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Lasselle, Antoine Sr. vs. Joseph Hoffman 1809

Lassell, Antoin Sr. vs. Joseph Huffman 1809

Description: The file contains numerous documents relating to the suit Antoine Lasselle brought against Joseph Hoffman (a black man) for the failure to pay a promissory note written in Detroit in 1806. The note written in French, stated that with in six months of December 16, 1806, Hoffman promised to pay to Antoine Lasselle Sr. forty-four pounds, three shillings, New York currency equal to one hundred and ten dollars and thirty-seven and one half cents for value received. The note was signed by the mark of Joseph Hoffman and witnessed by Charles Leuyer and and John McPherson. Joseph Hoffman was summonsed to appear in the Knox County Court of Common Pleas on the last Monday of July, 1808 to answer to Antoine Lasselle, Sen. in a plea of Trespass and damages of $200.00. The Summons was issued by R [Robert] Buntin, Clerk, CPKC on March 31, 18. On the verso of the Summons, sheriff will take bail for the sum of $110.37. Executed by Samuel Hayes, D. Sheriff with $1.09 court fees added. April 1, 1808 Recognizance Bond was posted by Joseph Hoffman and Thomas Jones for $300.00. This bond was to insure the appearance of Joseph Hoffman in court the last Monday in July 1808 to answer to the suit of Antoine Lasselle. The bond was witnessed by Saml. Hayes. In a complaint filed by Antoine Lasselles lawyer, John Johnson, it stated that Joseph Hoffman, in custody, signed a Promissory Note on December 16, 1806 in Detroit. He promised to pay the note within six month after date, forty-four pounds, three shillings, New York currency equal to one hundred and ten dollars, thirty-seven seven and one -half cents for value received. The complaint stated, Hoffman had not paid the debt and asked for $200.00 in damages. In a Memorandum dated November 14, 1808 by James Johnson of the General Court, wrote that William Noy undertook for Joseph Hoffman and will pay and satisfy the condemnation. On the verso, Bail Price. Joseph Hoffman, by his attorney, General W. Johnston, defended the wrong and stated he did not assume in the manner and form as alleged and put himself on the mercy of the country. He further stated that on December 16, 1806, he was a servant and in the service of Antoine Lasselle and that by a law of the Territory of Indiana entitled A Law Concerning Servants adopted from the Virginia Code and published at Vincennes the twenty-second of September 1803 by William Henry Harrison Governor and Thomas Davis and Henry VanderBurgh, Judges; It is declared that all contracts between master and servant during the time of service shall be void. He continued that he had paid the debt owed and asked for Judgment. In the Replication, by J. Johnson for Lasselle, it stated that Joseph Hoffman was not a servant at the time and asked for Judgment and stated that the debt had not been paid. He asked for Judgment. The Defendant doth the same. March 24, 1809 a Dedimus was issued to Justices of the Peace in the District of Detroit and the Territory of Michigan to take Depositions of Charles Leuyer and John McPherson for the suit of Antoine Lasselle against Joseph Hoffman. The writ was issued by R [Robert] Buntin, Clerk CPKC. The Depositions occurred on April 14, 1809 at the dwelling house of Jacques Lasselle before Robert Abbot and James May Justices of the Peace. Peter Andrain who appeared for the Defendant asked Charles Leuyer, What was the consideration of the note? Leuyer, I do not know, I think it was to obtain his freedom of an indenture with Antoine Lasselle. Robert Abbott, Was the note read to Joseph Hoffman before his having signed it? Leuyer, I do not recollect but I am confident that it was read to him because it has always been my practice. John McPherson when questioned, stated the note was read to Hoffman prior to signing and he witnessed the signing of the note. Another Memorandum was witnessed by Henry VanderBurgh and stated that, General W. Johnston, appeared and undertook for Joseph Hoffman at the suit of Antoine Lasalle and will pay and satisfy the condemnation of the said court or render his body to prison in execution for same signed July 25, 1809. August 3, 1809, Petition by Joseph Hoffman committed to the goal, for want of bail under capea, ad. respondendum, at the suit of Antoine Lasselle an act for the relief of the poor. Signed by his mark. On the verso, list of debts due by Antoine Lassell Judgement $93.37 1/2. September 5, 1809 , Joseph Hoffman, made a statement that he had no property, reversion or expectancy. A court order on September 5, 1809, Joseph Hoffman having delivered in a schedule of his property and taken oath prescribed by law for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, It is there for ordered by the court that he be discharged his imprisonment, R [Robert] Buntin, Clerk. In a court transcript, July Term 1809, the Plaintiff appeared by his attorney and offered evidence to the Jury to support his action under the first count of his Declaration of the Promissory Note. The Defendant by his attorney, objected that the note did not support the Declaration and ought not go to the jury. He filed a Bill of Exception. James Johnson and Geo. Leech
Origin: 2018-05-23
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County); Indiana Territory. Court of General Quarter Sessions (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Johnson, James; Vanderburgh, Henry;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Michigan Territory
Accounts -- Indiana Territory
Bail -- Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Depositions -- Indiana Territory
Imprisonment -- Indiana Territory
Judges -- Indiana Territory
Judgments -- Indiana Territory
Jurors -- Indiana Territory
Lawyers -- Indiana Territory
Objections (Evidence) -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Poor laws -- Indiana Territory
Promissory notes -- Indiana Territory
Slavery -- Indiana Territory
Verdicts -- Indiana Territory
Witnesses -- Indiana Territory
Indentured servants -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.