THE NORMAL ADVANCE,115The Freshman class gave a banquet in the Association room March 6th. They thought theother classmen would interfere but no&...
Physics andChemistry, John L. Butch
Grammar and Composition, W. H. Stone
Biology, Oris P. Dellin-ger
Literature, Alfred Henry
Geography, J. E.Evers and Isaac F. Myers
Mathematics, ClydeWagner and Isaac Myer
Latin and German, FredH. Weng.An elegant Japanese bronze urn has recentlybeen placed in our library. The urn was purchased from Mr. Swope wh...
association with the ladies creates highideals
one should not associate with a lady unless he is attracted to her above all others
thisassociation with one leads to love
love leads tomarriage
marriage leads to trouble
no mandesires trouble but—he would have high ideals
so, so. Were on the fence, girls
push us eitherway.Bennett Hueneryager, a member of the editorialstaff last year, visited Mr. Huber, 04, March 7and 8. He has given up his...