Collection Order

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Jones, Peter and Company vs. George B. Weigart 1809

Description: The file contains the documents related to the suit Peter Jones and Company brought against George B. Weigart for the failure to pay a debt of $77.10 3/4 in the Knox County Court of Common Pleas November Term 1809. A writ of Attachment was issued by Geo. Wallace on August 21, 1809 for the goods, chattels, lands and other effects of Weigart. Peter Jones swore in an affidavit that George B. Weigart was indebted to the company for $77.10 3/4 and had absconded from his usual abode. Jones had posted bond and promised to prosecute the attachment. On the verso of the writ of Attachment: By this attachment I have taken sundries John McCandless, D. Sheriff: Two tables, one washing tub, one pail, eight tin cups, two Dutch ovens, one tin kittle (kettle), three quart measures, one tin pan, two coffee potts (pots), one tea pot, three iron potts(pots), five crocks, one fire shovel, one skillet and lid, one puter (pewter) dish, and Beason four spoons, one tea kettle, two tin panns (pans), and lamp, one funnel, one fork, two pair of sniffers, one small lever, one small basket, three boles, four bedstead, two baskets, two hanks of cotton, one trunk with contents, one large tin pan, one barrel, one bread tray, one puter (pewter) Beason, one pint measure, one sheet, one buffalo rug, five hatters bows, one stave, one haw, one basket, a parcell hatters blocks, one old ax, one drying box with contents, one bread basket, two dishes, five plates. I have summonsed William Lindsey Garnishee. Executed in the presence of Moses Kellar, David Collins on William Lindey as garnishee. John McCandless, D. Sheriff. A Complaint was filed in the November Term 1809 by General W,. Johnston for Peter Jones and Company ( Peter Jones, William Jones, and Samuel N. Luckett). The complaint asked for George B. Weigart, attached, to answer to Jones and Company for indebtedness of $77.10 3/4. On the verso, Jones and Company put in General W. Johnston as their attorney in this case against George B. Weingart in an action of Trespass on the case for attachment. According to the Minute Book of the Knox County Court of Common Pleas 1807-1810 November Term 1809 page 224: A transcript was presented Transcript from William Jones, Esq. Justice of the Peace before who Judgment was obtained. August 14, 1809, the Defendant appeared and confessed Judgment for $25.45 and costs:Debt and Interest $25.45; Warrant $.10, Judgment $.10; Constable fees $.30. I certify the forgoing is a true transcript. Will Jones, JPKC. Under absconding Act, the Plaintiff appeared by Gen. W. Johnston, the Defendant came not. William Lindsay was called as Garnishee and declared he owed the Defendant four thousand four hundred bricks to be delivered at his brick yard in Vincennes which he now had ready. In a motion it was considered, that the Plaintiff recover of the Defendant, $77.10 3/4 with costs and charges expended on the suit. The attached property was to be sold.
Origin: 2018-05-16
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Johnson, James; Leech, George;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Accounts -- Indiana Territory
Affidavits -- Indiana Territory
Beds -- Indiana Territory
Brick trade -- Indiana Territory
Cookware -- Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Drinking cups -- Indiana Territory
Attachment and garnishment -- Indiana Territory
Handkerchiefs -- Indiana Territory
Hats -- Indiana Territory
Judgments -- Indiana Territory
Kettles -- Indiana Territory
Kitchen utensils -- Indiana Territory
Merchants -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Pots -- Indiana Territory
Real property -- Indiana Territory
Rugs -- Indiana Territory
Spoons -- Indiana Territory
Tableware -- Indiana Territory
Tables -- Indiana Territory
Teapots -- Indiana Territory
Trunks (Luggage)
Verdicts -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.