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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE.Society and Societies.141The Y. M. C. A. work has started out very favorably. The men seem to take great interest in thework and all are making an effort to make thisyear the most successful year it has known since itscharter was granted in 1885. The new officers areas follows: President, II. C. Rogers
Vice President, Wallace Stopher
Recording Secretary,George A, Keeney
Corresponding Secretary, H. C.Huber
Treasurer, Harry A. Miller. With thiscorps of men at the head of the various departments, assisted by the chairmen of the several committees, viz: Social, E. Fishback
Bible Study, J.L. Griffith
Membership, J. B. Hessong
Missionary, Melvin Snyder
Devotional, Henry F. A.Meier, the success of the years work is practicallyassured. A program of the terms work is beingprepared, containing other interesting items. TheAssociation house at 441 North Fifth street, hasbeen retained and all men of the school are invited to use the parlor. The mid-week prayermeeting is held here each Wednesday evening.These meetings have proved very helpful. Rev.Legg addressed the joint meeting Saturday, April4th, and Dr. Tinsley, Sunday, April 5th. Thejoint meeting April 11th, was addressed by Rev.Sellers and the Sunday meeting of April 12th, byPresident W. W. Parsons.Every man in school is asked to come and helpin Y. M. 0. A. work. As Harry A. Miller, the newtreasurer, is not yet in school, the cabinet on April12th elected R, R. Fair to the treasurership untilMillers arrival.Y. W. C. A.At the beginning of this month the following officers were installed for the coming year:President Mary HarmanVice President Olive SippTreasurer Ena PletcherCorresponding Secretary Susan BenedictRecording Secretary Harriet WhiteThe retiring officers have closed a very successfulyear of the association.The Thursday afternoon meetings have beenwell attended. Many new girls have come in thisterm as well as many of the old members returned.Every Tuesday evening the girls have a prayermeeting at the Association house. Every girl ofschool is invited to attend.Three Bible classes have been organized andunder the leadership of competent persons. Otherswill be organized if the number of girls taking theBible study demand it.The reception given by the association girls tothe girls of the school on the evening of April 4th,was enjoyed by every one who attended it. Thejoint reception by the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. onthe evening of April 10th was well attended. Eachone was given an opportunity to show his abilityas a spring poet.THE WOMENS LEAGUE.The League has arranged for a series of arttalks to be given during the spring term. Belowis the program as it has been decided upon:Mrs? Waters April 24Miss Anderson May 8Mr. Stalker ■. May 22Mr. Parsons June 5Reception to Senior members and Patronesses June 6Saturday evening, April 11, Miss Everetts gavea Kipling recital. Miss Everetts is connected withthe Iowa State Normal. She gave a brief sketchof Kiplings life and read typical selections fromhis writings. Her recital of the Brushwood Boywas ycrj artistically done. Tommy Atkins calledforth quite enthusiastic applause. The entire recital was high class and greatly enjoyed.ALPHA NEWS.On Sunday, March 22nd, Mrs. Curry, MissWhitenack, Miss Anderson and Miss Cox entertained the Alphas at dinner at the Filbeck. This
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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