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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE.47to hearrt. Th Gud Peopell pay ye fer it sumtime
ye know they will. Come in an Ill makeye a drhraw iv tay an yell feel better.But th thought iv a cup iv tay didnt hilpTerence a bit. What if th Gud People wud payim fer th pig sum time ? Wasnt tomorrow tobe th big day iv is life whin he mint to ax thWidders niece to have im an wasnt th pig toplay an imporrtint parrt ? That hearrt brrokenhe was he jist wint in an laid is arrums on thtable an his head on is arrums a-sobbin whileis mother was fixin is tay. B
ut all at wance hejoomped to is feet, fer whin th hot wather waspoured into th taypot it crracked times three
three loud an distinckt crracks, they was. Mother, mother/ he cried, how manydrawins fer that tay?Three, answered is mother.Horray, shouted Terence, Im off fer th pig,an grrabbin up th taypot he rooshed out in ajiffy-Now in thim days whin a taypot crrackedthree times at th thirrd drawin, it was a charmagin th Gud People.What a funny charm, said Noras eldest.Whin Terence rooshed out iv th door, heheaded strraight fer Mickle Mountain. Over thbog-land he wint, niver sinkin so much as thdepth iv is boot sole evin in th softest parrts,niver losin is way till he cum to th door iv thmountain. He hild th taypot agin th lock, thdoor opened an bearin th taypot before im, hewint strraight up to the King, who had juststipped back frrum killin Terences pig an waswipin is knife on is ryall robe. Stop, ye thaves, cried Terence, Thats mypig yere afther killin, an I want im. Whin Terence said these wurruds, ivry wan ivth Gud People stared in th dirickshun iv th byeas was so bold as to aphake so to th king iv em,an two min with a ax apiece cum runnin up. Butwhin they saw th taypot they stopped shorrt anthin togither with ivry wan in th place, th kingnot excipted, wint down on their knees to im.Terence bein a brright lad camly walked over toth kings thrrone an set down. Now ye can get up, he sed, holdin th tap-pot on is knee.The King was a bit tuk back whin he saw whereTerence was a-sittin but he knowed that as longas th bye hild th taypot, he cud sit annywherein th land iv th Gud People an be bigger norhim. So bein a shrewd chap, he called in iscourt lawyers an whispered to em to thry to talkTerence into letten em hold th pot a minute,seein as how if th bye let it go frrum im thcharrum wud be brroke. But Terence was toosmarrt fer em. No amount iv coaxin er argyiner thrreatenin wud make im let go, an at last,th lawyers give up th job an th King, knowinas how he must git th taypot frrum th turrfcutter. er be feriver in is power, addrissin im-silf to Terence, asked politely: An what kin I do fer ye, me bye ?Now yere talkin right, sez Terence, I cumfer me pig.Thin it was a howl wint up frrum the GudPeople, but th King waved is hand an* Terencewaved th taypot an they was silent agin. Thking thried to think it was him as quieted em, butTerence knowed it was th taypot an hild it abit closter. But, me bye, said th King smilin like ferhe thought he cud worruk Terence evin if thlawyers cudnt. Ye see th pigs just bin kilt, anbefore, it was kilt, we had it blissed by th HowlySaint iv th Gud People an didycated to im, soye see it wudnt do fer th likes iv ye to be atin ivit now.This was sure a stunner fer Terence, fer to ateiv a pig as was diddycated to the Saint iv th GudPeople was worse nor stalin churreh money, so asfar as th pig wint th jig was up. Th king sawas how th bye was feelin a bit squilched an madea grrab fer th taypot but trripped an fell, bring-in Terence back to is sinses. Thin th turrf-cutter put on is thinkin hat an set fer sivralminutes without a-sayin annything
jist a holdinon to th pot fer dear life.Aint they annything yed as leave have as thpig? axed th king not wantin im to git awaywith th pot.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.