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THE NORMAL ADVANCE.39 Heres where I lose a little ground, said thetramp as he stepped into the bath tub.— The Stud-entana.Lots of sermons are not as broad as they arelong.—Journal of Education.Mrs. Newed— What are those purple things ? Dealer— Eggplants, maam.Mrs. N,ewed— Oh, how lovely! Ill take twoand set them out in our back yard. Do they bearfresh eggs all the year round ? —Chicago DailyNews.COMPLETED PROVERBS. The best is cheapest in the end if the endis not too far off. He who sings drives away sorrow, but oftencauses sorrow to his neighbor. True love never grows old it is often killedby its mother in infancy.— The Literary Digest.It is the little things that tell, especially thelittle brothers and sisters.— The Crowe.IN A COMMON PARLANCE.Sunday School Teacher— And so Lots wifeturned to salt. Can any one tell why? Wicked Willie (from the rear)— She was toofresh.—Harvard Lampoon.The Doctor— And so you really wish to go toSouth Africa to nurse the sick and wounded.But have you had any experience ? The Miss— Well, rather! Four of my brothers play foot-ball and my father owns an automobile.— The Crimson.A PARODY.Of all strange things by tongue or pen thestrangest in Greek is a neuter, hen.—The Mirror.The young man who wants to get up with thesun must not sit up late with the daughter.—TheCrowe.POOR MARY.Mary had a little dog,Its fleece was black and tan,She tied it to her bicycle,And by her side it ran.One day while humming down a hillA tom-cat crossed the way.!!!!!!!!Marys in the hospital The wheel is sold, they say.— The Crowe.The Bungloo— I just dote on that girl.The Philosopher— You should take an antidote.Maude— Which would you rather be, rich orhandsome? Clara—Well, Id like to be rich also.—ChicagoDaily News.Schoolmaster—Now, let us have Little Dropsof Water again, and do, please, put a little spiritinto it.—Glasgow Evening Times.A Missouri farmer saw in a paper an advertisement of a fire escape for two dollars. He sentthe two dollars and received in return a copy ofthe New Testament. He claims he was swindled.— The Adrian College World.vSans Method, Sans Outline.Be above the average,—it pays.While you are giving nine rahs for the members of the football team dont forget the secondteam,—those modest, silent fellows who bear morethan half the brunt to develop the first team.It is not fair to classify a person who takes aninterest in athletics as a sport. A sport defines aperson whose ideals and morals are so far belowthose of the college athlete that there is even nolikeness between the two, and the person whoputs both in the same class displays either ignorance or narrow mindedness.When a student is asked to do a little extrawork or something aside from his regular routinethe universal reply is, O, I havent the time.You must get some one else. I have more than |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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