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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE121W$t formal glbbanceDEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOLDid you know that there was a new literarysociety in school? Heres a health to you,Eclectics!EDITORIAL STAFF.Ralph C. Shields Editor-in-ChiefJohn M. Eddy Associate EditorZelpha Burkett Literary EditorMay Zinck Society EditorGladys Rippetoe Exchange EditorRaymond Rightsell Athletic EditorMarjorie B. Cuppy i T , ... , _,..._ ! Local and Alumni EditorsRosalie Mitchell iOscar Haney Senior EditorKennith Mitchell Junior Editor Sophomore EditorCarl Miller College Course EditorBUSINESS STAFF.Walter H. Carnahan Business ManagerRalph H. Smith Advertsing ManagerC. B. Fowler Circulation ManagerBOARD OF CONTROL.President W. W. Parsons, Ex-Officio.Prof. Arthur Cunningham., Chairman.Prof. John B. Wisely.R. W. Hyndman, 13, Secretary. E. J. Hemmer, C. C.Amy D. Stirling, 14.Published Monthly from October to June, Inclusive.Terms $1.00 Per YearSingle Copy 15 CentsCommencement Number 35 CentsAddress all Communications to The Normal Advance,Terre Haute, Ind.Upon change of address immediately notify The Advance.All Alumni, as well as undergraduates, are urged tohand in contributions.Entered at the Postofftce at Terre Haute, as second-classMail Matter. I VHERE are yet a few, and only a few, who.* have not paid their subscription to TheAdvance. This was due on January 1, andshould have been paid before that time. Avedo not like to use our space in this way, andhope we may not do so again, but we do wantto call the attention of every delinquent subscriber to the fact. If thou art the man tryto attend to the matter at once.A SCHOOL BAND.It seems as if it w7ere about time to organizethat band. The baseball schedule is beingmade out and the ball season will open beforewe realize it. It would take quite a little timeto get a band into first-class working order, andwe must not be without one, least of all, duringthe baseball season. Let us not have cause tobe ashamed in this regard, but let some one whoplays the cornet or some other instrument calla meeting and start the ball rolling. Immediately.Nothing great was ever achieved withoutenthusiasm.—Emerson.Ma use to say livin was like quiltin, youorter keep the peace and do way with thescraps.—Mrs. Wiggs.Nothing is more significant of a mans character than what he finds laughable.—Goethe.THE .NEW ANNUAL.The announcement of our new Annual,made in the January Advance, was receivedwith quite a little enthusiasm. Many words ofencouragement and many assurances of support were given to those promoting the enterprise. All this, before all the details of thecharacter of the book were known.It has now been definitely decided that thebook shall be sold for $1.00, or, to our regularsubscribers who wish it instead of the regularJune Advance, 65 cents. The binding will bein full cloth or half-leather, stamped and engraved in the school colors, blue and white. Itwill be the same shape and dimensions as TheAdvance, but the interior arrangement of material will be greatly altered from the usualJune Advance of the past, and it will be much
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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