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THE NORMAL ADVANCE51Dec.Haute.Dec.Jan.Jan.Jan. 24.Jan. 31.Feb.Feb.Feb.Feb.Louis.Feb. 22.Mar. 7.Mar. 8.6.—Merom Christian College at Terre13,10,17,7,14,20,21,-Open.-Depauw7 at Greencastle.-Butler at Indianapolis.-DePauw at Greencastle.-Butler at Terre Haute.-Open.-E. I. S. N. at Terre Haute-E. I. S. N. at Charleston.-Christian Brothers College at St.-McKendree at Lebanon, 111.—Hanover at Madison, Ind.-Moores Hill at Moores Hill.March 13 or 15.—Moores Hill at TerreHaute.We may be able to get a game with IndianaUniversity. She had not, at this writing, madeout her schedule. This promises to be one ofthe hardest schedules that Normal has ever attacked and it will take playing to win it, andabove all the support of the school. Join theAthletic Association. If you cant play comeout and root. Girls, come to the games. Ifyou only knew how a cheering audience putsspirit into a player, especially if one of thataudience is a particular lady friend of his, wewould not have tickets enough to go around.Come!§♦ 4BL anb §♦ »♦ C. S.Y. W. C. A.I v tian Association has had several very-*■ HIS month the Young Womens Chris-inspiring meetings. The association onlywishes that more of the girls might attend andprofit by them.November 12 the I. S. N. Association andthe City Association presented a pageant inthe auditorium of the City Associations building. The students presented two scenes of thepageant, One was Japan and one India. Thecity girls presented South America and China.The whole affair was a success. The pageantwas given as a celebration of the Week ofPrayer, which is held by all the Y. W. C. A.sin the world each year, the second week inNovember.Y. M. C. A.During the past month, the attendance at theweekly meetings of the Y. M. C. A. has beenvery large. The addresses have been up to theusual high standard, and the men have appreciated them very much. Rev. L. O. Richmondspoke on Tuesday afternoon, October 22, andProf. F. M. Stalker was the speaker on October 29. No meeting was held November 5, themen of the Y. M. C. A. being invited to hearMrs Schlichers fine talk on Venice to theY. W. C. A. Mr. Eddy, Mr. Criswell, and Mr.Murphy responded to this generous invitation.Rev. L. Curtis Talmage addressed the Y. M.C. A. on November 12, and a joint meeting ofthe Y. M., and Y. W. C A. was held on November 19, the address being given by Rev.John G. Benson. Special music has been afeature of several of the Y. M. C. A. meetings,but we should have some more of it. Everyman likes music, and there are plenty ofmusicians among the masculine element in theschools to furnish special music in abundance.Probably no institution in the State NormalSchool does more to develop manly characterthan the Y. M. C. A., and all men should attend the weekly meetings, and one of the Sunday Bible study classes, if at all possible. Themoral growth that the Y. M. C. A. will makepossible for you will be one of your chief assetslater, as a teacher. Boost the Y. M. C. A.! |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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