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102THE NORMAL ADVANCEThe Normal Advance «ut what of the regular monthly edition ofthe Advance ? Has it changed m any respectsDEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL fe J r In practically every aspect, the regulareditorial staff. monthly edition of the Advance, this very issuecarl n. miller Editor-in-Chief which you are reading, is to all intents andLawrence J. Scheidler Associate Editor purposes the game as every [ssue which has beenHilda Hathaway ■ Literary Editor .Hilda zell Society Editor published before it for the last twenty years.crofpord h. buckles Athletic Editor TM regular monthly issue of the AdvanceRuth Alexander Exchange Editor fe jelise oConnell u _ _ AT . ^..^ should be changed. It has served its purpose,_ _ i Local and Alumni Editors & la?gTbro™. :::::. .:::: a****** and a11 over the state one maysee how hi§hWalter Shriner College Course Editor schools have modeled their papers after it. In-Marie McRoberts Sophomore Editor -,, ,. %• -i T, 1 1, „ ,.„deed we may say that many high schools havebusiness staff. ^n some respects a better school paper than isHenry Knauth { ■ -Business Managerl Advertising Manager *->cij.o.Walter Shriner . . , Circulation Manager Now We Suggest that the NORMAL ADVANCERobert LaFollette Treasurer , . ..., ..- , -. changed into a weekly paper rather thanboard of control continue as a monthly, for the following rea-Pres.W. W. Parsons, Ex-OMcio.Prof. Arthur Cunningham, Chairman.miss Mary moran. First. A weekly paper would be more eco-Paul Merchant, 16, Secretary. Ralph Schenck, C. C. . t ■ 1 1 1 -iiEdna Barnard, 17 Johanna Fruechte, 14 nomiCal to edit. It WOUid be possible to USe a cheaper grade of paper. There would be noPublished Monthly from October to May, inclusive. expense f or covers or binding. In a weekly itTerms, per year $0.75 . x .single Copy 15 is possible to get more advertisements.Second. A weekly paper could have newsAddress all Communications to The Normal Advance, Terre printed in it while the news IS Still fresh. AsHaute, Indiana. . . . -,-, . . P . ,.. it is, all news is anywhere from a week to aEntered at the Postoffice of Terre Haute as second-class Mail Matter. month old when it appears in the paper. With==^==^^=^^^^===^=^^====== the present monthly edition it is absolutely impossible to print announcements. With a week-&1 Ul , LUGtL AND 1 UNDER. jy paper? a regular calendar of announcementsT N this day and age, everything must ad- could be carried.* vance, must progress. If it does not pro- Third. A weekly paper will arouse moregress, it is retrogressing. interest than the present monthly. No one canTo take this fact to heart, and look for an be expected to become interested in reading ainstance right in our own back yard, so to bit of something called news which is really an-speak, the Normal Advance wishes to point cient history before it has been seen in print,with pride to the ever changing nature of the Fourth. A weekly paper will class the In-June Annual. In the year 1905 this June issue diana State Normal School as a college ratherwas composed of the enormous number of forty than an advanced high school. Let us notepages. From that number it has gone to one some of the other colleges of the state. Indianahundred and sixty, and the number has been University and Purdue, the other state schools,as high as two hundred. The former paper both print daily papers. Earlham, Butler andback has been replaced by a silk vellum. This Wabash all have weeklies. We do not claim toJune number has been changing, progressing if have enough material for a daily, but we doyou please, in order to keep pace with the have an ample sufficiency for a weekly,changes in the school. We have now given four good reasons for |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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