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334THE NORMAL ADVANCESenior Girls ChallengeWhereas, Experience has taught us that during the past year we were not given thesquare deal, or the chance to distinguish ourselves in basket ball andWhereas, we, no longer hampered by themultiplicity of our numerous engagements, desire to prove our efficiency along this line, ineomjieting with the time-tested ladies of theFaculty Therefore, Since the Assembly-room is nolonger the shrine of gossip, be it breezedthrough the Normal halls that we, the girls ofthe Senior Class of 1909, do boldly challengethe said ladies of the Faculty to a game ofbasket ball, to be played in the I. S. N. gymnasium on the afternoon of Monday, June 21,—the game to be called promptly at 4 oclock.We, the girls of the Senior class, since wehave faithfully obeyed all rules of disciplineand etiquette, insisted upon by the Faculty forthe past four years, demand that the followingrules be observed during the game rules 18and 19 of the Deans rules should be notedespecially.1. Miss Moran, according to poetic justice, shall not be permitted to wear a greengown to the game.2. Miss Swihart shall refrain from giggling long enough to abstract the attributeplaying guard.3. Miss Greiner shall have her hair dressed by Madam Hurley for the occasion andshall bring the delinquent slips along to console herself as she beholds the Faculty losingout.4. Miss Keating shall pose during thegame, decorated in her massive furs, and shallbring her life-size purse filled with sen-sens forthe ladies.5. Miss Marshall shall have no jurisdictionover the conversation of the Senior girls.6. Miss Crane shall try her luck at forward and forget Illinois for awhile.7. Miss Davis, screened behind a bank ofpalms, shall render softly on the violin, JustBefore the Battle, Mother.8. Miss Minturn shall not be permitted toexcite the senior girls by stamping her footwhile playing guard.9. Miss Stallings shall seat the Faculty onthe front row and recite the multiplicationtable between the halves of the game.10. Miss Coleman shall not give any of thePhillipino war yells in rooting for the Faculty.11. Miss Erickson shall have permissionfrom the committee to play center accordingto Rule 19.12. Miss Hamilton shall mach the ladiesin by tues and have ither pair lead.13. Miss Cox shall be given her old seat inChapel for a week before the game in order toreceive instruction in German concerning therules of said game.14. Miss Vognild shall note the pronunciation of the referee as she distinguishes herselfas forward.15. President Parsons shall give Emmaa half-day off in order to Jolly Miss Hill.16. Miss Abbett and Miss Engleman shallkeep time during the game.17. Miss Fidlar, Miss Asbury and Mrs.Stevens shall take notes on the three-foldmovement of the game.18. Miss Rhyan shall have her sewingclasses French-seam the boundary lines a fewdays before the game, so the Faculty cannotrag the referee. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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