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THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.13keep up the Sanders name in athletics and hasbeen elected athletic captain for the Freshmanclass, and plays football on the varsity team.Mr. Crawley was called home on account of thesevere illness of his mother.Miss Anderson, to third term grammar class:Please give me the feminine gender for the following masculine forms. Mr. Winklepleck, proceed. Mr. Winklepleck (proceeding)—I haventany opposite.Voice (from upstairs to suitor in the parlor) —George, when you leave will you please throw inthe morning paper ?Miss Nellie Cline, 04, is teaching in Huntington county.If thats my grandfather speaking, said theman who had paid his coin, there must be something wrong, for I cant understand him.Hes speaking in Latin, you know, said themedium. Ill have to translate it for you.But he never spoke a word of Latin in hislife.Perhaps not, but hes dead now, and Latin isone of the dead languages.At a reception given recently by the Y. M. C. A.the men were asked for some original poetry. Wegive the readers of The Advance some of theprize selections. The chairman of the social committee offers a reward for the themes of thesegems:Kansas has a famous dame Her name is Carrie Nation.Once she came to our stateAnd shed stop at every station,Where the grog shops always catch itOn account of Carries hatchet.Indiana is for Pfrimmer,Who lives on the Kankakee.Hes a dreamer for the primerAnd his rep is up in G.Our cards spell Parsons name, tis true,But in the spring of naughty twoParsons pitching wouldnt do.Cunningham, the man with the fuz,Was made librarian just becuzHe knowed what a good book wuz.J. D. Adams, who holds the record for the highjump, visited friends here Oct, 12. Adams is employed in one of the large stores in Indianapolis,Miss Virginia Pate, junior, 02, is teaching aprimary school at Osgood.Miss Estelle King, 01, is teaching her secondand very successful year at Indianapolis.The following appeared in the Chicago DailyMaroon:The election of the 05 medic class officers yesterday developed a great deal of enthusiasm andrivalry among the candidates. There was no lackof material and the meeting was a rousing one.On the informal ballot for president, Goheenand Padget were the most popular, with Scott aclose follower. On the final ballot Mr. Padgetwas elected. Brown was chosen as vice president.When Miss Little was nominated for secretary allother candidates withdrew in her favor, and shewas elected by a unanimous vote. Although thereare several women in the class, Miss Little wasthe only one who ventured to attend. In responseto cries of speech, she thanked the class for thehonor they had bestowed upon her, and also forthe recognition it had given women as medicalstudents.Messrs. Padgett, Allison and Blue are doingwork in Eush Medical this year.On Friday, Oct. 3, occurred the death of InezLeichner, of Harlan, Allen county, Indiana. MissLeiehner was a student in the Normal during thespring of 1900 and was this year teaching atCedarville, a town near her home. She had beensuffering for about a week with tonsilitis, but herillness was not considered by her relatives andfriends as at all dangerous.Brainard Vawter, the Freshman, had some difficulty in entering this fall and was obliged to askthe assistance of an old student.Mr. Boy Jordan visited the I. S. N. Oct. 9.Some say he came up for the express purpose ofseeing one of the descendants of Kit Carson.Bert Beasley, S. S. S., is teaching grades sevenand eight at Hymera, Bert attended the IndianaLaw School at Indianapolis last summer and intends to make law his profession.John W. Eatcliffe, of West Terre Haute, hasgone to Ann Arbor, Mich., and will take the law |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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