Collection Order

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United States vs. William Wilson

Willson, William M adv U S

Description: Frederick Graeter, Justice of the Peace states that William French of Vincennes, Knox County, did on the tenth day of August 1816, come before him and made an oath. He stated that on this evening William M. Wilson did threaten to kill him and did shoot at him with a pistol. French further states that he is afraid Wilson will take his life and he does not make this complaint with malice. A warrant is issued by Frederick Graeter. He states that on August 10, 1816 William French stated that William Wilson threatened him and did fire at him and that he is afraid for his life. He also states that he does not make the the complaint with malice or ill will. Graeter commanded that the body of William Wilson be taken before him. He states that Wilson is to give security and to keep the peace towards all the citizens of this county and particularly towards William French. He also states that Wilson is to be dealt with as the law directs. The warrant is executed by John Bruner, Deputy Sheriff with costs for service, return and custody being $.59. A recognizance bond of $100 dated August 10 1816 is filed by William M. Wilson, Physician and John Ewing, merchant. They both come before Frederick Graeter, Justice of the Peace and acknowledge themselves to owe the U. S. the sum of $100 to be levied on their goods chattels, lands and tenements in case of default. The condition of the recognize is that William M. Wilson is to appear before the court September 30, next. He is to answer to charges against him of firing a pistol at William French. A recognizance bond dated August 10, 1816 is filed before F. Graeter by William French. William French acknowledges himself indebted to the U. S. in the sum of $100. The debt is to be levied on his goods, chattels, lands and tenements. The condition of the bond is that Mr. French shall personally appear at the Circuit Court September 30, next to give evidence against William Willson for firing a pistol. A subpoena is issued to the Sheriff of Knox County. He is ordered to summon William French to court the last Monday of February instant. He is to give evidence against William Wilson for battery and assault on William French. Witness to the bond is R. Buntin. The summons is dated February 14, 1817 and is executed by B. V. Beckes with cost to serve being $.46 1/2. A summons is filed with the Sheriff to bring William Vandevender, Isaac Blackford, Gideon Romaine to appear instantly at the Circuit Court. They are to give evidence on behalf of William M. Wilson on the suit of the State of Indiana. Wilson is being charged in an indictment for assault and battery. A $400 penalty will be applied for failure to appear. The summons was witnessed by Robert Buntin, Clerk on February 25, 1817 and executed by B. V. Beckes, Sheriff. The cost of service and return being $1.21 1/2. The jurors for the U. S. of America and the County of Knox aforesaid upon their oath present that William M. Wilson of Vincennes, Township of Knox County, physician, on August 10, 1816, with force and arms at Vincennes Township, Knox County, did assault William French and did beat and wound him. Isaac Blackford, prosecuting attorney for Knox County states this is a true bill. John Ockeltree was foreman for the indictment. During the February Term 1817 the jurors find the defendant not guilty and Samuel Smith was foreman.
Origin: 2019-05-13
Created By: Indiana Territory. Circuit Court (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Raymond, David; Sullivan, Daniel; Prince, William;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Bonds -- Indiana Territory
Complaints (Administrative procedure) -- Indiana Territory
Costs (Law) -- Indiana
Costs (Law) -- Indiana Territory
Indictments -- Indiana Territory
Indictments -- Indiana Territory
Jurors -- Indiana
Jurors -- Indiana Territory
Lawyers -- Indiana Territory
Merchants -- Indiana Territory
Oaths -- Indiana Territory
Physicians -- Indiana Territory
Physicians -- Indiana
Subpoena -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana
Warrants (Law) -- Indiana Territory
Witnesses -- Indiana
Witnesses -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.