a hilltop in Indiana. There is a fence near the top of the hill with a forest of barren trees in the distance--...
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
During the three years while she was earning her MFA in Book Arts from the University of Alabama, Ellen Knudson each week left her ...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
Alan Goebes, age 7, reading the book People of the Snow by Wanda Tolboom while dabbing sweat from his forehead with a tissue during...
Indiana Album
From left: unknown, Bob Angle (in truck), Hershel Angle, Ernistine Angle, Tibby Walker, Bert Green, owners Ed Thies and Bill Green....
Indiana Album
Photo collected by Greg Wright for his book, More of Prince Town: A Pictorial History of Princeton, Indiana. The information for the ph...
Indiana Album
Uncovered near 716-718 East Broadway Street.Photo collected by Greg Wright for his book, More of Prince Town: A Pictorial History of Princet...
Indiana Album
Photo collected by Greg Wright for his book, More of Prince Town: A Pictorial History of Princeton, Indiana. The information for the ph...
Indiana Album
Photo collected by Greg Wright for his book, More of Prince Town: A Pictorial History of Princeton, Indiana. The information for the ph...
Indiana Album
A newspaper article recounting aspects of daily life in England during World War I as told by Karl Schoen to his mother in a lette...
Indiana State Library Manuscripts Small Collections
Many bedtime stories that start like this end in disaster. In the above picture, Harold Armstrong, with a cigaret in one hand, reads to...
Fire Fighter Photographs
One of the many school assemblies held by the Fort Wayne Fire Prevention Bureau during Fire Prevention Week. Photo is from a Fire Preve...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Richards thanks Dorsey for the picture book. Richards is spending Christmas in the hospital with the flu.This letter is part of a large ...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Richardson tells Dorsey that with the new training system they do not have much time to write. He has made three trips up north an...
Jesse G. Dorsey WWII Correspondence
Addressing Cub Scouts and their parents on Fire Prevention during Fire Prevention Week. Fireman Edward Feller standing on left end of picture....
Fire Fighter Photographs
Fire Prevention Poster entries for 1949 Poster Contest. Fort Wayne Fire Chief Edward Cy Uebelhoer looks at one of the posters. Contest award...
Fire Fighter Photographs
Girl Scouts Rewarded for Fire Prevention Work. William E. Morton, executive vice-president of the Anthony Wayne Bank, left, is shown above as...
Fire Fighter Photographs