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86THE NORMAL ADVANCEjoyed the evening were Messrs. Green, Hillis,Porter, Wood, Cohee, Shorling, Davis, Byrne,Walker, Lanning and Fox. Supper was servedin the dining room with Misses Densford andGobin as presiding hostesses.ZETA ZETA.One of the most enjoyable meetings for theZetas was held at the home of Miss Hattie Stirwalt in North Ninth Street. Music, games andcontests were features of the evening. Themolding of what proved to be fair specimensof prehistoric animals was most instructing andamusing. The dining room was beautiful inthe Zeta colors, purple and white, the samescheme being carried out in the refreshments. The members present were: Misses KelseyAllen, Juanita McLain, Thersa Wehr, VoyleDavis, Georgia Brewster, Anna Piepenbrink,Matilda Tormohlen, Hattie Stirwalt, RenaStirwalt, Mary Rodgers. The guests were:Lloyd Wehr, James Lanning, Forrest Bowles,Ernest Stirwalt, Fred Fiess, Homer Tormohlen, Ray Jared and Everett Stirwalt.FORUM.A whiff of the past was given the active andgraduate members of the Forum when, duringthe Thanksgiving holidays, graduate membersfrom over the State congregated upon the oldstamping ground as guests, of the society. Theold ones began to arrive Thursday and soenticing were the old, familiar associations andnew affiliations, that the last to leave the citydid not get away until early Monday morning.The reunion not only proved to be a congenialhome gathering but also served to weld together yet more firmly the ties of the organization, and acted upon the active body as a stimulus toward worthy deeds. On Friday evening,under the kindly guardianship of ProfessorClippinger and Miss Swihart, Forum boys, together with resident and out of town femininefriends, enjoyed a dance at St. Marys-of-theWoods.Saturday morning was devoted to a big debate in the Faculty room of the Normal, afterwhich most of the boys dined together.A supply of Forum pennants, with old English lettering, is being made for the society bythe girls of the Y. W. C. A. All of the newmembers of the Forum are wearing Forumpins.Two new members, Claud E. Cohee and Z.M. Smith, have been taken into the organization. The application of Jasper Curry, brotherof Professor Curry, for graduate membershiphas been accepted.A farewell peanut banquet to graduatingmembers was held in the Faculty room duringthe last meeting of the fall term. The eventwas exclusively for Forum members and servedas a basis for practice in after dinner speakingand as a diversion from the more solid debating work of the whole term.SOPHOMORE.The last meeting of the Sophomore class for08 was held December 4. A splendid programwas rendered, especially in vocal selections, andthe meeting closed with a good feeling andfriendship between the Sophomores that yearswill not efface. As a class we wish to extendour sincere thanks to the class officers who haveso faithfully performed their duty through thepast few weeks, especially to President Greenand Secretary Mapes who have done their dutyso well, and which the class appreciates somuch. We also wish to say that we are proud ofour boys who play on the basketball team theycertainly deserve recognition. We have notforgotten our man that will represent us in theInterclass Debate but are loyally backing him,having confidence in his success. With greatprospects for the year 09 the Sophomore classawaits the coming of a bright, pure, new yearon which to write its deeds with great joy.r |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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