Martin Robinson, admin of James Theriac deceased vs Henry Fowler 1841

Description: The file contains the documents related to the suit the administrator of the James Theriac Estate brought against Henry Fowler for a debt of $28.06 1/4 on November 1840. Included in the file is the court transcript when the case was moved to Probate Court, an account of James Theriac and an account of Henry Fowler. According to the court transcript, Martin Robinson filed suit against Henry Fowler for a debt of $28.06 1/4 owed to the James Theriac Estate. A summons was issued to Fowler by A.A. Robertson on November 21, 1840 and executed by Henry Winemiller. Fowler appeared in court and filed his account of $32.60 owed to him by James Theriac. The case was moved to the Knox Count Probate Court by A. A. Robinson November 28, 1840. The account sheet produced by Fowler included the following: 360 pounds flour $8.10; 192 pounds Butter at $.12 1/2 per pound $23.00; 1 Hatter Chair [chain] $1.50; Total Amount $32.60. The third document is the 1839 account of Henry Fowler with James Theriac. Some of the entires listed are the following: 1/4 Pound Imp Tea $.37 1/2; 1 Vial Oil Spike $.18 3/4; Spirits Turpentine $. 18 3/4; 1/2 pound Tobacco $ .18 3/4; 1 Pair Suspenders $.25; 2 Yards Gingham $ .75; 1 Ounce Indigo $.18 3/4; Amount Paid Matilda Phips $ 1.50; 1 Bolt Factory (cloth) $6.00; 1 Pound Lead $12 1/2; 8 Yards Bed Tick $2.00; 2 Yards Silk $2.00; Bobinett $.62 1/2; 1/4 Pound Allspice $.12 1/2; 1 Vial E. Peppermint $.12 1/2; Pd Miss Pift $1.00; Pd B. Hall $.87 1/2; Pd Mrs. Edwards $3.13;........Balance due Theriac $28.06 1/4
Origin: 2017-02-07
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Accounts -- Indiana Territory
Bedding -- Indiana Territory
Chairs -- Indiana Territory
Cotton fabrics -- Indiana Territory
Executors and administrators -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Probate courts -- Indiana Territory
Probate records -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.