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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE33316. Should Professor Phillips be caughtmaking Goo-Goo-Eyes at any member of theTraining School Faculty during the game, heshall treat the Senior Class to chocolate buffaloes.17. Miss Moran may read Between TwoLoves while the Faculty is at bat.18. Miss Minturn shall not be allowed tolean on the arm of a Senior during the game,but must occupy a seat in the grand-stand.19. During intermissions Miss Swihart andProfessor Clippinger may discuss VanityFair for their own edification.20. Profesor Baxter shall keep still duringthe game as there will be enough Breeze blowing ODell and Hill.21. Professor Charman shall not be allowedto give the mental effects of the game as theFaculty will already have a Payne.22. Should a Senior accidentally crippleany member of the Faculty during the game,Miss Bader shall summon medical aid andProfessor Cox shall use his automobile as anambulance to convey such wounded person tothe hospital.23. Professor Bruce shall not analyze thefeelings of the Faculty until after the game.24. The Abbett and the Dean shall chap-erone the girls of the Faculty.25. The Marshall shall maintain stack-room order in the grand-stand during the game,and see that no member of the Faculty leavesbefore the second bell rings.26. If the weather is too rotten for agame the Faculty shall not get fierce.Professor Curry—Mr. President, I considerthis a serious question. In all the pages ofliterature, I find no parallel to the crushingdefeats we have frequently received in the past.I am afraid we will have to work under a fullhead of steam if we accomplish any thing.Professor Higgins—Mr. President, that is allnonsensical. These Seniors are getting up inthe air. I move you that we land on themlike a thousand brick.Professor Cunningham—I second the motion, Mr. President.President Parsons—You have heard the motion as just seconded. Has any one any remarks to make?Professor Turman—Mr. President, I canttell you what I think of this motion. Our bestthoughts are in words we never say. But I begthe Faculty to remember that if the Seniorsshould beat us, we would be disgraced forever.Therefore, I am opposed to the motion, and Ifthis be treason, make the best of it.Professor Kemp, (absent-mindedly)—Go tothe map ! That is—er—I mean, Mr. President,this school has made va-a-a-a-st progress in recent years, and we must not retreat now. I amin favor of fighting it out.Professor Kelso, (dodging Professor Kempsgesture)—Well! Well! Look out!Professor Mutterer—Mr. President, I think-we should have no unfinished work. Lets goon already yet and these Seniors finish.Professor Gillum—Thats the principle.Professor Sandison—Mr. President, the reasons why we should play this game are threefold
first, because it has been a custom of theschool for many years
second, because it isour last chance at these Seniors
and third, because we won two years ago, lost last year, andnow, according to the fundamental movementof consciousness, it is time we should return tounity and win again.President Parsons—If there are no furtherremarks we will proceed to vote. All in favorof the motion say Aye. (Aye by a few ofthe men and all the women). Contrary, No,No, (weakly from Professor Turman). TheAyes have it and the motion is carried. NowI desire that we act in this matter according tothe three characteristic virtues, namely, faith,hope, and charity. The latter, however, iscalled love in the modern translations. Beforethis game is played I desire to read a discourseon these from this little red book. Please arise.(Exit all, dejectedly).
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.