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THE NORMAL ADVANCE261commencement exercises of the St. Louis College of Physicians and Surgeons, the specialfavor of one of our Alumni, Mr. Joseph T. Mc-Kinney, 97, who completed his course with theclass of this school year. There were seventy-six members in Mr. McKinneys class.Miss Drue Keller, 08, has returned to herschool in East Chicago, after recovering froma serious attack of typhoid fever.Miss Nila F. Allen, 99, is now U. S. specialagent for the Bureau of Labor, Department ofCommerce and Labor, Washington, D. C. Shehas recently been engaged in the investigationof woman and child labor ordered by Congresssome two years ago. Miss Allen has traveledextensively in the pursuance of her work, andhas made an especial study of the conditionsunder which the children labor in the cottonmills of both northern and southern states.During the past year, she has been investigatingthe condition of women workers in the chiefcities of the United States. Miss Allens workhas given her an intimate knowledge of variousfactors of the business, social and economic lifeof the people, with an especial stress on all suchmatters relating to woman kind.Items of Especial Interest/. S. N. HISTORY TEACHERS ACTIVE.The History Section of the Indiana TeachersAssociation met April 30 and May 1, in thePalm Room of the Claypool hotel at Indianapolis for its annual meeting. Problems of interest to history teachers were taken up andthoroughly discussed and several excellent historical and economic papers were read, amongwhich was one by Prof. Bogardus on The Industrial Phase of American History. On theevening of April 30, the members of the Sectiondined together at the Claypool. Among thosepresent at the meeting were Professors Bogardus, Kemp and Lynch and Miss Coleman, of I.S. N., who report a very profitable and pleasanttime.THE CHORUS ENTERTAINS.The Oratorio, Holy City, by Gaul, wasgiven May 1, by, the Normal chorus, with theassistance of four of the leading singers in thecity, to. a large and appreciative audience inNormal Hall. The chorus, of about one hundred voices under the direction of Miss Minturn, showed the results of their careful training by their excellent rendition of the variousparts. The solo work was very ably handledby four of the citys leading singers, Mrs. JohnMoore McAdam, soprano Mrs. Dora HauckCooper, contralto, Mr. Paul Davis, tenor, andMr. Allen Grimes, baritone, who were heartilyapplauded for their efforts. The duet by theMisses Abbott and Fidlar, and the trio ItShall Come to Pass at Eventide, by a groupof young ladies in the chorus, were especiallygood and brought forth round after round ofapplause. In fact the work of the chorus wasso well done as to cause general surprise tothose who have not kept in close touch with itsdevelopment, and I. S. N. can well be proudof Miss Minturns success in giving to ourstudents an entertainment of the highest order.DEATH OF MRS. HILL.After a lingering illness, Mrs. Sarah E. Hill,mother of Miss Minnie E. Hill, registrar, passed away April 26 at her home in North Fifthstreet. Mrs. Hill was well known to many ofour older students and her death was receivedwith general sadness. The funeral was held atthe residence April 30, and was in charge ofRev. S. D. Dutcher and Dr. Sulger. Schoolwas dismissed at 2:15 so that many of ourstudents who so desired might attend the services. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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