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Description: 38THE NORMAL ADVANCE.regularly are authority for the statement that theother Juniors have missed an intellectual treatand a social good time as well.The last meeting was a decided success. Anumber of extemporaneous speeches were made,among which was a deeply philosophical one byMr. Huber on The Prodigal Son. Joe H.Stahl delivered a highly entertaining lecture onBerries.The programme committee promises a specialprogram of unusual interest for the next meeting.Since Innes band will not be here, attendthe Junior meeting instead.SENIORS.The Senior class held its regular meeting onJ riday evening, Oct. 24. A very good programwas rendered, which consisted of the following :Piano Solo Berthe DodsonVocal Solo Honore ParksReading Mr. WarnerSenior Magnet Mr. G. TippleGold was selected to be the class color for theyear.One of the most important measures of theevening was the adoption of a motion that eachSenior man unaccompanied by a young lady ateach succeeding class meeting would be finedtwenty-five cents.Part of the Seniors are very busy going out tothe Rural Training School each afternoon. Theyreport beautiful scenery along the way with plentyof work at the end of the line.On Friday evening, Nov. 14, a goodly numberof Seniors assembled aj
the regular meeting. Tothe credit of the young men no fines were imposed.The initial number of the program was an excellent reading by Miss Nellie Head. Mr. May-field followed with a comic selection which waswell received.Mr. Hessong, with Miss Carpenter accompan-ing, delighted the class with the beautiful solo,Afterwards, which was rendered in a verysympathetic voice.The Senior Magnet, by Mr. Cushing, wasfull of bright witticisms. It was a fine paper andgreatly appreciated for its lack of vulgar criticisms.Exchanges.I. U has an enrollment of 745, which is an increase of thirty per cent, over any previous fallterms attendance. There is an enrollment of 102in the law school, which is an increase of 37 overlast year.Make up your mind to be the best teacher inthe country but think the matter over carefullybefore you decide that you are. A person is justbeginning to get an education when he finds thathe is deficient in many things.—Arkansas SchoolJournal.Truth is mighty—sometimes its mighty uncomfortable.—Journal of Education.Wood— Extremes meet.Tucker— They do. To-night I ate some angelcake and devilled ham.—Puck.She— Do you think we can get along withoutthat cook, dear ? He— Sure. Why, if the worst comes you cando the cooking and I can get my meals at a restaurant.—Life.You can drive your horse to waterBut you cannot make him drink
You can ride your Latin ponyBut you cannot make him think.— The Studentana.. First Prep— What would you do if you wereon the sea ? Second Prep—Get sea sick.First Prep— And what if you were on a dam? —Kilihilik.An Ohio man advertised for a woman to wash,iron and milk one or two cows.—The Crowe.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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