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THE NORMAL ADVANCE119/\ 5CENE US -THF- HAH- JANOARy 4-YPRES.What they call it on the street and in thehome:Wipes.Wipers.Wiper.Yeeps.Weeps.Weep.Wypress.Wyp.Yepress.Yip.Yerp.And it really is Eepr.Lucile Gay (whispering) : What lovelypatent leather pumps your partners got,Sarah!Sarah Daniels (ditto) : Yes. Unfortunately he shines at the wrong end.Young ladies: Mr. Palmer, can you tell uswhether the chaperons have arrived?Mr. Palmer: No, ladies, the manager didntorder any. Well serve nothing but chili andbeans tonight.yThe ORPHEUMAlways Best in Pictures ana MusicHome of tne Keystone ComediesyGOOD POSITIONS FOR TEACHERS. Secure a position or a promotion through our service. Places in the westfor Class A graduates. Rural, grade, high school and college positions at the best salaries. A postal brings you our Freeliterature. The Instructors Agency or Co-Operative Instructors Association. Marion, IndianaONE WAY OF BEING SUCCESSFULKeep your appearance up to the standard, have your clothing in perfect conditionCLEAN, FRESH LOOKING and FREE FROM SPOTSIt is one of the first things your Employer will consider. For if your personal appearance looks shabby youwill be judged accordingly. Have ERMISCH clean and press your clothing regularly. IX PAYS.EITHER PHONE WILL REACH USMew Phone369Ermisch My Cleaner106 North Seventh St.Old Phone199 |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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